Saturday, August 31, 2024


Μέσoς: this is to tell history

In conformity to opinion of Aristotle, the μέσoς this is middle measure is perfect; certainly for a judgment, above all historical judgment; when historical man has told about pope Alexander 6th Borgia, a pope that rose the Church And has followed habit and sin of 15th century, with nepotism and try to rich Church, certainly a costume that today we refuse and condemn, but then very normal. Historical men, Guicciardini is a preclear example about to tell with hearsay that he has confirmed with his narration and he has condemned Alexander 6th pope to eternal fire of hell. We can read fortunately three books about Alexander 6th of Andrea Leonetti, that has told about this pope with a soul and spirit very defensive, and he has told the truth about very much episodes with documents and letters and other, and he has corrected very much opinions about this pontificate. This is a work very bold because author has corrected judgment and fatherhood very false, in fact Lucretia was his nephew, on a document, we can read neptis eius this is his nephew, and no certainly daughter. The simony  election is other lie because Alexander 6th has had a uncle Cellists 3th that was pope and, evidently, conclave has wanted followed policy of this pope but through Alexander 6th . Oreste Ferrara other Italian historical and attorney has explained other questions; the legendary simony of Alexander 6th is suggested by gifts of his personal cloth to cardinal has voted him in conclave and other. These historical men are very important because we must consider that also Pastor, historical man of popes, has followed common opinion and he did not see documents. Then although I admire these books, I must see that to an episode Leonetti hasn’t consider documents; it is subtraction of Sermoneta and after donation to his nephew Cesare Borgia, because Leonetti has said: all lands were subtracted through armies to failed vassals, or if that are subtracted through sentence of pope, as to Sermoneta, these were granted for own of Church to equivalent price…This is false because Alexander 6th has excommunicated Caetani family and has granted Sermoneta. Then this narration is false, and we must consider that the history we must tell with documents or hypothesis but we must keep the μέσoς, this is the truth and balance to tell; then wrong historical men that has told about Alexander 6th we must condemn, we must  lies of defense, and we must, no should, stand on right measure and consider historical contest and documents, then truth, without emotional involved, and always consider that we are witness of past but without condition moral, economic, social that has determined these judgement, then we are witness after centuries, and we must be μέσoς, balanced to tell history.

Alessandro Lusana

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Changed archetypes

Some model to painting to painter is always necessary, model both human and painted, this is inspiration. I want consider some painting that has certainly, in conformity my opinion, inspired one or any painting; and same model or archetype is, after, changed to other painting. Raphael(1483-1520) has suggested to Giuseppe Cesari called Cavalier d’Arpino(1568-1640), some model as cloud and layout of some figure to his Martyrdom of Saint Margaret(Fig.1), that has took from Dispute of Sacrament(Figs.2-3), and to Submission of Christ to temple(Fig.4), to arch behind is suggested for two arches of Raphael from Athens school(Fig.5) and to Annunciation(Fig.6), and again Raphael has suggested to Cesari other posture of horse to other painting(fig.7); in fact Cesari has took posture of horse from Costantino’s battle(Fig.8). To Flagellation(Fig.9), Cesari has took from Sebastiano Luciani(1485-1547), called del Piombo, same painting(Fig.10) that Cesari has seen and has changed to his think but archetype is del Piombo. Cesari has suggested something to Guide Reni(1575-1642), the Saint Michael Archangel(Fig.11) that Reni has took to his Saint Michael Archangel(Fig.12). These are models and ideas that some painter has took and rethought, and exercise is same to every centuries and artist.

Alessandro Lusana 











