Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mercenary letters

Valerius stood up and wished his face, a general approached to soldiers and he begun a discourse: “Our soldiers are around 29.000 soldiers and that of protestant are 21.00, much are mercenaries and we must trust of these person, although we must attentive for their reaction and above all, that they don’t betray, today is 8th November 1620, and we are in Bílá Hora or Weisser Berg for German and White month for other; general von Mansfeld before protestant now catholic is our general, and soldiers, as he want that we call him, we are certainly better armed and we have more soldiers than heretical, we must use this vantage, very next is Prague, and we must arrived there and conquer it, the count Buquoy and noble man Tilly our supreme generals have said that nobody can die without order, God sees us by sky and proteges us by dangers, therefore we are very lucky, other are heretical or protestant therefore very long from God, we have divine truth because we are catholic, now we must pray”, and a Franciscan monk approached and in Latin gave benediction: “Dominus vobiscum”, and among soldiers very little know Latin but among memories of former messes that they have heard somebody answered: “Et cum spirito tuo”.Valerius therefore gone back to his bed, a layer of straw on word, he and other soldiers slept with armies and dress, every moment can be perfect for an attack, but perhaps that day not, because was Sunday, and at last religion was respected. Therefore Valerius decided write a letter to Angelica his wife; Valerius was a mercenary soldier and he gained alone for war, which during 17th don’t lack, then took pen and paper: “Dear Angelica, my love, I am now at White month and I think always that you now are alone, but you know that for us it is very important, I aren’t catholic or protestant, but unfortunately I must take every position for gain, anyway I promise that when I will go back we will have a son, as you want, I love you my treasure”, that day passed among typical jockeys soldiers and language same. Valerius with sunset he has waited postman for his letter, but that day all was stop for Sunday, he kept his letter with much prudence, and to sunset he, as other, slept. Day after, with sound of trumpet, Valerius got up, and took his armies, he uploaded his rifle, but he noted that he hasn’t letter, and he look around and saw postman with his horse, therefore calmed and smiled for his naivety. Toward night after fight and some dead, Valerius gone back for to eat and for to sleep, he though often his letter and though that answered would be arrived after some week, because Angelica was illiterate and then she before must go master of country for write her answer, but she must pay master, and therefore she must wait money for this service. Day after always very early Valerius got up and with big his surprise he looked that he has a letter next his bad of straw, he though a jokey, and then opened letter, but before he smell a strong perfume, a very sweetest perfume, and he was very charmed, smell this perfume for half hour and finally he opened letter and red: “My love, Valerius, you missing me very much, and I think every day where you are and how are you, although I see how are you, and I know that you are very well now, I pray always for you, and I know that you will go back and you will be always with me for eternity”, Valerius  was very astonish for these words od Angelica, because he knows that Angelica was very little interested to paradise and religion, she gone to mess but often avoided it, and with much pleasure, on contrary she joked about who gone to mess, and often she asked because they gone to mess, therefore that Angelica prays and word eternity, was very strange for Angelica, but he thought that she should was worried for him; and while a soldiers, friend of Valerius approached to him and asked: “Then? Do you know read? It is big surprise”, Valerius looked forward and after his friend, Romulus, and commented: “And you are life still? It is very astonishing, I thought that some heretical has killed you, but evidently, they won’t waste bullet for you, since cost of bullet is very great”, these behavior between them was usually, and Romulus after noted and said: “What is this perfume? I smell a perfume very strong”, and Valerius: “It is letter of my Angelica”, Romulus looked letter and naturally he doesn’t what he has read, Romulus knows perfectly that Valerius accepted much jokes and beats but not around Angelica, then he was silent. But trumpet sounded and battle begun again. Also that day passed, and Valerius slept.  While during battle that was very strong Romulus was hurt by a bullet, and after some hour he died. Valerius was very worry and he cry and he felt worry very strong. Day after he got up and with surprise he saw Romulus on one’s feet who look around and seems to ignore Valerius, who while looked Romulus and asked: “Romulus, what is?” Romulus haired but not answered and continued to look around, Valerius called with high voice Romulus and he turned towards Valerius and answered: “Yes, excuse me this letter for you, I think that is from Angelica”, Valerius with suspect looked Valerius, but after red soon letter, that said: “My love sweetest, I must say you that I have some hour to life and letter that you now are reading is true last, but you mustn’t fright because we will be together for eternity”. Valerius red and red again letter, and he cried with much worry. But while war continued and dead and again dead, until a day when Valerius was got up with Romulus, very next for bad, general made names of dead, and alone for letter of first name, and when letter was R, Valerius haired name of Romulus, he looked around and he saw Romulus who looked him and smiled, and after for letter V, he haired name of Valerius, he saw astonished and said general: “General I am here, I aren’t died”, but more he cry than less general haired, until Romulus called him: “Valerius, you are died, and I am died and Angelica is died, we must go Angelica, she wait you”, and Romulus indicated a cavern, and both gone in, and when Valerius was in cavern, he was charming by perfume that he has smelled from letter of Angelica; he shut eyes and haired voice of Angelica: “I have said that we will be together for eternity”.

                  Alessandro Lusana                                       



Sunday, October 29, 2017

Plastic reality of Giacomo Serpotta

Giacomo Serpotta Sicilian sculptor of 18th is a moment of true plastic naturalism, which get over other colleagues, Serpotta got natural behavior and he translated it in material of stucco, his analysis of human gender and his moment is very important for a plastic moment when is shew our emotive participation, our feel, and for our  typically expressions, realism of two child(Fig.1) it isn’t alone an exercise of sculpture but a moment for representation of behavior of two child, who occasionally are also two angels, but for this moment are again and only two child, for Martyr of San Lorenzo(Fig.2), same character, with spiritual emphasis necessary for this subject but always with natural treatment, is sufficient to look face of old man on left and position of grating for saint and behavior of young who fires wood, all is natural, all is human truth; as Battle of Lepanto(Fig.3), natural is mixed with mannerism decoration, present in Rome for some façade of palace, Villa Medici and Palazzo Spada, but is, at last here, got from Hispanic decorative(Figg-4-6), but battle at center is very representation of reality, because also spatial concept is built with will of representation, this concept is ready in use for Donatello and his “stiacciato, during 15th in Florence, but Donatello could suggested the dimension while Serpotta shows this concept, then Serpotta is very important realist who made sculptor too.
Alessandro Lusana

La realtà plastica di Giacomo Serpotta

Giacomo Serpotta, scultore siciliano del XVIII secolo, resta un momento di realismo scultoreo, che supera molti suoi colleghi, Serpotta assume gli atteggiamenti naturali dell’uomo  e li traduce in materia, la sua indagine sull’umano genere resta davvero rilevante, lui traduce gli atteggiamenti e le emozioni fugaci del momento, il nostro sentito e le nostre tipiche espressioni, il realismo per due fanciulli(Fig.1), non è solo un esercizio di scultura ma un momento di rappresentazione dell’atteggiamento di due fanciulli, che sono anche due angeli, ma per l’occasione, per il Martirio di San Lorenzo(Fig.2), medesimo carattere stilistico, l’enfasi necessaria per il soggetto ma sempre con un naturale trattamento, sia sufficiente guardare il viso dell’uomo sulla sinistra, e la posizione della grata per il santo, come il giovane che accende il fuoco, tutto è naturale, tutto è umana realtà; come la Battaglia di Lepanto(Fig.3), dove però la realtà è unita con il decorativismo manierista, presente anche in Roma, sulla facciata di Villa Medici e Palazzo Spada, ma è, almeno qui, assunto direttamente dal decorativismo spagnolo(Figg.4-6), ma la Battaglia è il centro della rappresentazione reale, poiché anche il concetto spaziale è costruito con una reale rappresentazione, concetto già in uso durante il XV secolo in Firenze per opera di Donatello con il suo “stiacciato”, che poté suggeriste soltanto lo spazio mentre Serpotta crea lo spazio, quindi Serpotta resta un realista che fece anche lo scultore.

Alessandro Lusana


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Holy words

Not certainly every book of Scipione Ammirato,16th and 17th,  are very readable, on contrary some is very boring, and suggested by other authors, as Plutarch and Livy, ancient historical, in fact Parallels are alone life of pope and other, very synthetic and useless for portrait of character, but sometime a book can be very educational as Proverbs and Sentences that has very important valuation around human character and behavior confront with episode, for example: “Who boasts is very similar who enjoys of food”, in fact nothing has material but alone formal; and: “Very stupid is want from friend that he wouldn’t make for himself”, and very important above all for human report: “Major utility we have by enemy who reproach you than friend who love you”, anybody has a friend that praises us and lies constantly; and “Truth friendship that for utility and disgrace is ground” it is true because is very easily to ground when is alone utility. Around beauty Ammirato tells: “To listen comments of a young for beauty it is sign that he hasn’t nothing good”, it is description of persons that haven’t nothing and are nothing, because alone to show is important. And other around advises: “Do you won’t advice? Then read. Do you won’t read? Hear whom knows”, this is truth as other here mentioned, because we often don’t read for understand and don’t hear because we want know directly what is consequence of some condition.

Alessandro Lusana

Sante parole

Certamente non tutte le opere di Scipione Ammirato, storico a cavallo fra XVI e XVII secolo, sono leggibili, anzi qualcuna è davvero noiosa, e riprese da altro autore, come Plutarco e Livio, come ad esempio i Paralleli le vite di papi ed altri personaggi, davvero sintetiche, quanto inutili per il ritratto del personaggi, ma qualche opera potrebbe risultare davvero educativa, come i Proverbi e le Sentenze, che resta una attente analisi intorno al carattere umano e agli atteggiamenti assunti per alcuni episodi, per esempio: “Il falso vantatore è pari a chi si pasce dell’odor delle vivande”, infatti nulla di materiale ma solo formale; “Stupido è chi voglia da un amico ciò che questo non farebbe per sé stesso”, e molto importante soprattutto per i rapporti umani: “Abbiamo maggiore utilità dal nemico che ci biasima che dall’amico che ci loda”, chiunque ha un amico che ci loda e mente costantemente, e: “La vera amicizia si fonda sulla prosperità come sulla disgrazia”, resta davvero facile fondare un rapporto solo sull’utilità. Intorno alla bellezza Ammirato afferma: “Ascoltare I commenti di un giovane intorno alla bellezza è segno che nulla si abbi di buono”, questa descrizione corrisponde a chi non abbia nulla, perché solo l’apparenza assume importanza. Un altro intorno ai consigli: “Non vuoi consigliare? Quindi leggi. Non vuoi leggere? Ascolta di conosce”, questa è la verità come molte altre qui menzionate, perché spesso non capiamo e non vogliamo ascoltare perché vogliamo sperimentare direttamente le conseguenze di una condizione.

Alessandro Lusana   




Necessary enemy

A man wanders for place and looks for every philosopher who cries again somebody or offended other, and tool every episodes necessary for to slander everybody; therefore who accused the next philosopher around some fall, and laughed for some theory very laughable, who cries again other next and other, and some party that listen these thesis and other concepts expressed; then the man approached to a philosopher and asked: “Can I ask something?”, and philosopher answered: “Yes, you can give every questions! Please ask”, and man: “Why do you need of enemy?”, the philosopher looked man with interested eyes and answered: “It is very interesting question, and you ask it because you have answered, then I wait your answer”, and man: “I think that you have need of enemies because in your hate you can feel very something, you hate somebody because you are bearer of a think, an image, a feel, you find your identity in hate, although this person has nothing again you, on contrary he is indifferent for your words, you are your personality in hate for somebody, alone so you have your identity, it is necessary, if he is political enemy, you consider him very dangerous, because he is bearer think that can destabilize the government and order; but somebody has ask you never if you truly consider this order very better? Because I am very curious that know is this order for you is better than other; the your political enemy is a monarchic man, because you are democratic, then today you are for enchantment king of this city, you have right life or death everybody; give your power to people, and you leave that people makes  his decisions, that makes his chooses”, in fact philosopher was in meeting where much discussed around every argument, and philosopher was very confused for very much voices and judgements, and in this confusion where was difficult both to listen and to follow, philosopher cried: “Stop! Now stop, I and alone I order, and you will be silent”, then a man approach to philosopher and commented: “You become enemy yourself, you are sincere democratic now you order silence, and our opinion you don’t consider”, then philosopher answered: “I can consider your opinion, but…”, and man: “As long as our opinion must coincide with your opinion, otherwise isn’t opinion, you are very monarchic man, monarchic, from ancient Greek μονος άρχη government of one alone person, you are now enemy yourself, not people government but one alone”, philosopher then: “I must make with coherence, then now I am monarchic”, and man: “Very good, clever philosopher, you will be beatified, because you now are enemy, and you manage to press hate of people, that while looks you don’t looks other, and then doesn’t consider that government is making, this is nothing, you are the necessary enemy, you must exist because people can hate somebody; and you mustn’t worry, because history after will say around you and your government and all will be known, therefore you are very lucky because you will be hated now and after discharge, but now you attract hate of crowd and you are very important, because you are enemy, therefore you attract attention and very little will be they will love you, and those will be they that will tell alone truth and when they will listened truth will be known for ever, and you, when hate will be past you will be forget, because you not will be motive for hate, hate and love move soul, two feel opposite but certainly very strong, because adrenaline is very present for these feel, then men have need of hate, and somebody for hate, but you are man too, and you hate now and will hate ever; the good person are they who less hate, but they hate too, mankind must hate because it must defender his propriety, and then it must hate somebody, when we hate somebody we score that he wants damn us, and we love a somebody because we believe that he can give good for us; but if we love somebody we hate somebody, it is projection of our feel that we identify with persons or thing that are loved or hate by us; anybody can become necessary enemy. 
Alessandro Lusana                  


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Socratic document

A young man sited on the chair was reading file of ancient document, around 16th, 17th and 15th century; he sometime looked toward other place of room, he was in an archive, in Los Angeles, a collector had bought these documents and now he had asked in his testament that this collection was ordered from an archivist; Lorenz, this was name of archivist, begun his work with enthusiasm, certainly in Los Angeles, this experience was very rare, document very ancient with comparison to recent document, the oldest document that Lorenz had saw was a contract of 1978; then he must consider again his memory around write and handwriting, Lorenz had a master in archivist that he had achieved in Europe, and he had worked for much years for much European archives, and he had studied and paleography; this commission was very new and charming for Lorenz; but more enthusiasm was for different provenience of these document, from different European nations. Lorenz red notarial act and other, acquisition, penal document, confession, letters and other; but some time looked, as said above, and he hasn’t understood why some document says a version and other contradicted that before, a history of a military attack certainly at 1592 in anonymous place attracted interest of Lorenz, who red with much attention this document, but introduction of this document was lack, document said: “They killed 48 men, and Captain of that country, whom was killed; and I had seen that bandits sacked all, cloth and furniture and food and other they throwed. This tell is true and I was present and for grace of God I am saved now. Cosmo other witness tells: Mark Sciarra I have saw with other bandits, and they perhaps were six hundred, and this is truth, and men shut but they went in through a forum on the walls, and three bandits was killed”, Lorenz was charming by this tale and he continued to read the testimony of other witness, and he finished read of this document and took other with same date and same attack, and he has red: “I have saw alone three person that stole some hens, and I haven’t saw bandit, and neither armies, but alone four poor, and nobody dead, and a farm man who had followed them because hens were his, they are alone three dead of hunger, that tried survive for theft of three hens; hours was night, and they made much confusion so owner awaked soon and got up and took a stick, got out from home and he cried against these dead of hungry, this is true and it is happen at 1592”; Lorenz was very astonished, and he though: “And fight? Where do were bandit and steal and shots?”, and Lorenz has saw document for to consider if he has lost a part, red again, but documents were all, he reised head and he saw a man with stick bard that was sawing him; Lorenz as much astonish saw old man and asked: “Who are you?”, and man smiled and answered: “A old man who is seeing young man with difficult, and this old man would want know because you are so astonish”, and Lorenz is continuing tool: “Because these documents tells two tales different, same attack but with two versions very, for one it was a fight very cruel, for other a theft of hens, and I want know what is the true; these are two official documents and…”, old man interrupted Lorenz and commented: “Do you have red other document, I think that you must read it because perhaps it will says truth, read it”, old man stood up and went out. Lorenz searched among documents, that were very much, and one he took by a heap, and he begun to read it. On document was wrote: “Who has said that every document although official is true? Perhaps these official documents are very false or they tell a tale that isn’t true, although is official; you must consider who has wrote these document and who has asked the draft of this document, and whom he has wanted hide and what he has wanted hide, these documents have costumers and notarial must consider alone that costumer tells, every man has will and wanted hide something and stand out something; your comment is very foreseeable, but these are official document and then are true; my answer; it is motive for to false these documents, because we believe that since are official are true, it is behind officiality that is false, because is official document, is form that we consider and never essence, you must now have consider essence on contrary form, two official documents that tell two version around same episode, same year, same day, same hour, but one is commissioned from a costumer while other by other costumer, and they have tell two histories different”; Lorenz then finished the read and he has saw signature. Every man has his truth, and who writes the documents has his truth, and who commissions these documents has his truth and wants that so it is wrote, then a truthful document not will be write never.   

Socrates Athenian
Alessandro Lusana



























Saturday, October 21, 2017

Reproof to Machiavelli

I sincerely love Niccolò Machiavelli, the first policy scientist, and I think lost also, because other are historical that had tools history but not policy, Niccolò is true historical political, but he had made some mistake also, and historical mistake, when he said that the Church made that Italy was disunited, but Italy after fall of Roman empire was always disunite, and the Church called strangers people for defense, because hasn’t owner army, and Italy by Middle age was conquered from much people, that was defeated by other people, that while was went in Italy; when Scipione Ammirato, an Italian historical of 16th and 17th, comments this opinion of Machiavelli and he said, around pope Julius II, who called Swisses for contrast to French in Pontifical State, then Machiavelli reproach the pope because has called stranger, but Ammirato answered: “Italy was government by Italian, Hispanic, (south Italy), he(pope), throwed French it wasn’t diminution or grow disunion of Italy?”, sorry but Ammirato was right, it is to throw stranger and not certainly increase it; and more over Machiavelli won’t consider that much stranger government with formal power, but alone formal, and that had divided Italy and Italian were Italian same; it is sufficient considerer that Machiavelli was Florentine, a region that in Italy is famous both for art and for disunion, wars among Tuscan city were daily, but in Tuscan the Church wasn’t while disunion yes, for example Pisa and Florence warred by 1480, and Machiavelli was lead of Florentine army again Pisa around 1512, but Florentine and Pisani were Italian. Machiavelli was pressed by a anticlericalism very strong, and he want saw the Church as wrong.

Alessandro Lusana

Rimprovero a Machiavelli

Sinceramente io amo Niccolò Machiavelli, il primo scienziato della politica, e credo anche l’ultimo, altri erano storici ma non politici, mentre Machiavelli resta un vero politico della storia, ma anche lui compì qualche errore, quando disse che la Chiesa voleva tenere disunita l’Italia, ma l’Italia dopo la caduta dell’impero romano fu sempre disunita, la Chiesa dovette chiamare gli stranieri per difendersi da eserciti nemici, perché non aveva eserciti propri, e inoltre l’Italia dal Medio Evo fu terra di conquista di molti popoli, sconfitti da altri popoli; quando Scipione Ammirato, uno storico italiani fra XVI e XVII secolo, commenta questa opinione dicendo, intorno a papa Giulio II, che chiamò gli svizzeri per cacciare i francesi dal regno pontificio, l’Ammirato risponde al Machiavelli: “L’Italia era governata da italiani e spagnoli(sud Italia), quindi il pappa che scaccia i francesi era elemento di disunione ovvero unione?”, spiacente ma l’Ammirato ha ragione, scacciare i francesi fu elemento di unione sebbene sia restato ancor oggi qualche guardia svizzera; Machiavelli non volle considerare che molti stranieri governavano l’Italia, con un potere formale, solo formale, e ciò che divideva l’Italia erano i soli Italiani; sia sufficiente considerare che Machiavelli era fiorentino, una regione nota per i capolavori d’arte e per lo spirito campanilistico, guerreggiava costantemente, ma in Toscana la Chiesa non c’era mentre vi era la disunione, ad esempio Pisa e Firenze guerreggiavano dal 1480 e fiorentini e pisani erano italiani, Machiavelli era sollecitato a questo giudizio anche da un anticlericalismo davvero profondo e vedeva spesso la Chiesa come il male.

Alessandro Lusana 


Friday, October 20, 2017

Ambivalent speculation: the poetry of Aristoteles

The exercise of read is pure speculation, in conformity with philosophical sense, this is observation, and Aristoteles is, in opinion of Hegel, is founder of this philosophical address, opinion I think pressed from love of Hegel for Aristoteles rather a deep think on other philosophers; because Socrates was speculative and certainly more than Aristoteles, because Aristoteles looked external reality but Socrates that human interior, then he was more speculative than Aristoteles, and philosopher who had seen nature were speculative, but alone for nature. Anyway, over psychologies for poor, evidently the Poetry of Aristoteles is result of speculation od Greek tragedies, which Aristoteles seen, and it is first exercise of speculation, and this concept is expressed by Aristoteles in a step of this book: The tragedy is in fact imitation not men but actions and live…; Aristoteles makes a distinction between tragedy and comedy, the first makes action, and alone in that tragedy birth: More over without action isn’t tragedy; all is speculation, exercise of theatrical speculation that become philosophical speculative exercise, then it is two speculations in one book alone. Then ambivalent.

Alessandro Lusana

Speculazione ambivalente: la Poetica di Aristotele

L’esercizio della lettura resta pura speculazione, conforme all’accezione filosofica del lemma, ossia osservazione, e Aristotele è, nell’opinione di Hegel, il fondatore di questo indirizzo filosofico, opinion che credo dettata maggiormente dall’amore di Hegel per Aristotele piuttosto che da una pensata concezione ed analisi di altri filosofi precedenti ad Aristotele, perché Socrate era uno speculativo e certamente  molto più che Aristotele, perché lo stagirita guardò l’esterno mentre Socrate l’interno dell’uom, come altri filosofi precedenti anche a Socrate guardarono la natura facendo esercizio speculativo. Comunque oltre questa psicoanalisi della domenica, la Poetica di Aristotele resta il risultato di speculazioni sulla tragedia Greca, che Aristotele guardò, e questo resta il primo esercizio di speculazione, e questo concetto è espresso da Aristotele in un passo dell’opera: La tragedia è imitazione non dell’uomo ma delle azioni e della vita…; Aristotele fa una distinzione fra la tragedia e la commedia, la prima compie l’azione e solo così nasce la tragedia, lo stagirita afferma: Inoltre senza l’azione non c’è la tragedia e la commedia…; tutto è speculazione, esercizio di speculazione teatrale che diviene filosofia speculativa, quindi due speculazioni in un solo libro. Quindi ambivalente.

Alessandro Lusana


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Cassius tells

Cassius was in forum and he turned with lantern when was day and with sun very present, as Diogenes who was searching man, Cassius was searching the truth, and people looked Cassius and laughed, and somebody asked to Cassius: “Cassius where are you going, attentive because in the night you risk to trip and to fall, keep high that lantern”, a man that was very cultured, approached to Cassius and he called: “Diogenes! Are you Diogenes, his friends or his pupil?” Cassius turned toward voice and said: “I am Cassius and I am searching the truth”, man then asked: “What truth?” and Cassius: “Around Caesar and his death, I want know what is happened in that episode”, and man asked: “Who are you?” and Cassius: “I am Cassius Diones Cocceianus from Nicaea, son of Cassio Aproniano, governor of Cilicia and Dalmatia, and I want write around Rome and her history, and now I want know around death of Caesar”, man saw Cassius and said: “Rightly, and I can tell this history, and you must heard what I will tell, because I haven’t red it but I have saw it, this homicide” Cassius then commented: “Are you present when Caesar was killed by Brutus and Cassius?”, and man who while looked toward other place of forum: “Yes I was present, and I have saw all”, Cassius very excited asked soon: “Therefore you can tell me every particular of this homicide, and I will hear you”, man then invited Cassius to a tavern and ordered vine, he looked Cassius and began his history: “Caesar tripped always without bodyguard, alone, and plotters decided that this homicide will happen in curia of Senate” and Cassius: “Why in the curia?”, and man: “Because Brutus and Cassius know that Caesar there nothing can fear, and then there he was lacking of defense, and they hoped that there they can have some knifes for this homicide, and they hope also that others without armies don’t help Caesar” and Cassius: “If somebody has help Caesar?”, and man: “I somebody has helped Caesar we have gladiator that we have trained in Pompeo’s theater; and the day of homicide came, and when they entered in curia, they called Caesar, and foreseeing advised Caesar of these dangers, and his wife before day f homicide had dreamed that their home was fell, and Caesar same dreamed that he was raised to sky, and was very next Jupiter, and other prodigies happened, as armies of Mars, that Caesar keeps because Pontificem Maximus, made very big sound to doors of room where he slept, and so was opened, and these prodigies forbitten to Caesar go out from home; and in fact after much person remembered of these prodigies as sign of misfortune, and then plotters though that Caesar doesn’t come in curia, and they will be discovered, and then they sent Decimo Brutus, very friend of Caesar, at last he come in curia with Caesar, and Brutus belittled every prodigies, and he was saying that Senate want saw him, persuaded Caesar for gone out form home, and while he was going out a sculpture with face of Caesar fell and was broke, and Caesar don’t heard word of a foreseen, and he gave to Caesar a small book that tells everything which his homicide were prepared, but Caesar hasn’t read this book because he had considered very little important, and he answered to a foreseen and he said: “Do you not see that in this day I am life”, and foreseen answered: “This day isn’t passed”, Caesar gone in curia, and Trebonius kept away Anthony, and plotters had decided that also Anthony and Lepidus were killed, and while Trebonius was talking with Anthony, others assemble around Caesar, and others began talked whit him, and when was moment for homicide somebody approached to Caesar and undressed toga, and so he given sign to others plotters, and in fact others plotters approached to Caesar knifed him”. Cassius heard with much attention and he saw that man got up, and asked: “Where do you go?” and man answered: “To Philippi next Pangeus month”, and Cassius then asked also: “What is your name?”, man looked other place of tavern and: “Brutus”, and he gone out.

Alessandro Lusana      



Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mosaic pages

Around Alexander Dumas and his most famous Three musketeer are full bibliographic studies, and their fortunate meet and duels and other is very pregnant of enthusiasm and adventure; this spirit is also present in Twenty years after, still important romance for adventures of three or four; Dumas describes but without long discourses and, above all, in this romance is history that author tells with same pause, or better, narrative moment, very bore but are very rare; but with The viscount  of Bragalonne, is all bore, and stop! Dumas tells all and nothing, this is describes moments that haven’t not sequence in romance, it is narrative a whole that haven’t sequel, every moment has start and end but without sequel in successive action, it is a mosaic of moments connected among them between some page, but it is all, where does history is? It is unfortunately is also defect of Queen Margot, other romance of Dumas, episodes without sense and ended for themselves. Dumas after 350 romance evidently was very tired and we must admire his very much prolificness, but we must be also honest and consider that isn’t always very beauty because Dumas had wrote it.
Alessandro Lusana

Pagine musive

Intorno ad Alexander Dumas e al suo celeberrimo I tre moschettieri le bibliografie sono piene di studi, per il loro fortuito incontro, per i duelli e altro che attesta la vera pregnanza delle avventure; il medesimo spirito che troviamo anche nel Venti anni dopo, la continuazione dei tre ovvero quattro moschettieri; Dumas descrive  ma senza lunghi discorsi e, soprattutto, è la storia che l’autore racconta con qualche pausa, o meglio, momento narrativo, che Dumas descrive ma senza dilungarsi, quantunque questi brevi momenti siano davvero noiosi, ma rari; ma il Visconte di Bragalonne è tutto noioso, e basta! Dumas racconta  tutto e nulla, descrive momenti che non hanno conseguenza nel romanzo, una complessiva narrazione di eventi che non hanno seguito, ogni momento ha un inizio e una fine in qualche pagina, è un mosaico di momenti connessi fra loro in qualche pagina, ma la storia dove è? Questo resta il difetto anche della Regina Margot, altro romanzo di Dumas, episodi privi di senso narrativo ma iniziati e conclusi in sé stessi. Certamente dopo 350 romanzi Dumas  evidentemente era davvero stanco  e noi dobbiamo ammirare  la sua prolifica penna e dobbiamo anche onestamente considerare che non tutto quello che Dumas scrisse fu degno di lode.  
Alessandro Lusana


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Vitruvius orat


In Fano Italian city



Some bricklayers

Voice out shot: I am a voice that musts tell what is this theatrical tale; it is a dialogue between Vitruvius, ancient Roman architect, who lives between 1th and 2th century before and after Christ, and he tells Andrew, an young architect what is architecture and what we must make for this exercise, and all this acknowledge is in De Architectura, only book of Vitruvius that describes every step for Roman architecture[1].     

Vitruvius(while he saw bricklayers): Caesar mix very well this quicklime, wait that I came soon for to see, because I certainly haven’t trust; in fact so I have thought, it is wrong! More water, and mixt very well it, bricklayers, damned race, mixt and mixt; Flavius, this rafter, how much we must wait? First is set a rafter of wood and after that of stone.

Andrew(Young man): Vitruvius what do I must write for your book De Architectura?

Vitruvius: Write that for everything, and above all for architecture, there are two steps, meaning thing, and that is means. Meaning thing is that treated, and that means is that demonstrated and free by doctrine and their region. Do you are understanding? Not certainly.

Andrew(with expression very distressed): It isn’t easy to understand.

Vitruvius: Architect must be man of letter, but also very practical for drawing, he must know very well geometrical and he must know optical and arithmetical, and he must know much histories, and he must hear philosophies, he must know music and medicine, he must know laws and other

Andrew: Why?

Vitruvius: The architect must know around letters he has strong memory, and drawing because he must show what is his think, geometry teaches use of ruler, and whit these instrument we can draw plane of building, with this instrument we can make right lines and right angles, and with optical we can take light from sky, with arithmetical we can calculate spending, and measures; he must know very much histories, because often, the architects draw building with ornament, and these ornament had region for their presence, for example: if an architect had set on contrary of columns sculptures with dressed women, caryatides are called and should they have cornices, and if somebody ask, he answered that: “Caria city of Pelopennesus for conquer Greece, but Greek wined and conquered Caria and they killed male sons, they took their mothers and Greeks don’t leave that these women throw their dresses, then architects then wanted that these women have weight.

Andrew: Music? Where is music which you have mentioned?

Vitruvius: Architect must know music for rules of harmony and mathematical rapports.

Andrew: And medicine?

Vitruvius: Medicine is necessary for climate, what is air very wrong and for water, because with these information architect can knows what is better condition for a home.

Andrew: And laws?

Vitruvius: Laws for wall, gutter-pipe, for cesspit and other and for to ovoid future quarrel.

Andrew: But for a city and her walls, how do we can make?

Vitruvius: First we must choose a town that is very good for air, and neither cold neither worm, but temperate; because next marshy citizens will have wrong health, therefore we must build this walls in town very healthy. An example are cities of Ravenna, Aitino and Aquileia, and other cities, very next to marshy, and they haven’t drainpipe, as Pontine marshy, they stagnate and give vapour very wrong, also in Apulia ancient city of Salapia, that was built by Diomedes was took by these vapour, and he bought word next to sea, and he has asked to Roman Senates, if he can transfer city there, he built walls, and gave word every citizen; made it, he opened communication between sea and lake, and on lake he built port for the city, it is motive for Salapini, are very next ancient city  and in healthy town.

Andrew: The city what form musts have? Because I think that you have some good suggests also for this particular.

Vitruvius: Certainly! Form of city must be circle, so that enemies by much side was struck, differently if walls have with acute angle, because this angle protects better enemy than citizen. Ma now sunset is next, then we must go to home, there where are bricklayers, and tomorrow we will continue this discourse.   
Alessandro Lusana


[1] For this tale I have used Latin edition Marcus Vitruvius Polliones, De architectura, Milan 1973.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sensationalism of Steiner

The Philosophy of liberty of Rudolf Steiner has certainly so much of sensationalism, that had, in Condillac and his Traité des sensation, a refence very important although never mentioned, but all is very influenced from this concept, an example: “Every principle that we want demonstrate we must before see it[1] it is clear declaration of a principle that trusts on senses, and on mere human condition that must see for a true acknowledge, in fact after Steiner, in other page affirms that image is principle and when we take again a concept we take alone image of this concept, for example: a tree is a concept, that we take alone for image, but this image we have took alone for our look; to the word as a will and representation of Schopenauer, Steiner confront his think with his sensationalism: “…in front of his discourse we can set other: my eye looks alone sun and my hand  touches word are my representation, as word and sun are”, then this concept is very important for our thesis because alone with senses we can have acknowledge, directly acknowledge, and for this we can have representations of thing, that become alone acknowledge of a representation but not certainly thing specific, but a first meeting with thing, but Steiner adds that this idealistic concept of acknowledge alone for ideal representation is very invalid because this is alone first motive for subsequent acknowledge.
Alessandro Lusana

Il sensismo di Steiner

La Filosofia della libertà di Rudolf Steiner ha certamente tanto del sensismo che emerge in Condillac  e nel suo Trattato delle sensazioni, un riferimento davvero importante, quantunque mai menzionato, ma questo saggio steirneriano è il prodotto della diretta influenza sul concetto della conoscenza: “Ogni principio che noi vogliamo dimostrare dobbiamo prima vederlo” questa è la dichiarazione di un principio che fida molto sui sensi, e sulla mera condizione umana che deve inevitabilmente vedere per conoscere; infatti Steiner, in altra pagina afferma che l’immagine è il principio, e quando prendiamo un concetto lo cogliamo solo con lo sguardo; riguardo al mondo e la rappresentazione di Schopenauer, Steiner affronta questo idealismo con il suo sensismo: “…di fronte al suo discorso se ne potrebbe mettere un altro: il mio occhio che vede il sole e la mia mano che tocca la terra stessi”, solo la mano e il tatto e l’occhio adducono la conoscenza, la diretta conoscenza, per cui noi possiamo avere la concezione diretta di quanto stiamo vagliando, che diviene certamente la conoscenza della rappresentazione ma non certamente la cosa specifica i sé, ma solo un primo incontro con l’oggetto, ma Steiner aggiunge che  questa rappresentazione diviene davvero anodina poiché questo deve è solo un motivo a cui deve seguire la conoscenza specifica.  
Alessandro Lusana  


[1] R. Steiner, La filosofia della libertà, Milano 2003, p.29.

Monday, October 2, 2017

A Giordano of Caetani

The parable of Luca Giordano laps also Sermoneta for presence of Caetani’s family, a Saint Francis(Fig.1), is of Luca Giordano, who here seems lacks of his baroque nature and takes a valour spiritual alone; the sublject takes interely, because a copy, the same saint at Colonna Gallery in Rome, a local historical, Pietro Pantanelli(1710-1787), says that this painting is of Girolamo Muziano, Pantanelli saw this painting in church of Maria Santissima dei Monti, today better known as Santa Maria della Vittoria, today inexistent, however Pantanelli describe outlines, while he talking around church, this painting: “(the church)has twoo chapels, one in front to other, in his access: at wright chapel dedicated to Saint Francis, and has a painting of Girolamo Muziani…”, today Pantanelli attribuited painting of painters who are very distant from Muziano; therafter if we haven’t document we can alone trust on painting same: toes of left feet are very next on contrary equal with same figures of Allegory of addition of Messina, weight cloth very intense, follows very next those of Giordano of other figures(Fig.2) as at Allegory of knowledge and Allegory of justice, and cloth of Kidnap of Proserpine(Figg.3-4). I think that commission for this painting is for Francesco Caetani, Duke of Sermoneta from 1614, and nephew of Agnesina Colonna, therefore parent of family which had the first version of this painting, and certainly had asked this reply, love of Francesco for painting is evident also for other commissions in Sermoneta; therefore also this painting we can consider a document of taste of Caetani’s both for will of decoration and for authors very high level that Francesco called for Caetani’s church as Santa Maria della Vittoria. 

Alessandro Lusana





Fig. 2Fig 3

