Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Two painters in same church
One Roman painter of this essay is Antonio di Benedetto degli Aquili called Antoniazzo Romano (1430-1435 circa – Rome 1508); Antoniazzo is very evident on the apse(Fig.1) of church of Saint Mary of People in Carpineto Romano, a small country next Rome, this church was restored by pope Sixtus IV, that certainly wanted decoration of apse and he called major painter in Rome then, this is Antoniazzo. Style of roman painter is evident to cloth, very master, and this characteristic reports to much cloth(Fig.2) of Antoniazzo, for exemple tryptic in Fondi(Fig.3), that is equivalent to cloth of Apostles on the apse of Carpineto, the face are very similar, it is sufficient consider some(Figs.4-5), and other painting of Antoniazzo, or feet(Figs.6-7) of a saint on painting that is some of feet of Apostle on apse of Carpineto(Fig.8), therefore Antoniazzo has worked this apse may to commission of Conti family that has ruled Carpineto during xv century. Other painter I have caught second painter that I called at other book with name Master of Madonna of Rosary, a nameless painter that has worked very much to this subject in Sermoneta, Cori and Sezze; he has painted a Virgin of Rosary(Fig.9) this painting is worked after 1581 when during a pastoral visit bishop ordered that they must paint an image of Madonna of Rosary, therefore this painting is datable after this year, may about first then years of 17th century; anyway to style is very similar because face of pope Pius 5th (Fig.10) on right is very similar to other face to other altarpiece in Cori, the cloth of two saints on first plane are very similar to cloth of saint in Sermoneta(Fig.11), and the face of Virgin is specular to face of Virgin in Sermoneta(Fig.12); therefore this painter has worked with this subject very much.
Alessandro Lusana   


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Context and religion
During read of letters of Blaise Pascal(1623-1662), French philosopher, mathematical and theological, his letters called Provincials, where he considered and he registered also and above all dialogues about theologian and faith, when he said with Jesuitical monk; in seventh letter this monk John from Alba, Italian Jesuitical that justifies murder and duel; principal motive is a theological dispute about think of Louis de Molina, Hispanic Jesuitical, that written a book around freedom of man to get Good’s grace and with this freedom decide if refuse or accept, this book with Latin title Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, was opposed by Cornelius Otto Jansen, whose think was considered heretical, although alone for some affirmation. But during this dialogue between Pascal and John from Alba have showed some principal  unthinkable today to Church, because it is alone homicide, but this Jesuitical thinks that it is justified because is legitimate to defender our goods and our honour also with homicide; we must consider this think contextual to time and habit, everybody during 17th century, if offense would have this reaction, this way is descripted very masterly by Alexander Dumas in Three musketeers, with D’Artagnan must responds three duels with three musketeers, alone because he has collided three musketeers; then duels was journey during ancient time; this behaviour expressed by a Jesuitical is very strange, but we must consider that this Jesuitical monk tells and consider these fights and sins during 17th century, therefore he related these opinions to time and moral condition of France during his century, then he described that he sees, and he considers that he lives during his century, and deny these habits and search alone peace was impossible; this is alone a relation between human nature and theological science; but we must remarked that this Jesuitical monk is very modern, because he relate to social context, and he understand that the sin can have right and legitimacy because is habit. To proof this concept is some mentions of this monk, that said that: “…a man with armies  can pursue whom has hurt him; if he thinks to keep his honour and not give wrong…”, it is evident that this way expressed is alone a false question to justify duel and homicide that during 17th century was legitimacy and dutiful. 
Alessandro Lusana  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Pollux was a prisoner into the cave and when was possible to him exit, he exited with greatest happiness, he reached a city very big and he looked persons and citizen, much races, and he was very astonished, skyscrapers were very high and he wanted gone up, in fact he looked and admired very large panorama, he entered into museums, and pub, after he looked cinemas and movies, but above all he wanted know persons; then he stopped guys on the streets and he asked who they were, name and address, but persons thought that he was crazy, and he didn’t managed understand why this behaviour, he wanted alone know them. He entered to a pub, and he seen that costumers drunk some beer other wine and other thing, he asked to a woman: “Why do you drink so much?”, and man answered: “Because I want forgotten all my questions”, and Pollux asked: “Which?”, and woman: “One is principal, and it is very important to me”, and Pollux asked: “What is?”, and woman: “A man that wants fuck me and he hasn’t courage ask it”, and Pollux turned around and searched this man, and he answered: “I don’t see nobody that wants you”, and woman: “It is you, foolish”, and Pollux: “No absolutely, I want speak and ask something to you, but what is to fuck, a drink?”, and woman: “Are you from?” and Pollux: “I from a cave and I have seen alone shadows on the wall, but I don’t know where I am and what is this together of homes and skyscrapers, what is this?”, woman thought that Pollux was foreign and she answered: “If you have some money I can answer to you”, and Pollux asked: “What is money?”, woman smiled and she got up and exited by pub. Pollux asked same question other person, but everybody tried cheat him or let him without answer; he started to consider that this word was very strange and dislike; but something liked very much to him, he looked movies and television, and he considered that other contests and other people were present; therefore he wanted know these realities; in fact he visited and known these peoples and these peoples. After much travels a man in a city approached to him and asked: “Are you satisfied?”, and Pollux raised eyes and seen man, and answered: “Yes, but now I want know other people!”, and man drawn on the wall a door and after he opened it. Pollux entered and he seen his cave, with shadows on the large walls, but he found also television and movies showed; and man asked: “What do you want now?”, Pollux turned to him and: “Thank you very much, you can exit now, I will stand here, thank you”, and he closed door.
Alessandro Lusana