Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tra presente e Futuro
La pittura materica di Fernando Falconi si esprime ancora con materia pittorica, ed altro materiale che ha una sua naturale espressione, come sacchi con scritte, cartone e acrilico, che quindi uniforma compiutamente il tutto ideato in contesto materiale diversificato, ma hegelianamente rapportato ad un’idea, quindi l’idea pittorica dell’acrilico, quella del sacco di juta del caffè, e la destinazione trascritta sono momenti della “materialità” narrativa di Fernando; ma la sua natura di astrattista futurista, con le sue forti impronte di linea geometrizzante, che richiamano quelle di Carrà, sono diretta connessione fra il futurismo ed il presente materico, quindi un contesto fra ideale e materiale, fra empirico ed astratto che definiscono, ripeto, hegelianamente un contesto figurativo.
Alessandro Lusana
Between present and future
The painting of Fernando Falconi express herself with pictorial material, but with other material which has his expression, as bags with writes, cartons and acrylic, which uniforms all divers material, but Hegelian linked with an idea, that now is with acrylic, that it is with bag of jute of coffee, and the destination descripted are moments of telling material of Fernando; but his nature of abstract futurist, for his strong traces for geometrical line, which remembers of Carrà, are direct impression between Futurism and material present, then a context ideal and material, between empirical and abstract that tell, I repeat, Hegelian, a figurative context.
Alessandro Lusana 

Friday, March 30, 2018

Semiotic is manifestation, solicitation and result of logic
What is semiotic? This is the question, in conformity with opinion of a prince of Denmark; semiotic is study of sign, all is signs, for exemple: indication on road, numbers of home, word and tone of it, gesture, expressions; we can consider the silent movie, alone for subtitles and gesture who looked these movies could understood what was think of scene; therefore all is sign and semiotic, but sign has his logic, and all is logic because exists; every sign has a logic because exists, this sign is present now because has motive for to exists now, because now is necessary, while in the past it was different or inexistent, today we can identify a home for number but in ancient Rome and Greek and in ancient word number of home not there aren’t; because the logic of ancient word hasn’t necessity of this numbers, because cities were very small, therefore home were achievable; a temple was distinguishable for a cult, for external sign, and for this every faithful could recognizes his cult, and he could, in conformity with logic, made sacrifice or not; we can ovoid a fine if we respect all indication, which are sign, on the road, but if we ovoid the fine we follow a logic, logic of our interest: not to spend money for the fine, therefore we are following the logic, but this logic is given by a sign, and sign is semiotic. In front of a painting a professor or teacher askes who is author of this painting but not certainly if this painting has made by a human be, why? The answer is logic: because is logic that a man has made this painting; but painting, figures of this painting, colours and materials of this painting are made by human be; it is logic, but logic is also that painting and other above mentioned are materials of semiotic because are sign, and every material has his logic; frame of painting is wood, and wood is by tree, and this has his logic, natural logic, frame has his form, and it is distinguishable now because is around painting, but we might recognize it as frame although painting isn’t; the logic of semiotic would press us to think that once there  are a painting, because alone a frame is illogic; in fact if we ask if once was a painting, much persons would think that we are crazy or alone idiots, because the silent answer is: “Certainly! usually frames have a painting”, but if we think very well; a frame without painting is sign that once was a painting, therefore frame alone is logic sign, therefore logic semiotic of something which isn’t present, but in conformity with logic semiotic, a painting was present, but it is problem, it WAS present, but now no, and although it isn’t present now we, in conformity with logic semiotic, understand that once painting was present; but alone material signs which we look press us to this think; if we look a painting without frame we, in second time, consider what is frame, and where is now frame, because a painting without frame is very illogic, therefore long by that logic semiotic that we consider for costume; therefore semiotic is manifestation of logic. Logic is underground but signs are motive for manifestation of this logic, and press other logic, human logic, therefore sign is manifestation of first logic, semiotic logic, and a second logic, that is pressed logic that human logic. All this by alone a sign, that is present because logic has would his presence, therefore the logic makes his manifestation trough signs and makes these same signs. Therefore semiotic is sign of logic.
 Alessandro Lusana        

Faust was in his room and he was seated and he has a book around witchcraft of 16th century in Europe, for him it was alone a historical subject, and he was a humanist studious and history was matter for him. Some page he has red and he has seen a case of demon possession; he smiled around this naiveties but this was sign of time, in Latin signum temporum because Faust was accustomed to translated all in Latin, language which he has studied with his mother by 3th age. He turned page and he read a form with a contract: “This form is necessary for sinful who wants give his soul to daemon, it is sufficient to sign below”, and Faust for jokey took a pen and signed this form, after he seen again the sign and he noted that he has written very good, although first letter seemed a L on contrary F, but it was alone a jokey. Faust raised eyes and on the wall he looked a female figure with withe face and yellow eyes, bald and with intense glance; then Faust asked, without astonish: “Who are you?”, and figure: “I am contractor with you have signed, and I want grant all your desires, it is sufficient that you ask, and I do it”, and Faust: “What do you want?”, and figure: “Nothing, alone your soul”, Faust was atheist and he said: “I haven’t soul, and therefore I can’t give you something which I haven’t”, and figure: “Very good! But on the contract is written that I must grand your desires, and when you will die your soul will be mine”, Faust smiled and since he thought that this was a jokey: “Well, I want be most rich”, and figure: “All humans alone rich, but yes. Look to other room”, Faust got up and he went in other room, he opened door and a mountain of money covered him, he gone out by this money almost stifled; and he was very astonish because it was true; Faust turned towards wall and: “Thank you very much”, but figure: “Wait for to thank, price of this money is very important for you, but other desires?”, Faust for a moment taught and: “I loved a my classmate, a very beautiful girl”, and he felt back a voice, which he recognized of Elisabeth, he turned and: “Betty, how do you are doing”, she was very beautiful as when Faust loved hers, and in fact he married Betty. Faust was now very happy, he has a enormous residence, a wonderful wife and four sons; the figure was always present and he has a send-glass, when a day: “Good morning Faust”, said figure, and Faust: “Good morning, what do you want?”, and figure: “That you 50 years ago has signed, your soul”, and Faust: “Yes, it is right!” and figure: “Open that door”, and Faust made it, he gone in room dark with alone light on a table, on this was a paper which was contract which has signed, and: “it is right, he raised eyes and looked figure, and: “One moment, it is mistaken”, and figure smiled: “Yes all is mistaken, everybody with same pretext, it is mistaken, this sign isn’t mine and other”, and Faust: “Yes this sign isn’t mine, because this name is Lucifer and not Faust”, figure took soon contract and: “Lucifer? But I never have signed this contract, and on this contract is written YOUR soul, not mine soul”, and Faust: “Yes, everybody with same pretext, you are very boring, YOUR soul, in fact is your sign LUCIFER”, and figure: “But you have signed this contract with my name, you have signed! And who are boring? Because how much?”, and Faust: “Open that door and enter”, and figure made it, and he looked that millions of daemon were in that room, he turned back and: “How much?”, and Faust: “I don’t know, anyway very much, and you are next, close door when you are entered, it is my last desire, thank you”. The figure made it.
Alessandro Lusana          

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Appointment in Anagni for Pietro Colaberti
In a church of Anagni, in south Latium, Italy his name is Saint Peter in Vineis, is present and again kept a cycle of painting with holy subjects around passion of Christ, this cycle now hasn’t an author, a painter certainly around 15th century, who I have identified with Pietro Colaberti, a of little painters in Latium during 15th century; this attribution is by a stylistical confront with some painting of Colaberti; one that is very relevant for me is a building which covers the saint(Fig.1), it is same adopted in Sermoneta(Fig.2); the face of this saint(Fig.3) is same nose and eyebrows of a saint in a chapel of Cori, next Sermoneta, ready attributed to Colaberti(Fig.4); the cloth have same felt that have other cloth of saint in other painting(Figg.5-6). This cycle hasn’t date but is possible that Colaberti has made it after the cycle of Cori, around 30s of 15th century, because much collaborators have worked there and it is means that Colaberti has ready much importance in south Latium, and his store was very important for local costumers.
Alessandro Lusana
Un appuntamento anagnico per Colaberti
In una Chiesa di Anagni, San Pietro in Vineis, ancora sussiste un ciclo affrescato con soggetti sacri della Passiona di Cristo, l’autore resta sconosciuto ma certamente è databile intorno al XV secolo, e credo fermamente che tale decorazione debba essere restituita a Pietro Colaberti di Priverno; l’attribuzione mi è suggerita dal confronto stilistico con altri affreschi del Colaberti, uno, per me davvero rilevante, è il baldacchino che copre una santa(Fig.1), la medesima struttura adottata dal Colaberti per una affresco di Sermoneta(Fig.2); il volto della stessa santa(Fig.3) richiama per le sopracciglia ed il naso  quello di una santa nella cappella dell’Annunziata di Cori(Fig.4), ciclo decorativo già restituito al Colaberti; i panneggi(Figg.5-6) poi consolidano la tesi attributiva. Questo ciclo non è ancora databile, ma credo che possa essere datato dopo la cappella di Cori, dopo il 1430, poiché più collaboratori sono intervenuti per questa decorazione e questo attesta che il Colaberti aveva una bottega molto ben avviata e rinomata per committenti locali.
Alessandro Lusana


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sean More was a studious of ancient European art; he loves Italian art of Middle Age and Modern era from centuries 15th to 18th, he has visited often Italy and Europe, he was an appreciated studious above all of Italian art, responsible of much museums and collections, often much collectors called him for advices and expert’s report for painting and sculpture; therefore a day, a Saturday, opened a exhibition of ancient art in a museum of New York, and on invite was written: “We like that you will be present for inauguration and we will reserve for you a great surprise. You would must around 12:00 because we must talk around European art, with much speakers, exhibition will be to 7:00”, Sean taught immediately that this surprise was his ex-wife, that for envied has decided break of their marry; Sean was again very worry for this episode, and begun with a refuse of this invite, but after he taught that it is was useless because who invited him was a his friend and he want review Caravaggio, Raffaello, Poussin, van Dyck and Rubens, and this is meet very important also for to meet new persons, perhaps new colleagues. Therefore he after lesson in a museum with his classroom, because for Sean acknowledge of art history was above all on field, this is for direct experience on painting and other; but on afternoon he dressed for this meet and walked until to museum. Entered and he saw much persons together around this exhibition, and he identify somebody, persons that he has saw but that he didn’t remember where; anyway he attended discourses for inauguration, always bother, but his think was constantly that all person he has ready saw. A stout woman got up on platform and after her explication called Sean: “Sean, by now you are with us”, Sean got up platform and started around his recent studies on Roman Baroque and some painting that he was attributed other painters in Italy above all: “he tanked speaker, and: “I am very happy because I have reviewed”, but he didn’t remembered the name, and he looked woman, who suggested: “Artemisia”, and Sean: “Yes, Artemisia, who I have known…”, he embarrassed looked again Artemisia, who understood and: “I explain because our Sean has forgotten: I have known Sean during a visit to Galleria Spada, Rome, a Roman Museum, that somebody here doesn’t knows”, in fact somebody has expression very uncertain because this name Spada was unknown, and Sean noted it. Artemisia continued around her studies above all Italian painter of 17th century, and around Caravaggio and Horace Gentileschi; Sean therefore continued his relation and he invited much other spikers, among Michael Angel, Joseph, and Gerard and others. This conference was very interesting, because news information around documents and painting that Sean didn’t known; while a woman was busied for studying face of Sean; she has between hands a paper and a charcoal, after she took a canvas and she started portrait of Sean, he was very flattered, and in fact he asked: “Why this portrait?”, and woman: “because it will be showed”, and continued her work. Sean smiled and taught to a homage, but very original. Anyway the conference ended and Sean with other got out for to visited exhibition, and Sean listened comments of others visitors, stranger visitors that were there from 7:00; he looked around but didn’t seen more spikers and he walked for exhibition but nobody was present, till he stopped in front a painting and he looked a face that he has known little before, it was Artemisia, and caption talked: “Artemisia Gentileschi. Auto portrait”, and Sean very astonished turned toward a painting that he has seen before and he red soon caption: “Anonymous painter. Portrait of Sean More. 1662”, and he googles eyes looked around while visitors looked painting and he cried, but a voice behind: “It is useless they are life”, Sean turned toward person and: “But are painter who has made my portrait”, and she: “Yes, I am”, and Sean: “What your name?”, and she while listened some comment around a painting answered: “Elisabeth Sirani, more famous painter woman in Bologna, and only assistant of Guido Reni, and it is my portrait”, Sean looked date on caption Bologna 8th  Jenuary1638 – Bologna, 28th August 1665, and he looked dates on his caption February 2 1600-October 25th 1663. He smiled and: “At last now for all museum I not must buy ticket”. He like a visitor he continued visited exhibition.
Alessandro Lusana                            

Friday, March 16, 2018

Felix entered in a library in town centre, and he must buy a gift for his daughter, Michelle, very brilliant student of philosophy and much lovers of think and solution of philosophical problems. Felix, was widow, his wife was dead when Michelle was born, and only woman whom Felix loved very was alone hers; although much love he has for his daughter he has very little time, but for birthday of Michelle he was always available; in the library he searched an employee and told around preference of Michelle, the woman accompanied Felix in division of philosophy and Felix, who was very ignorant for humanities studies feigned to search something, but among Aristoteles, Platoon Hegel, Cartesian and others he has very difficult, but a voice behind said: “What do you are searching”, Felix turned soon and looked a woman with long white tunic, and when he raised eyes he seen Victoria his ex-wife, who was graduate in philosophy, and Felix cried: “Victoria, but you are dead?”, and Vicky answered: “Perhaps, but now I am here, and you need of guide”, and Felix, rational person cans hardly believe it, but Vicky with her beauty and polite persuaded him; and: “I ask it and you answer”, Felix nodded: “Why do you are searching a gift?”, and Felix: “Because today is birthday of Michelle”, and Vicky: “Therefore it is right that when is birthday we must gift something?” and Felix: “Yes, this is tradition”, and Vicky: “What tradition? Rather it is the moral”, and Felix: “Yes, moral or tradition but it is costume and habitude”, and Vichy: “Your society has corrupted business men for get favours and authorizations for to exploit words that were protected, or no?”, Felix, very astonish that Vicky has these information answered: “Yes, but how do you…”, and Vicky: “Don’t worry”, and others societies has built skyscrapers with poor materials, some bridge is failed and others damns there are present; it is moral or no?”, and Felix: “Not certainly but it is business word, and please don’t start now with your polemical spirit of philosopher, because.,..”, and Vicky: “Not! I want alone that you think that the morality is performance, and useless”, Felix was very astonished: “What is this concept?” and Vicky: “We need always of order; you now searching something for Micky, because it is tradition or costume; but do you have never asked yourself what is costume or morality?”, and Felix: “Not I confess that I don’t what is, or how you think it, but I know you perfectly and I know that you now explicate all”, and Vicky: “The morality, the costume and the politeness are order; these are alone motive for to give us an order; before that law is present the morality; a necessity that we consider for take order, because we need of this concept, law is from morality; but the morality is very good in external contest, for human report, for your profession, for mine not certainly, among philosophers without quarrels isn’t morality, but your profession all is made with politeness, but with possibility of corruption and cheat; therefore with the kindness you search order”, and Felix: “It is very interesting but, dear Vicky, I must go out, then bay”, and he opened a door but he was again in same room with Vicky in front, and she: “You not would never to hair my thinks, the morality is false and alone a search of order, that we use also in domestic contest”, and Felix: “Certain!”, and Vicky: “But it is false, and we search a motive for to compensate, because our order is ready compromised before, because we live between constant contradiction, we want order but after we violet it, when is our necessities this order is secondary”, and Felix who has listened all this discourse, finally: “Yes, but I am a honest person!”, and Vicky: “The honesty is false motive for mediocre persons, it is Balzac”, and other female voice: “I don’t think that he has understood it”, Felix recognized soon the voice of Michelle, and: “Micky, why do you are here?”, and Micky with white tunic: “I am here from very much time”, and turned to her mother “I don’t think that he has understood, anyway you must consider what mom has said”, Felix looked Micky and: “Michelle but you have white tunic, why?”, and Micky: “Do you see it? You are establishing that mom was right; you have worry because I am dead but it is alone morality or order”, and Felix: “When do you are dead?”, and Micky: “From years but your morality and your order has excluded that I can in bad state, because it is your order, your morality, and you have kept it always, everybody has his order and we have our”, and Vicky: “Well dear Felix, goodbye”. And they opened other door and gone out.
Alessandro Lusana

Friday, March 9, 2018

A costumer
Bernard and his pool come in town where was the costumer, Alexander Americi, who would paintings in a chorus of Cathedral with painting around life of Virgin; out of palace of Alexander Bernard was stood and there waited that all pool was arrived, at last 13 persons; first contact with costumer, in conformity with use was in bedroom, and Bernard got up to bed room of Alexander with his collaborator, Martian, and he in fact got up and  out of door he was announced by a waitress, who entered in room and announced Bernard, after she took out and to Bernard: “Mister Bernard, mister Alexander waits you and your collaborator”, and Bernard entered in room and bowed, he looked intern of room and he noted the tester and other, this is richness of room, and after he looked Alexander on the bed, and : “Good morning mister Alexander”, and he: “Good morning to you mister Bernard; I have known around your brother and you for this painting by Peter Americi, my uncle, who is Roman Senator and your brother Joseph was painting Senator’s Palace in Rome, and my uncle has asked if he can painted chorus of this Cathedral, and your brother has indicated you, but I want see drawings and colours that you want use for this painting, because I want know how much is cost, and I know that cost is determined also by colours and figure, or no?”, and Bernard: “Yes mister”, and Alexander: “Well, have you some drawings, because if you have ready we can save for drawings”, and Bernard took out some drawing and opened soon and he started explication: “This is Saint Mary born, and other figure Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, these other figures are other wet nurse, and others”, and Bernard explicated all drawings with all histories around Death of Virgin and Assumption; Alexander made some correction for number of figures and other, but very small correction, and for sun set he ordered that dining room was ready, and he invited alone Bernard and Martian because in conformity with costume alone lead and some collaborator but other out, in other room; hierarchy was very important during 17th century, and precisely during 1602, next Rome. Day after Bernard started scaffold and early morning they started painting, first scratch walls and with lime, they worked and after  prepared drawings and fixed it on the walls, and collaborators prepared colours and other necessary for this painting; every collaborator has his task, and when a figure or dayworker has ended they must waited that lime was dry; and after started again with other figure, the day after; some time also Alexander came and he looked worked and he showed astonish and his compliment, he was very satisfy, and he asked that for this painting, together Apostles were also he and his father, and in fact Bernard took a paper and he was looking Alexander he drew face of Alexander and given a description very summary around face of his father; Bernard therefore followed all work, and he remembered, for Assumption, of vault of a chapel painted by his brother Joseph in Rome, in Saint Prassede church; he presented this idea to Alexander that accepted all and ordered that these painting continue. At years 1603, at a day, much persons were around chorus of Cathedral and they looked with much interest paintings, and Bernard was back, in conformity with his costumer; and he was turning tool to lectors of this tale: “We painters must painting and costumers take merit for this painting, but I think that you perhaps will be certainly more generous with painters and will tell that I and my collaborators have made it, and I would know also your opinions, therefore you can write it to address…, but at 1603 email isn’t; it isn’t problem if to next tale I will come to your century I will can use email, however now good bay”, and he continued hair Alexander who tool.
Alessandro Lusana 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Marble portraits  
An young student of philosophy entered in a library, he was accustomed because by age of 16th age he red much matter but above all philosophy, therefore in a big city, where he attended his University, with great dislike of his father would that Hadrian, this is name of boy, make attorney, a family’s tradition, but Hadrian was very inclined for philosophy, he repeated often: “I am inclined to think not certainly rather memory”, when enrolled in library he started his round among books, much he has red, but he saw with pleasure, and he think again how much he has red, and while he, after that has took a book and opened it, he listened back a voice: “Do you think that it is interesting?”, and Hadrian turned soon and saw a Franciscan monk, with a thick beard and an intense glance; Hadrian soon was astonish and he asked: “For religion and theologian I don’t know where you can go, because…”, and Franciscan interrupted soon: “But I don’t searching theologian and religion”, and Hadrian: “Do you are searching”, and Franciscan: “You”. Hadrian thought soon that he was crazy or an jokey, and in fact he smiled, but Franciscan: “Why do you smiled? I awaited you”, and Hadrian: “Who are you?”, and Franciscan: “It isn’t important, after”; Hadrian looked him with much interest because he was very strange, and Franciscan: “Somebody, in Middle Age, carried a fracture between think and faith, every men can feel God with his faith but alone intellect cans guarantees that we know reality”, and Hadrian, smiled and: “It is obvious, I don’t think that it is very important think, and…”, Franciscan: “Tell it during Middle Age, when Saint Agustin on contrary would that brain and faith were only, when every philosopher has thought that all was alone will of God, and our intellect was alone product of will of God, somebody has though we can know the sensible reality with our senses, I follow Aristotle that has adopted speculative inquiry with senses; but I think that active intellect, alone human, cans permits us a knowledge direct and alone through our sense; this concept is a subdivision between sky and word, and it is important, because that you now think, with this subdivision I have carried first in Middle Age”, Hadrian looked with much interest this monk and he saw him that turned, and Hadrian: “Where do you going?”, and Franciscan: “You have first lesson of Medieval philosopher”, come in classroom. Hadrian with book between hands followed the Franciscan, he entered in classroom and saw same monk who set in chair and he explicated Medieval philosophy; Hadrian was very astonish, and he thought that he was a professor, therefore when lesson ended Hadrian turned toward his colleagues and he saw alone marble portraits , and he approached to professor and asked: “Why now are alone marble portraits?” and Franciscan: “Now lesson is ended and I go among marble portraits”, and Hadrian: “Who are you?” and Franciscan turned toward Hadrian : “Read name on book”, Hadrian red and book was written by William from Occam, Franciscan, Hadrian, who was little expert of Mediaeval philosophy, opened book and red: “William form Occam is dead at 1348”. Hadrian looked around and among marble portrait was also William from Occam.
        Alessandro Lusana 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Donato de’ Bardi new painting
Around Donato de’ Bardi very little we have but is very pleasure give back to Donato this painting that certainly is his; it is sufficient a confront with certes painting of Donato, confront between a Madonna with child(Fig.1) and two Saints(Fig.2); clothFigg.3-4) with field are very similar; face is very similar above all between face of Saint Stephan and Virgin, same nose, same long fingers, same eyebrow, lips very similar, and brushstroke very ebony and delicate, this cloth shows clear influence from Flemish style, perhaps from German engraving, that I think also in Italy were present, but the painting of Van der Goes, in Portinari chapel, was a motive for influence; therefore this painting isn’t of Maestro of Madonna Cagnola, but certainly of Donato de’ Bardi.  
Alessandro Lusana

Fig.1 Donato de' Bardi 

Fig.2. Donato de'Bardi 
Fig.3. Donato de'Bardi
Fig. 4.Donato de' bardi