Useful witchcraft

This essay want point out when and because persecution of witchcraft there is during determined moments in ecclesiastic history, during 13th century, therefore in Middle age, very remarkable economic development in Europe there was, it was cause of determined  heretical movements, as Cathar, that has had a radical dualism, and wanted restoration of poverty, or modest condition, and overestimation of wit, and other Waldensians and other, fought papacy power and richness as sign of evil. Very soon heretical person and movement become witchcraft, because this identification was very easy to people and certainly dreadful because it let identification supernatural power and deadly evils, therefore the wagon of Apollos become a broomstick for a witchcraft woman, why a broom? Because the broom is used until ancient Egypt and saint Martha has a object is broom(Fig.1), but this object has used from witchcraft; therefore the Christian worship a witchcraft, or it is more possible that the women were in home and they cured it, and certainly they used the broom more than men, but they were more weak being and less strong and withstand to pitfalls of evil, therefore more than men involving to sin. So also possibility of flyof witchcraft women, it is possible because to explain to people that Apollos and other pagan gods was sin would be very difficult, people was illiterate, first they had to explain what is sin and after religion, and after it is forbidden from Church; this is some centuries, and priest and predicators didn’t have so time. The witchcraft was evil to common people and Church salvation, but it is identification has had very economical motives, at 13th century in south Italy, medical students have had spent very much money so that some son become doctor, and competition were manteacae, this is healer through grasses and therefore they were expensive very little, on contrary a doctor cost very much, therefore they were witchcraft, then competion was so. During 14th century same economical condition, but now other human and political phenomenal was birth, the “comunitas”, this is common cities that become autonomous, therefore it was sign of emancipation by power. During 15th century this phenomenal enlarged more and the comunitas become lordship, through phase of secularism both cultural and moral, it is very dreadful to Church because humankind become laic, in fact treaties about witchcraft between 14th and 15 centuries was very much, and fated purposive to priest, men were laic. During 16th century after birth of Protestantism persecution to witchcraft increase, because heretical, then were no somebody but nations, therefore millions of men, and at this moment the Church known to identify very easy heretical men therefore this assimilation between witchcraft and heretical was useless, it is sufficient a case; when Ludwig Barone von Pastor attended Vatican archives to write History of popes from end of Middle age published form 1886 and 1933, in Vatican suspect was very strong  because he was German, therefore protestant, on contrary he was very Catholic, this is a sign alone of inheritance left by Middle age, but assimilation between nationality and religion was been very present until 1900, therefore during middle age and modern history(15th-19th centuries) it was very relevant. Relevant to regal power and common people as artisans and farmen, to the first witchcraft were rebel to God and regal power, and to second they were cause of economical crisis, therefore they were been as Socrates in Athens, enemies very easy identified to justify every evil, everyman has had his motive to hate witchcraft, distraction of attention, a very old as frequent political tactics.    

Alessandro Lusana  




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