Wednesday, August 29, 2018

An exhibition
Robert was an inspector of police with a specialization, this is expert of theft of art, he has solved very much legal cases for theft, and he was very passionate to his job, and he was also a fair expert about art, in fact he visited much exhibition and red very much book about painters and painting but also sculpture and handcraft and architecture, his was more a passion to art rather that a job. A call, during night, awaked Robert that, in conformity his habit, he answered and his colleague informed him that a thief has stolen some painting with Saint Cecile and an angel, painting that Robert has seen to an exhibition to Rome, in Barberini Palace, and he begun think around this painting, during these moments emerged more soul and brain of art historical than police man; therefore he come to museum and he red a feet sheet , which sais: this painting is datable around 1610, not all critics agree around author, somebody thinks that author is Guy Francois, but of this painter there isn’t a painting in Rome, this painting tells around virgin Cecily that was protected by an angel and she was virgin always, author, may Carlo Saraceni, took by Rubens for colour very brilliant of cloth, whereas the light is by Caravaggio as contrast shadow and light on face of Cecily, and musical instruments mean that Cecily is patron of music. Robert asked around second painting stolen, a painting of Anteveduto della Gramatica, a player, and he remembered very well this painting because Anteveduto was his preferred painter; therefore he reminded a comment that he red in an exhibition; this painting was very next to Caravaggio and his musical themes, in fact first attribution was to Caravaggio, but he reminded also that this painting is a partial painting; by a copy of this painting was possible to see other part of this painting, that after was curtailed, this is motive for direction of look of player, and this painting may is from cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte collection with name of Anteveduto, and dimension of this painting agree with those of inventory. Robert red all these essays and he begun search in conformity with his habit, he contacted museums and art galleries, other collectors but nothing, pressure of superiors was very oppressive and he was discouraged; when an invite from an exhibition with much artist come to Robert; he was undecided if he could go or no, because this moment was very serious; this invite was very strange because was written in Latin language, and it begun with these words: In Nomine Dei amen, annus milessimus secentesimus octavus eius nativitate…; Robert didn’t knows Latin and in fact he translated this invite with program of computer, and text was: In name of God amen, in this year 2018 by his birth…, Robert taught that it was a jokey, but he seen something very interesting, miniature with a painting that has been stolen; he stood up fast and he red address of this exhibition was, he come immediately and this address was an art gallery that he knows very well, nobody was present and in gallery he called but nobody answered, until a man with beard and a black mantle pleased Robert to entry In Nomine Dei amen, annus milessimus secentesimus octavus eius nativitate…in a room, Robert made it, and he seen much painting set on wall and much persons were talking, and he with much discretion approached to a painting, and a man indicated to him who was author, and Robert confess that he known author, therefore man asked: “How do you know this painting?”, and Robert: “Because I have red essay around this painting”, and man: “well, who is author?”, and Robert: “Carlo Saraceni”, and Robert talked around other painting and, finally, the man accompanied him in other room, where Robert seen much persons set around a table with form semicircle, and a chair was in centre, they invited Robert to set, and one begun asked around art and history art; Robert answered and after two hours one man stood up and red: “We have decided that you can be our critic and our representative”, Robert didn’t understood and asked: “What is it, a jokey?”, and man: “No absolutely, you are member our Academy” and he red a paper: “In Nomine Dei amen, annus milessimus secentesimus octavus eius nativitate…”, Robert stood up and listened the red text; he continued to think that it was a jokey; terminated ceremony Robert approached to door he opened it and he red a shop with words: “Bone venutum…”, translated was Welcome to”, he opened other door and out he seen charge wagons and horse and merchants, all was in 17th century, a man of commission that has interviewed Robert approached to him and: “Your century is past, now we are in 1618, therefore you can see much artists that you have loved”, he get up on horse and invited Robert to get up, Robert made it and together they ride among streets where Robert seen much painting and other. In later hour somebody approached to Robert and awaked him, he got up immediately and with goggle eyes seen around, a his colleague asked what happened because his expression was very strange, Robert answered that he has dreamed a thing very strange, and his colleagues given a letter to Robert, he opened and alone in his office he red: “Sapio quod amis artem et ego fideo quod tu piacerem captavit in nostra salutationis”, and Robert now understood what text said: “I know that you love art and I hope that you have amused during our visit”, and sign was Carlo Saraceni 1618. Robert closed letter and smiled.
Alessandro Lusana                                

Friday, August 24, 2018

Restoration by concept to conservation
Today we can speak about restoration, with large and pantheistic exception, we can think as unproductive exercise. In fact now restoration joys of great critic fortune. A fame very big for this young study. Who has also summary acknowledge of art, who has seen an exhibition or has seen a church, he knows what is restoration. Everybody say about restoration but this study is very difficult and branched as complex, also to whom works to restauration. The restauration is a study that works for conservation of good and handmade with historical and art interest. To rational motives specializations on restoration are subdivided to matter that it must work. In fact restoration must works a series very great of materials, each with different characteristic and different needs. It works about historical residence and object in, about plasters, painting, stuccoworks, stone, earthenware, wooden handmade, ceramic, metal, glass, cloth, paper, jewellers, instrument, parchment, made with more matters, and other…therefore all that man has invented by prehistoric to today. With this long list of matters we can understand because this study is very wide and articulated, both under his execution and theoretic moral and ethical. The technical side of restoration change always to his time. In fact his technics side change constantly and evolve, but they keep same aims, although they are developed with society and for presence of new materials, and also for artistic taste(this side merits attentive think). The formal side and legislative is governed by Minister of Cultural Goods with his offices, whose more famous is Monuments and Fine Arts Office that works directly on town. Theoretical side is present for a wide literature that by ancient time has tried answer to askes as what is a public good, what is object of cultural interest first and also historical and document, what we must save and hand down to future generation and what no. To theoretical side we can say, with pride,  that Italy has a supremacy for theoretical as Camillo Boito and Cesare Brandi, that have defined the concept of restoration, today valid in the world. The restoration is gather of technical actions, formals and ideological for conservation for future time of a cultural good. To whom has busied  on restoration, as who writes this essay, work is above all moment for to study and to know the artistical work. It is satisfaction for to can touch, know and keep famous artistic work. It is work that let the observation around object with different prospective. It is difficult and dusty labyrinth, that becomes is your spirit.                                
                                                                 Silvia Conti (Restauratrice)

Restauro, dal concetto alla conservazione
Parlare di restauro oggi, di restauro in senso lato e panteistico, potrebbe apparire un esercizio sterile. Infatti il restauro gode in questo momento storico di una grande fortuna critica. Una fama senza precedenti per questa disciplina relativamente giovane. Chiunque in qualche misura si interessi di arte oppure abbia visto una qualsivoglia mostra o solo frequenti la propria parrocchia, sa cosa sia il restauro. Tutti parlano di restauro, tutti in qualche misura ne sanno ma la disciplina è complessa e ramificata anche per chi ha fatto del restauro la propria professione. Il restauro è una disciplina che si occupa della conservazione di beni e manufatti di interesse storico artistico, di tutti i manufatti di interesse storico artistico. Per ragioni di logica razionale le specializzazioni del restauro si suddividono a seconda della materia trattata. Infatti il restauro si occupa di una quantità incredibile di materiali, ognuno con caratteristiche, peculiarità e problematiche conservative ben distinte. Si occupa  dei palazzi e del loro contenuto, degli intonaci, degli affreschi, degli stucchi, della pietra, della terracotta, dei manufatti lignei, della ceramica, del metallo, del vetro, dei tessuti, della carta, dei gioielli, degli strumenti musicali, della pergamena, delle opere polimateriche  e tanto altro ancora … più o meno di tutto quello che l’uomo si è inventato dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri, un elenco incredibile che si allunga di giorno in giorno. Di fronte a questo lungo elenco di materie oggetto del restauro si può comprendere come la disciplina sia ampia ed articolata, lo è sotto il profilo tecnico esecutivo ed ancor più sotto il profilo teorico semantico ed etico morale.  L’aspetto tecnico del restauro è quello soggetto a costanti variazioni nel tempo. Fatte salvo le principali finalità concettuali, dettate dall’aspetto normativo e teorico, le tecniche del restauro si evolvono con l’evolversi della società, con la nascita di nuovi materiali e, perché no, con la moda ed il gusto (aspetto questo molto complesso che merita un attenta riflessione). L’aspetto formale e normativo è gestito dal Ministero dei Beni Culturali deputato alla tutela del patrimonio attraverso specifici uffici ministeriali, i più conosciuti dei quali sono le Soprintendenze che operano direttamente sul territorio. L’aspetto teorico è costituito da un ampia letteratura che da tempi remoti ha provato a dare risposte a ostiche domande tipo cosa sia un bene di interesse pubblico, quali siano gli oggetti di interesse artistico prima e storico artistico e documentale poi. Cosa sia giusto tutelare e tramandare ai posteri e cosa no.  Per quanto concerne l’aspetto teorico possiamo affermare con una nota d’orgoglio che l’Italia detiene un primato con teorici della caratura di Camillo Boito e Cesare Brandi che hanno delineato la complessa linea ideologica del concetto di conservazione oggi assunta, con minime varianti, in tutto il mondo. Il restauro è un insieme di azioni tecniche, formali e ideologiche volte alla conservazione nel tempo di un dato bene. Per chi, come la scrivente, si occupa di restauro, il proprio lavoro è un momento di studio e approfondimento per la conoscenza di una data opera. È la soddisfazione somma di poter toccare conoscere e conservare nel tempo opere di artisti famosi e non. È un mondo che ti consente di osservare oggetti con prospettive uniche  e ineguagliabili. Un dedalo ostico e polveroso ma che diviene parte di te e del quale puoi più fare a meno
                                                            Silvia Conti (Restauratrice)

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Intellectual letters
I don’t think that report between Abelard and Héloïse is very famous for actual readers but if somebody must read these letters between these two religious will notes that it is a true report both passionate and intellectual; Héloïse written hers letters with female soul and very in love with Abelard, the second letter is very moving for love that she shows, a very passionate for hers man, and we can think that she was deeply hurt for condition that Abelard undergone, because Abelard has born castration by uncle of Héloïse, because he taught that Abelard has left hers, therefore he corrupted a servant and a night he has castrated him; in fact Abelard reminds often this episode; but I want consider also the report that involves both soul and brain; in sixth letter Héloïse asked a rule for her nuns, because she was abbes and this female religious order hasn’t a rule, therefore she asked it; but to this ask she involve other author, above all Saint Benedict, and she full of mentions her request, because she consider that live of monks is very different by live of nuns, above all to work, this is ora et labora, this is pray and work of Saint Benedict isn’t very unfit for women, and in fact she considers much sides of monastic life, and she justifies this request with argument certainly valid. But among letters of Héloïse is evident also worries to past episodes and she confesses: “To me, I confess that I have worry very much for episodes very cruel and precise with much particular, but I have more worry because I know that you have now danger…”, these words aren’t alone empty words to circumstance but it is true fell, that Héloïse confesses with emotive participation and true love; these are letters of a woman in love, very strange for Middle Age, when love was a particular very irrelevant, because marries were taught for honour and richness of family, and not certainly for love; today is same but it is less evident. Therefore without to generalize we can think that Héloïse was a woman very love in with Abelard, and that she was very worry for her man, also after that she has a son and after she lived in convent and he was long by hers; but these letters are very important for to think, and to consider, that cultural report enclosed also that emotive, not certainly frequent between men and women of 11th century, therefore these letters are also a social document but we not must generalize, but we can consider this single case as a important exception in morality, second Latin exception, this is costume, of reports between men and women.
Alessandro Lusana 

Friday, August 17, 2018

An voice against
Some voice that has told right what were causes of American rivolution was present also in English parliament during 1763, colonel Baré who has answered to words of  Carlo Townsend, minister of crow, who told some behaviour very fanciful, he told: “And now Americans want established by our cures, fed with our love, and protected by our armies, until this richness they are come…”, these words answered Baré: “Established by your cures! Not certainly, by your oppression determined that they in America come. They escaped your tyranny, and they has searched a word in word inhospitable where they have had all discomfort and dangerous, and also for cruelty of an enemy very wild, very astute and terrible, and pressed by true principles of English liberty they have fronted and have born difficult that they have in their country born. Fed by your love. They have grown by your carelessness. You have made advise cure them and you have sent men there for order them both here and there, to order with deputies sent there for to oversee, and for to spy; these men have behaviour has made freezes blood to those sons of liberty, men promoted to high responsibilities of justice…”, this answer is notation of English deputy who has told truth, and has identified responsibility of this will in Great Britain, therefore it is normal that colonies and colonists are rebels; these colonies aren’t alone cash of Great Britain, therefore he continued: “Believe me, that this people will be pressed by same love to freedom that have pressed past. And Baré add that he has seen American, he means that he has seen colonies that then were lived, and in fact: “…and I affirm that I have seen much thing of America, and I have very much talked in that colonies, therefore I know more better than you. That people is very loyal as other subject that we have king, but they are also jealous of their liberty, and he will avenge it if they will be violated.” This portrait is correspondent to American spirit, but interesting is that a English in parliament has told causes of a future rebellion, and he has accused his country as first cause.
Alessandro Lusana              

In theatre comedy was ended and public rested in room and waited director, who usually shows himself to end of performance, and was habit of public asked about comedy and his meaning, for Hildebrand, this was name of director, it was a second examination after the first, this is of public, he was very disinterested to critics and comment, in fact every critic has renounced to wrong critics, he makes theatre because he loved theatre, and above all he makes always new thing, which nobody understand but everybody see, because nobody understanding all hope that second comedy would be clear, contrary was as the first, difficult and incomprehensible; now theatre was full because while was spread voice that this director was very strange, and price of ticket was very low, and Hildebrand chosen always unknow actors, because enthusiasm in these actor was always life; that night, he has directed a comedy with protagonist was a cuckolded husband who told it to his servant, and he has answered that he was very lucky, therefore Robert, this was name of husband, was very astonish, and asked: “Am I lucky because my wife is unfaithful?”, and Gerard, this is name of servant, answered: “Certainly, mister, and not half I was cuckolded, I tell it to everybody, I cry it everywhere and for every way”, and Robert asked: “Are you crazy?”, and Gerard: “No absolutely! I speak alone that you are lucky because you now can truth to word, do you understand? To tell truth! It is very exceptional, and therefore you are lucky, much lucky”. These words to public seemed very strange, and in fact a spectator asked to Hildebrand: “What is meaning? Because I think that this comedy has a meaning, I hope”, and Hildebrand: “Are you cuckolded?”, and spectator: “No certainly!”, and Hildebrand: “If you was you would tell it?”, and spectator: “No!” and Hildebrand indicated a woman set next: “Your wife?”, and spectator: “Your name lady?” and woman: “Angelica”, and Hildebrand: “Well a name very obscene”, Angelica goggle eyes and she was raising but Hildebrand: “Yes, make it and you can go away, but you would tell me and other present that I am right”, and husband asked: “Your name do you have never considered?”, and Hildebrand: “Yes, my name is terrible, but I don’t go away, I consider that my name is terrible and stop; I aren’t angry, because it is useless, if I comment your name, lady, and you will be angry this means that your name dislike you, and you manifest it because you are angry”, and after Hildebrand turned other spectator: “Are you cuckolded?” and spectator: “No!”, and Hildebrand: “If you was if…”, spectator has listened same question made before, and in fact he answered: “No, would I don’t tell it nobody”, and Hildebrand: “Why?”, and spectator: “Because it isn’t opportune”, and Hildebrand: “But is could be true, and you could tell truth, but you prefer to lie, tell that all is right, that you stand very well, and other lies”, and spectator: “Yes, but now I have a question you”, and Hildebrand: “yes, ask without  pity”, and spectator: “Why servant has a cap with bells? It is very strange”, and Hildebrand: “Who does wear this cap with bells in Middle Age?”, and spectator: “I don’t know”, and Hildebrand: “The jester”, and spectator: “Therefore?”, and Hildebrand: “Jester in court of Middle Age was considered always a crazy, but he often told truth and hosting of lord laughed, because he was a crazy, but he told truth, also wrong matter and dirty matter, but in common opinion he was crazy, therefore everybody laughed, because he was crazy; therefore mean is that some time is opportune to be crazy because you can tell truth, while who is very healthy doesn’t tell it”, and spectator: “What does means it?”, and Hildebrand: “Crazies tell truth while healthy don’t make it, and servant consider his employer lucky because he can tell truth this is to tell that he is cuckolded, because nobody will believe him, but he tell truth, therefore we believe to lies contrary that truth, because we are healthy, therefore we believe and tell lies while crazies tell truth, because servant spoken, 'you are lucky because you can tell truth', while very much healthy tell alone lies, therefore may is opportune to be crazy and tell truth”, and spectator: “Who does believe you?”, and Hildebrand: “Nobody! But you tell truth, you must think if is better to be crazy and tell truth or to be healthy and tell lies, and with this question I leave you because I have answer, you now must find it, and he gone away and failed the curtain.
Alessandro Lusana                   

Saturday, August 4, 2018

American revolution: an Italian chronicle
Certainly very little persons have acknowledge about Carlo Botta, an Italian doctor with some expiration to freedom of Italy and therefore revolutionary, in fact he was arrested because revolutionary and after an years in prison he gone in France, at 1795, where certainly he has a climate major fit to his think for revolution of 1789; he gone back in Italy as doctor of France army and he was also active in policy for independence of Italy, but he died in France because in Italy every collaborator of France and Napoleon were persecuted persons. But here I want alone describe he History of war of independence of United States of America, a book written at 1809, true chronicle narration of every moment and event; true long and particular narration, but I think that Botta is a exemple for his aseptic narration, he was certainly a revolutionary, his political choose shows it, but he tells every moment of this revolution with an aseptic participation, he takes every moment by much sources, and he described also names, therefore: Journals of the house of Lords; Journals of the house of Commons; Authentic accounts of the proceedings of Congress held at New York, in 1765; Journals of the proceedings of the Congress, 8°. Dilly, 1775; Journals of Congress held at Philadelphia, 8”. The Parliamentary Register, etc. Tutti i volumi dal 1766 sino al 1785; The Annual Register, etc. Tutti i volumi dal 1764 sino al 1785, lIistorical anecdotes relative to the american rebellion, un vol. in 8” 1779. The Remembrancer, or impartial repository of public events. The second edition. London, for J. Almon, 17 vol. in- 8°, Prior documents. Letters on the american troubles, translated from french of M. Pinto. 1776. An impartial history of the war in America between Great Britain, and her colonies from its commencement to the end of the year 1779, 8". For Fauldess, 1780. The history of the civil war in America, comprehending the campaigns of 1775. 1776, and 1777; by an officer of the army. 8", for Sewel, 1781. A genuine detail of the several engagements, positions, and movements of the royal, and american armies during the years 1775, and 1776 with an accurate account of the blockade of Boston, etc. by William Carter, etc. 4°. For Kearlsley. 1785. An impartial, and authentic narrative of the battle fought on the 17 june, etc. on Bunker's-bill; by John Clarke, 1775. A history of the campaigns of 1780, and 1781 in the southern provinces of North America; by Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton, etc. Dublin, 1 vol. in-8°, 1787. Strictures on Lieutenant colonel Tarleton-s history of the campaigns of 1780. and 1781, etc.; by Roderick Mackenzie. in 8°, 1787.The history of the american revolution; by David Ramsay, M. D. 2 volumi in 8, Philadelphia, 1789. History of the war with America, France, Spain, and IIolland commencing in 1775, and ending in 1785; by John Andrews, 4 vol, in-8°, London, for J. Fielding, 1785. The history of rise, progress, and establishement of the independance of the united States of America, etc. By William Gordon, D. D. London, printed for the author, and sold by Charles Dilly, 1788, 4 vol. in-S". An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American united States, and of the European settlements in America, and the West-Indies, by W. Winterbotham, 4 vol. in-8°. London, 1795.The life of George Washington, etc.; by John Marshall, Chief justice of the united States, etc. 5 vol. in-88. London, for Richard Philips, 1804, 1805. 1807 The life of Washington; by David Ramsay, 1 vol. in-8°, New-York, 1807, Printed by Ilopkin, and Seymour. Letters addressed to the army of the united States in the year 1785 with a brief exposition etc.; by Buel. Kingston, state of New-York, 1805. -Revolution d'Amérique; par M. l'abbé Raynal, Londres, 1781 Lettre adressée à l'abbé Raynal, sur les affaires de l'Amérique septentrionale. traduite de l'anglais de M. Thomas Payne, 1785. Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Américains; par M. Ilillard d'Anber teuil, 4 vol. in-8”. Bruxelles, 1781. IIistoire de l'Administration de lord North, et de la guerre de l'Amérique septentrionale jusqu'à la paix en 1785; 2 vol. in 8”. Londres et Paris, 1784.Histoire impartiale des événemens militaires et politiques de la derniére guerre dans les quatre parties du monde. 5 vol. Amsterdam et Paris, chez la veuve Duchesne, 1785.Constitutions destreize Etats-Unis d'Amérique, 1 vol, in 8'. Philadelphie et Paris, 1785. Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Amérique, 17 vol. in-8. Anvers.Voyages de M. le marquis de Chastelux dans l'Amérique, septentrional, pendantles anges 1780, 1781 et 1782, 2 vol. in.8°. Paris, chez Prault 1786. -Histoire des troubles de l'Amérique anglaise,etc.; Historie de la derniére guerre entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, la France, l'Espagne et la Hollande, depuis son commencement en 1775jusqu'à sa ſin en 1785, 1 vol., in 4. Paris, chez Brocas, 1787.Histoire de la révolution d'Amérique par rapport à la Caroline méridionale; par David Ramsay, membre du Congrès américan; traduit de l'anglais. 2 vol. in-8. Londres et Paris, chez Froullé, 1787.Recherches historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale, etc.; par un citoyen de Virginie, 4 vol. in 8. Colle et Paris, chez Frullé, 1788.Discussions importantes débattues au Parlement britannique, etc. 4 vol. in 8. Paris, chez Maradan et Perlet, 1790. Mémoires historiques et pièces authentiques sur M. de La Fayette, etc.; un vol.n-8. Paris, l' an second de la liberté francaise.He takes all these source and he reported; but I want consider that Botta could tell every moments with his think, on contrary he reports with objectivity, and this is specific representation of this moment certainly very care to Americans and very less care to English, but it is history of revolution of a nation, therefore we must consider these moments alone historical moments.
Alessandro Lusana