Saturday, December 30, 2023


The badness of Moravia

I have took this title from three words of a Italian director Vanzina that has called Luigi Pirandello as bad, because Pirandello an Italian writer, was truly bad because he has represented hypocrisy of human gender on theater, this is he has told everyone who is human gender and what is human gender, he has told weakness and false behavior of human, in fact he has said very much times: “You are going to meet very much masks and some face”, this is you are going to meet very much hypocrites and very less sincere persons. Moravia, Italian writer has made same storytelling, in fact he has told about human gender and a middle class very false and hypocrite, he has told about real model of human, and Italian, middle class as The time of indifference, first romance, and endowed of a realism very true, where the hypocrisy and is may unique true thing of whole romance. This is a storyteller that is real and continues for much romances of Moravia, as Contempt, Boredom, Country house for Friday, and sexuality of man that is very comic representation of male gender, and his dependence to sex, because this romance is story of a screenwriter that depends for his sex that is speaker, and given orders. This history is very comic but was, at least, in Italy very true, because some past generation every beauty women was aim of sexual attention of men, and this real phenomenon, alone male, was hide under cover of hypocrisy, but it was very present. Every romance of Moravia is a real description of human, for hypocrisy, falseness and lies, everything for interest, gain or morality alone; then Moravia is bad because he had told human gender, some behavior very daily of human gender.

Alessandro Lusana  


Friday, December 22, 2023


Others models

Benjamin West and Italian painting

I think that I have found others models because very much near some figures to Roman sculpture, that West has studied very well and he has reinterpreted to his painting as Death on the Pale Horse(Fig.1) for composition whose he has resumed some Roman models during his residence in papal city; in fact he has resumed the horse on down of Fountain of the four rivers of Bernini and his collaboratores(Fig.2), for reclining figure on first plane with reise arm is figure of same fountain that has same gesture(Fig.3); for figure form behind West has reinterpreted a figure of Federico Zuccari(Fig.4), with other posture but same drammatic spirit; then West has found the horse on right of painting The expulsion of Heliodorus from temple(Fig.5). For this painting West has took his Roman memories and very masterfully he has reused and has translated in British some Roman conceptions. But I must add that he has adopted from Rome, same dramaticity that we can see to Baroque painting, and of painting from manner; then he takes all necessary to this painting and very masterfully he has mixted different styles.

Alessandro Lusana






Saturday, December 2, 2023


Benjamin West: an American in Rome

This title is strange for one essay because we expected to find very much model for a

painter, but we have to think that a painter finds and translated every model that is

 in his mind and he use again when subject and client allowed it. Then for

Benjamin West(1738-1820), and American painter that has visited Rome and Paris,

 after he worked to London, but the first model is for The death of Socrates(fig.1),

certainly lines and style is very young, but we have to consider that it is very youth

painting then we can excuse inaccurate style may to 1756, important in conformity of

my opinion, it is because west documents his visits to Athens school(Fig.2); we can

list some suggest form Raphael to Benjamin: architecture has arches, same

architecture, with differences for space and subject, Heraclitus is translated to figure

to right that crying, group to left next Socrates is group in same position in painting

of West, the figure to left whose we can see back is suggested from figure of young

going up staircase on right of Athens school, Phythagoras on lest of School has

suggested Socrates. The light very intense (Figg.3-7) is took from Mengs, and he

used also the light of 18th century, but in Rome he certainly seen Mengs and he has

copied this method this hypothesis is supported by a monography about life and

works of West, this book is published at 1989(Benjamin West American painter at

English court, p.20) and he has copied Tizian, Guido Reni and Carracci, but he not 

forgotten Mengs because he has capied also him, then he has took style,  and author said 

that Mengs suggested to West worth monuments in Rome, and after Mengs advised 

make some drawings of ancient sculptures, then he certainly influenced West, and 

portrait of Mengs certainly West has studied. The portraits no escape the influence of 

Mengs, West took same light and the analytical precision of Dutch colleague, he 

followed same method very meticulous and Flemish, in critical jargon, and growth is 

evident, from the death of Socrates he has improved, now style is very better; but I think 

that West has kept in mind also some sculpture, in fact for his Apollo and Daphne(Fig.7) 

he has very studied same subject of  Bernini(Figg.8-9). Then West has took from Rome 

some ideas necessary to his painter, and he has translated it to USA and to Great British.

Alessandro Lusana    









Monday, November 13, 2023


Thruth and propaganda

The read of Historia ecclesiae Anglicorum of Ordericus Vitalis(1075-1142) shows,

for his silence, a thruth, it is could show very odd, because a thruth is so solely said;

buti s is possible thata thruth isn’t said and it become thruth; what is this thruth?

A question that has name Constitutum Constantini, this is Order of Constantine

that at 1440 was denied by Lorenzo Valla, an Italian intellectual and philologist, that has

shownevery contraddiction and falsehood of this document, whit which the city of Rome

was donated to pope Sylvester by Constantine; today we know perfectly that

this documenti s false, and that was written at 9th century.

Ordericus Vitalis helped us because during read of life of Sylvester pope

never is mentioned this document, he has written history of Church

from Christ and he has written lifes of popes too, but this document

isn’t in life of pope Sylvester; we can think that Ordericus doesen’t known it,

but we can think that the he has took the lifes from Liber pontificalis,

a book with lifes of popes, and this document is denied at 1440, as I have said above;

then he doesn’t writes about Constitutum because is document was not so widespread,

because evidently very much interests were present and the Church wanted not provoke 

problems both itself that his policy.

Alessandro Lusana



Thursday, October 26, 2023


Moravia: daily life

We must read The indifferent of Albert Moravia, an Italian writer, and we could know 

what is middle class life, where is seted this romance, and we can understand what is life

in that class, buti t is true? Certainly we can know life and difects and falsities of this social class; buti t is true, I repeat, no certainly, because falsity and hipocrisy is common

to every class, above all if we can reach something, every ideal and principle is forgotten every day,

but a step of this romance tells: “The man that he he must hate no was enough hateful, the woman that he must love, Lisa,

was false she coverted trough intollerable sentimentalisms wants very simple and then

it was impossible love her: “…He thought it isn’t my life…”, we could express same opinion, but

in this contest, very formal, very elegant, very middle class, have we courage?

No, because cut a very bad figure is condition very impeding, we would be

related to contest and would be hypocritical and false as this contest want,

then this is no romance but our daily life, other Italian writer said:

“During your life you are going to know very much masks but very little faces, because mask are

formal and hypocritical behaviour, that we love, because if somebody had this attitude

 we are consider him as peasant, and it is sign that we are addicted to this morality;

then The indifferenti s a portrait of human gender andno alone of middle class

human gender lives every dayhis life.

Alessandro Lusana 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Tradere humanum est

I think that we must consider that others sources for Biblical end Evangelical sourcesnecessary to undestand origin of some episodes as Great Foolt, that just isaccepted by Biblical archeology to a legend from 700 b.Ch. that George Smith has decoded and after he has decode also Epopee of Gilgames, that tolds around an heros from Uruk, a city on Mesopotamia. Also here are some episode that is very interesting  for origin of some told. First I think that we can consider that Saturday of jew it is possible that when eros, Gilgames rests after fatigue I think that it become rest in Biblical narration. This book told about city of Uruk and construction of that walls and other could be origin of Genesis and creation of word. Goliath could be from Gilgames because a descriprtion shows some particular, he is very high, and he is very brave and he is very strong, the hight is impressive then, because he was 6 cubits almost three meters,and he wolked through mounts, and could be origin to opening of red sea, and he dug well in stone cliff, it could be origin to water from stone. The same creation of man could be from this Epopee, because during tell a god has drawn a figure of man and other god has shaped with clay a man. Evangelical tell is equal, because shepherds go to fold of Gilgames and the gifts of three kings that has brought gold, incense and myrrh in Evangelical episode in Epopee become bread and liquor, and also some king is kneeling in front of Gilgamesh. I think that is could be origin of these episodes, becasue these legends were very spread and geography aids this hypothesis becasuse  this Epopee is from19th century before Christ, and it is, may, the oldest written document of human kind, and Uruk was a city from  230 kilometres from Bagdad, then merkants and others travellers could tall thse histories.

Alessandro Lusana




Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Epistolary spirit

During read of Letters about pinter, architecture and sculture of Giovanni Gaetano Bottari(1689-1775), antiquarian and librarian in Vatican toghered these letters about these three arts, letters of artists very much and less known from pubblic and critic; until now nothing exciting, but I want stress spirit of these letters and change of spirit that we can ascertain during read, some examples clears this concept: a lettere of Michael Angel to Pietro Aretino is very meanfull because rapports between the two were very bad, but we can read very good education of Michael Angel that written: “Magnificient mister Pietro Aretino my lord and brother. I have received your letter I have been happiness and wrong together. I was very much cheered up to come to you, that are unique on the word, and I have been very wrong, because I have ended almost the history and it can’t works your fantasy, that it is made that if day of judice has been, and you have seen directly your words don’t describe more well…” and “… if I have something that is appreciated I give it to you…”. We must oass some centuries and we arrive to a letter at 1769 of a religious man Luigi Crespi(1708-1779), that is very directed and he leave out formal diplomacy of Michael Angel and he become very sincere, we can’t know what is argument but we can think that is an offense: “The insinuation  that is in this letter, isn’t plausible but it is condemnable, as you know, and I want add other so that if this letter is going printed I wan’t that somebody that I didn’t fulfill a duty; but Crespi spoken about some painters of Federico Barocci(1535-1612), and he defends this painter from some vulgar insinuation, and he tells that this pianter has painted always holy subject. Regard a book about paintings in Bologna, Painting of Bologna at year 1766, he corrected some informations about painting of his father, and we must consider the sincerity without some polite word: “…for tell pure truth and this book regard my father which has attribuited some painting that he didn’t make, ot some other that he made and is attribuited to other…”; we can consider that the spirit of letters is changed and some formal polite is leave out and the truth is daily by now, it is spirit of de-hierarchization of source and consideration of matters very important as the truth, then that spirit is changed also to letters.

Alessandro Lusana



Friday, August 11, 2023


De gustibus (et urbe) disputandum non est

The read of letters around pincture, architecture and sculpture of Giovanni Gaetano Bottari(1689-1775) are one examples, purely Italian of localism, this is tre letters of Luigi Crespi, a pictgor and religious man, from Bologna, his origin from a city could seem very useless but in this contest is fundamental, because is evident localism of Crespi around his city, this is Bologna, in fact he traslated some steps of Voyage d’Italie of Charles Nicolas Cochin(1715-1790), France painter, writer and engraver, that has described very much art works in Italy, and during his passage for Bologna described also this city and he followed his taste very classic and present in other France writer De Chambray during 17th century. When France judges some architectures of Institute of science in Bologna he said that these architectures aren’t so ugly, on contrary to judgement of Giampietro Zanotti Cavazzoni(1674-1765) that was painter, and he studied painting to Bologna, and he exalts this architecture: “The Palace of Institute is very good and elegant architecture as no other, and it was built during 16th century very lucky century. It is designed by Pellegrino Tibaldi and his son twice very good architect…”; this is very appreciation around this built and judice is grandiloquent; but the other judge, that above we have read, is very poor, and the France writer judged very bad sculpture if pope Gregory XIII of Alexander Mangani, and Crespi judgedas for beauty no certainly inferiot to other, and he judged for this poor very much works of Guido Reni, Tibaldi and other; but I want stress that localism of Crespi is localist also is Vasari(1511-1574), painter and biographer of artists that exalts Florentine artists, and Tuscan but he uses some judges very poor for artists from other town in Italy. Then time is changed, century are elapsed, but Italian localismi s present always.

Alessandro Lusana 



Thursday, August 3, 2023



Laus cantoris

This praise for singer of Middle Age is for intuition about source that is present in 
Breton romances; in fact during read of Round table, with Tristan and Isoct and other 
knights and ladies, one characteristic is evident, this is repetition of determinated adventures, this is rides, duels and love in fall; it is very repetitive and also boring, buti t is possible that singer doesn’t other motiveand other adventures? Certainly yes, but why change something very cospicuous? It isn’t very stupid, today is change one stage when it is very well; then singer of Middle Age repeated always same stage and same song because it is likes to pubblic, and trascription of this songs has left trascriètion of same adventures, because these singers in every place and village they sang same history, same loves and same duells, then trascription is always same. Certainly for these singers one respected spectator they have had, this is Bernard of Chiaravalle, that has heard and took these histories and has thought thse models for his Laus de nova militae, this is praise of Templar knights, in fact imaginary knight of this Laus are specular to Round table. Then Middle Age singers had been models for every knight and today we Bring in mind and in habit these customs, we are usually kindle to women and ready for defense of these, same habit that knights of Middle Age have had for women and feeble. Then repeat same stage is motive to strong a model and to traslate to literature.

Alessandro Lusana   

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


“The masters of histories…

The masters of histories…, these words are from a manuscript on the 15th century that has history of Trista and Isoct, traslated in Italian language around 80s of 15th century, but this is a evident proof of origin of tells of round table, because this words are very im portant to know thisd originbecause in history of Tristan and Isolt this words may for three time are present, and these Masters are minstrels, this is storytellers that round among cities and villages they sung daring enterprises of knights and gained salary. I think that these masters had also some information about classical literaure, I don’ think that they read it but they had heard some master that sung Aeneid, because written traslation of these histories, is very longe from classical literature but it are next to adventures of Odysseus and Aeneas, we don’t find never same episodes but same spirit and same protagonism of a hero, that has medieval habit, then a behaviour code very different from classical adventures, because these classical adventure are above all on the sea, on contrary knights are on the word, but this changement of landascape is secondary if we consider that origin is same, because also in ancient greek storytellers are present and Homer these have took for his Troy war, then the literary genre of knights is from The Masters of histories. 

Alessandro Lusana 




Friday, July 21, 2023


Rational sensationism:Berkeley

The Treatise on principles of knwoledge of George Berkeley is a very sensationism treatise, this is a consideration of direct knoledge through senses, this is normal, if we see this concept no philosophical but only daily. We must consider that on Berkeley and his philosophical think much persons have seen idealism as an assantial function, but they have confused and mistaked idealism of Plato and common idealism of philosophical nature, because it is mistake, this is ideas on think of Berkeley is image, because it keeps his original nature of word from ancient Greek, this is image, and it is evident on a step of this treatise: “Light and colors, cold and warm, estension and figure, everything we see and feel, are alone sensations, noctions, ideas, this is sensitive impressions? It is possible split also in the think one alone these thing from perceptions?”, this is every thing is sensible and we can see it and keep in the memory and keep ideas this is image; then every thing is ideal because is image from ιδέα, image from ancient Greek, then Berkeley is very near to word and material word, no certainly next to platonic idealism.

Alessandro Lusana   



Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Gain and theory

During the read of Treatedof painter and sculture of Pietro Berrettini, called da Cortona, we can consider that this treated is a true moral document for painters and sculptor, because he condems use of imagines for nude representations, womans nude and other anatomical of body that in picture he refuses and considers obscene; we can think this book a tipical think of Catholic Reform, although he written this book is edited at 1652, we are very distant from tension moral after Concil of Trento, but Cortona was very near to Gesuitic order, in fact this treated is written with a gesuit; and we can justify this moral conception because Cortona was very Catholic, but alone when this moral tension was theory alone; in fact it is sufficient see some painters of Cortona and we canconsider that this moralism is lost, for examples The golden age(fig.1), eleven figures and much are nude, inclusive womans, other painter Cupido and Pan(fig.2) two nude figures, and Allegory of arts(fig.3), a nude woman figure is very present. Motive of this  contradiction is for gain and will of costumer, this is who pays is master then you paint that I want; then ideal tension is alone theorical; contraddiction is very much evident for a step of this treated and painter of Cortona, but we can consider theory and practical think, in fact Cortona said: “When they(costumers) order lascivious and dishonest we can obey, becausewe must consider respect for our soul than to indulge other ‘pleasure”, and regard to copy paints that are lascivious he said: “The painter must copy paints that are perfect and both style and moral”, very right we can comment, but Cortona has copied the Galatea of Raffaello and she is naked(fig.4); then Cortona has judged very well but he has worked very wrong.

Alessandro Lusana









Friday, June 30, 2023


Catholic republican cathechism
Antonio Zalivani a parish and repubblican that writeen, at 1797 a book with title Repubblican  Catechism of Citizen; we must consider that adjective repubblican was reported to a general concept and model of political state, no certainly a model reported to federalism model after American revolution. These opinions and ideas of this religious man were very revolutionary, but we must read this book with attention and we are going to find ideas that are very ancient, because democratic opinion of Zalivani are very next to democracy of Clisthenes in Areopagus of Athen, from fifht century before Christ, and  he said, fro example: “Nobody there is in sociaty that can live alone and nobody can be happy without aide with other”, this concept is took from Christian doctrine, because everybody is happy with other and everybody needs of others, in fact in Holy Bible is written: “Who mocks the poor offendes his God”  Zalivani takes examples of worker that do for other then poor needs of rich and contrary. Regard to laws he written that: “The law is outcome from universal will of people, and it want promote common good for everybody, and the laws must keep common security, the proprieties of everybody; forthemore the autority of law is kept for everybody citizen, and itisn’t privilege to somebody; so it is very revolutionary opinion, opinion that today is normal but at 1797 is was very original; but when a question if the law is has value, that answer is right, in fact he written that in a nation must be an authority that guarantees respect for law and it must punishes transgressor; but it is a concept likewise ancient, an authority that pushishes is very ancient. Then Zalivani took from Christian doctrine, in Holy Bibble “No kill an innocent and right man” Pagan areopagus, he is very next to ancient concepts and he foresees doctrine today, but these thinks are ancient and today at same time.

Alessandro Lusana

Friday, March 31, 2023


The past and present man is same

The read of a book of Martin van Buren(1782-1862) ex president of USA, eight precisely, the book is Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties, edited in New York in 1867, tells about human behaviour and the words that here are important are follow: “This feeling, when it exists in only moderate degree, is certain to be encouraged by the flatteries of friends, or more often by selfish men for the porpose of promoting their designs upon the patronage at the disposal of the incumbent”; I know perfecltly that somebody thinks that it is normal, yes in fact after 1867 years man is equal, is same. This judice is after the read of Laelius de amicizia of Marcus Tullius Cicerone, he wrote ita t 44 b.Ch.,  when after exile to Salonicco he wrote De amicizia, he tells about sentiment of friendly and he he mentions very much examples; but he complains that when you are necessary every men is friend, but when the danger is past you are useless and every friend leave you. But we must think that the episode that Buren has tool, I think that he has took from reality, but a common destiny join both Buren to example of Cicerone, because when Catilina, very danger for ancient Rome, died for capital condamn but without proofs, that Cicerone wanted, every senator was very next to Cicerone, but when Catilina was died then Cicero become useless because the danger passed, then Cicero become a danger for senator because he was very important and existimated, but during life and condamn of Catilina he was flattered, but after he was forgotten. It is normal, but similitude is for behaviour that Buren tells, to be encouraged by the flatteries of friends, or more often by selfish men for the porpose of promoting their designs, these words are clear and describe human character, when Catilina was dangerous every senator were next to Cicerone when Catilina was died every senator was longe from Cicerone, porpose was the death of Catilina, reacher this aim all was secondary, included Cicerone. We can consider that man is same during centuries, and then Cicerone and Buren have seen same examples but by men are distinguished among centuries.

Alessandro Lusana      


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Caricamento: 16452 su 16452 byte caricati.


Athens school

A young student entered to a library, very great and provided of very much books that were among diverse matters, literature, history, philosophy and other. He has had lived in a school of philosophies, and he dreamed it always; then he asked to a employee where was philosophy, and librarian indicated direction; in fact between two racks he entered and he seen to back a guy, that called him and invited him to follow. Constantine it was name of student thought that he was an employee, and he followed him that turned among books, and sometime took one and he open it and read some line, then he stopped herself and during a stop, he called Constantine and indicated on a open book a line to ancient Greek language. This man had beard and a longe tunic, ended read he said: “Do you know this book?”, then Robert, lover of philosophy, answered: “Yes, it is Nicomachean etics” and old man asked: “Do you have read it?”, and Constantine answered: “Yes, I have read and I love it”, then old man looked eyes of Constantine and asked: “What says this book?”, and Constantine that in the meantime had riconized this old man, answered: “Do you asking to me what is matter of this book? You have written on 4th century before Ch., the you must say what says this book”, and old man, this is Aristoteles answered: “I have written it but you have read”, Constantine then was getting ready to answer, when a voice to back said: “This is different thing, read and write”, Constantine then turned immediately and he looked a man with average hightness and with white beard, and Constantine riconized Socrates and asked: “Why do you say it?” and Socrates: “When do you write read also?”, Constantine answered: “No certainly”, and Socrates: “Why?”, and Constantine answered: “Because if I read could not give attention to my to write, and concepts that I want say could not be claer”, and Socrates asked: “Who?”, and Constantine: “First to me” and Socrates asked: “Then, you must write and after read, or no?”, Constantine answered: “Certainly”, and Socrates said: “This is natural dinamic and this is actus and potens, or, according to opinion of Aristoteles it is?” he asked to Constantine: “Intention and thing”, and Socrates: “Yes, very well”, Constantine lower his head and when he raised it he looked his dress that was become a tunic and he cry scared and asked to a reader that has took a book: “Where is my dress?” and other voice, of Aristoteles, said: “It is useless, because they can’t hear you”, and he looked around and and asked: “Where are I?”, and Euclid approached to him and said: “Welcome Constantine, we has had waited you for much time, but now you are among us”, and Constantine very scared answered: “Thank you butwho is thet portrait in librray?”, and Epicurus that has heard question answered: “You are, and you must explain now to that student what you has written in your book, then come to library and after we are going discuss about atom and other”, then Constantine set in front of student, very angry and student raised eyes and looked Constantine and student asked: “You are gping explain what is this concept”, and Constantine explained it, and student got up and said: “I want a cola”, and Constantine said: “You know that cola is very strong for you”, and student: “I know perfeclty but cola is minimun for this book, because you have written very difficult concepts, and your wife, this is my mother, was right, you are difficult.

Alessandro Lusana