Deep history

This assay want describe a document is non certainly of paper but a stone, it is certainly haven’t interest, may to geological science, but now it has a historical and moral value, because describes a reaction of conqueror, therefore it is a document of great importance because shows what a paper document can’t show, it is moral and psychological reaction. Text of epigraphical says: “A.D.MCCCLII FEDE IMP.XXVIPHOSPITAT. EST HIC ET DIVA LIONDRA XXVII EISDEM MENTIA”, it is Latin language and epigraphical matter but we can read it through translation: “This years of Lord 1452 Frederick 3th imperator was been guest here at 25th march and also Lady Eleanor at 27th at same mount”(I must very deeply thank mister Antonio Vicedomini, Marshal of policy of Sermoneta, to matter and photo given to me), I think that I am giving other matter, certainly a neglectable bit, to ideas of Daniel Lord Smail, author of book On deep history and the brain, this book considers how much influence of brain to history, but we must consider that human gender has his wit and psychology and his brain, therefore it is can be involved by hate and anger as love and passion, human feels. To this case history, but very deep history, it isn’t actions, dates, persons and other, but internal suggest and feels of persons, therefore more deep than historical happened, because now we are looking in brain of somebody, then psychologists weren’t there. This stone is very important document because it shows deep intentions of Alexander 6th pope, Borgia’s family,  when at 1499 this family through Caesar Borgia, nephew and no certainly son of pope, conquered Sermoneta, and moved away Caetani family. This epigraphical stone documents the psychology of Caesar Borgia, because if he has had anger and hate to Caetani family he would destroyed this epigraphical document, because it shows a homage to Caetani, the presence of an emperor to Sermoneta and guest of family’s that he has dispelled form Sermoneta, therefore to “condamnatio memoriae”, this is condemnation of memory, Caesar Borgia would have destroyed this stone, but this stone, today is in district police of Sermoneta and it has been reused to other build because it survive, and Caesar Borgia in Caetani castle constructions works has made and very important, but this stone has rested whole, Why? Because Caesar Borgia has had other motives to conquer Sermoneta and no certainly hate to Caetani, but it is psychological history of Borgia that we can get by a stone, therefore we can understand wit of human gender by a stone or other matters that has keep a sign. Therefore very deeply history.

Alessandro Lusana   



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