Traditio et religio

In the poem of Beowulf’s we found a past when Beowulf king of Geats and protagonist of a poem written about 9th century after Christ; he was been a king that after his dead he was been cremated; it is seems normal for a people that was barbarian, but we must consider that now emerges the tradition, this is use and habit of this population that by now was Christian; then the cremation isn’t let, but the tradition of cremation was very life, and tradition was very strong, use and examples were present in this examples. This manuscript was been copied during 9th century by Christian monks and they may has known that this use was barbarian, but we can hypothesize that use of cremation was so frequent that also to monks it was normal, and they lived on old British and they got use and costumes of these population, then they have written this poems without considering that this use was forbidden. This example is motive to consider that use and costume overwhelmed religion; this is human gender has followed his natural habit, this is that it has looked for centuries. In the Confessions of Saint Augustin we has other overwhelm, because the author compels that very much die has asked that their tom must be very rich; this is use was heathen use but this luxury has come to monument of popes, I remember now Michael Angel and monument of pope July 2th, but sarcophaguses are to every pope that has refused humility and poverty to richness and luxury, in conformity to  heathen costume. Then the tradition has refused religion and has got use very frequents; it is very habitual because during Middle Age and Renaissance popes has publicized their family and power of their persons, then it is political aim, and we must consider that it is policy every and to every age. In fact pyrameds, tomb of imperator Adrian are documents of this wit.

Alessandro Lusana  




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