…cum populus regem

iussisset, id sic ratum esset, si patres auctores fierent

We must consider that narration of Titus Livy(59 b.Ch.-79a.Ch.) is very celebratory of history of Rome(Ab urbe condita, this is From foundation of Roma), ancient history we know very little, and we must consider Titus Livy as a very important because he could read other historical men and could hard very histories about Rome, authors today unknown to us, but we can think that democracy has born in Greek, through Cleisthenes, but power of this democracy, certainly important but it has had some limit, because the people of Athens didn’t elect his king, but Rome, according to opinion of Livy, has elected his king. The step that I have used as title is from Livy, it considered prudently, we can think that it was true, and the roman people elected his king; a proof is in time of Livy, during emperor of August, from 23 b.Ch. emperor, and he was true republican man, therefore we can think that this use of history is very partial, because also during emperor of August the Senate has had elected as in republican era, but non certainly emperor, that then didn’t existed. I have mentioned this skepticism because when election of Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, whose name is from Numa that is from Nomos(Νoμoς) and Pompilius(Ρoμπέ) it is suit of priest, in fact according to opinion of historical studies he has found in Rome worship of gods; and Livy has added: “…people of Rome elect your king…” but Livy didn’t tell that he is elected from people, I think that it is a forgetfulness, certainly he has been elected from people, but it is strange that Livy remember it to Romulus and didn’t it to Numa, because he has had importance very extraordinary, because he has founded the worth in Rome. I think that this narration has begun from ancient Rome, also to time of Livy because this time has seen other writer, a poet, Publio Virgilio Marone, called always Virgilio, that has written the Aeneide, a poem tells arrive from Troy, after conquest of Greek, of hero Aeneas whose son Julius has founded lineage of family Julia, that has had among members Caius Julius Caesar, and then August imperator was a member of Ceasar’s family, therefore Livy followed the spirit of time and he has narrated the archaic Rome until Caesar; it is a document of that documents can’t tell, it is spirit of time, in fact we can understood it alone to poem and history, this is wit of time, costum and moral of that time, that is son great and son evident but nobody sees it, Robert Musil(1880-1942) an Austrian writer has said: “The monument is so great and nobody sees it”, I think that we can get from literacies source also it, this is wit.

Alessandro Lusana        



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