Reproof to Machiavelli
I sincerely love Niccolò Machiavelli, the first policy scientist, and I
think lost also, because other are historical that had tools history but not
policy, Niccolò is true historical political, but he had made some mistake also,
and historical mistake, when he said that the Church made that Italy was disunited,
but Italy after fall of Roman empire was always disunite, and the Church called
strangers people for defense, because hasn’t owner army, and Italy by Middle
age was conquered from much people, that was defeated by other people, that
while was went in Italy; when Scipione Ammirato, an Italian historical of 16th
and 17th, comments this opinion of Machiavelli and he said, around
pope Julius II, who called Swisses for contrast to French in Pontifical State,
then Machiavelli reproach the pope because has called stranger, but Ammirato
answered: “Italy was government by Italian, Hispanic, (south Italy), he(pope),
throwed French it wasn’t diminution or grow disunion of Italy?”, sorry but
Ammirato was right, it is to throw stranger and not certainly increase it; and
more over Machiavelli won’t consider that much stranger government with formal
power, but alone formal, and that had divided Italy and Italian were Italian
same; it is sufficient considerer that Machiavelli was Florentine, a region
that in Italy is famous both for art and for disunion, wars among Tuscan city
were daily, but in Tuscan the Church wasn’t while disunion yes, for example
Pisa and Florence warred by 1480, and Machiavelli was lead of Florentine army
again Pisa around 1512, but Florentine and Pisani were Italian. Machiavelli was
pressed by a anticlericalism very strong, and he want saw the Church as wrong.
Alessandro Lusana
Rimprovero a Machiavelli
Sinceramente io amo Niccolò
Machiavelli, il primo scienziato della politica, e credo anche l’ultimo, altri
erano storici ma non politici, mentre Machiavelli resta un vero politico della
storia, ma anche lui compì qualche errore, quando disse che la Chiesa voleva
tenere disunita l’Italia, ma l’Italia dopo la caduta dell’impero romano fu
sempre disunita, la Chiesa dovette chiamare gli stranieri per difendersi da
eserciti nemici, perché non aveva eserciti propri, e inoltre l’Italia dal Medio
Evo fu terra di conquista di molti popoli, sconfitti da altri popoli; quando
Scipione Ammirato, uno storico italiani fra XVI e XVII secolo, commenta questa
opinione dicendo, intorno a papa Giulio II, che chiamò gli svizzeri per
cacciare i francesi dal regno pontificio, l’Ammirato risponde al Machiavelli: “L’Italia era governata da italiani e
spagnoli(sud Italia), quindi il pappa che scaccia i francesi era elemento
di disunione ovvero unione?”, spiacente ma l’Ammirato ha ragione, scacciare i
francesi fu elemento di unione sebbene sia restato ancor oggi qualche guardia
svizzera; Machiavelli non volle considerare che molti stranieri governavano l’Italia,
con un potere formale, solo formale, e ciò che divideva l’Italia erano i soli
Italiani; sia sufficiente considerare che Machiavelli era fiorentino, una
regione nota per i capolavori d’arte e per lo spirito campanilistico, guerreggiava
costantemente, ma in Toscana la Chiesa non c’era mentre vi era la disunione, ad
esempio Pisa e Firenze guerreggiavano dal 1480 e fiorentini e pisani erano
italiani, Machiavelli era sollecitato a questo giudizio anche da un
anticlericalismo davvero profondo e vedeva spesso la Chiesa come il male.
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