Ante Lutherhum
When they haven’t clear accuses about contradictions to a matter, thereupon the use ideal matters and theological is perfect to attack and to judge something, but they should give attention to contradictions that are present in ideal question, above all theological; I want consider again John Wyclif(died 1384) and his De religione private, and he said in a step of this book: “It is evident that so for defect about knowledge to pope he(Christ) didn’t give rule of vicar to manage penitences and others sacraments…”, we can agree to this opinion but a contradiction emerges in this speech, what is? Simple that Wyclif after this opinion said, in same book: “…that laymen for his vote given to bishop and God perfect faithful to gospel there is to poverty, chastity and obedience this way to be perfect religious man…this is proof by beatus Augustine in letter to Hipponense citizen…”; perfect think and he was very right but we can think that pope can’t manages penitence who has elected Saint Augustine? We can may the Church, but the Church has chief a pope; but he can’t make it because he isn’t vicar of Christ, and the pope can’t appoint Augustine saint or blissful because he had not have knowledge of God and Christ, and the Church is same, but very strange, Wyclif mentioned a saint that is appointed so by the Church. Wiclif mentioned in other pamphlet, De citatione frivolis, evangelist Matthew and others evangelists, but the Church is founded on Gospel and the Church has a pope because this gospel told about that Saint Peter has been first pope, but may a failed of memory of author but he mentioned a step that isn’t in a letter of Saint Paul, in fact he said: “In letter to Philemon apostle written, without your advisement nothing I want make…”, I have read this letter and this step isn’t, and Holy Bible is same fro centuries, I think that Wiclif has used some step to hold up some theories. In same book he has other contradiction because he said: “…here the cury as pope, his chief and saint mother church, it is root of while church…”, but saint mother Church is same that you have attached and you consider devoid of power and certainly devoid of holiness; I think that this pamphlet has been written by two writes, and one has contradicted other, because these contradictions are very childish; and after he is very laughable: “…somehow this triplicity removed God has given to Peter his vicar to help his church conformity to Christ law", but I think that he didn't remember that successor of Peter are popes, same popes that he has attached, and he considered no certainly seccessors of Peter, and no certainly in conformity to Christ law. he is polemicist? After this very deep concept(laughable) he insisted to contraddiction:"And so it he goes away so chief by false human election and chief of Church but our chief is Christ...", but pope is under Christ as any faithful, because he is the first faithfull to Catholic believe, but pope fra Gregory 7th pope has called them servus servorum Dei, this is serf of serfs of God, thus he is first serf of God, and election of pope is alone human election, and Christ appointed Saint Peter his successor and pope, but Christ has made it when he was human, thus cardinals are humans as Christ.He is polemicist? No certainly he is drunk, certainly, or in latin language: "certum est"
Alessandro Lusana
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