English Latin a relationship with some quarrel

During read of Latin works of John Wyclif(died1384) we can deduce that that some change in Latin of Middle age is present and we can ascertain it to some word of Wyclif as :secunda racio, it is in first sermon of Wyclif because the Latin word ratio is stem to racio and English reason, but yet origin of this word is present because racio is partial Latin, and it is wrong because in some text Latin it is very wrong, in text of a Latin student, teacher should correct immediately this wrong; but during Middle age, to every country, Latin very little known and ancient Greek may four persons, whose an English monk, William of Occam; but I want evidence that this passage from Latin to English is beginning, and we can notice it because in Latin text are present other words: racioni, plural of racio, that is stem to reasons, but now is written as racioni and no rationi, certainly medical change but it is motive to note that also in Latin script, at 1380 this mutation is becoming, because it is, I repeat, a wrong but evidently a wrong that in Latin English was accepted and may it is standard, but it is confess that, also Latin in English tongue is changing, after Germanic, sok stem of 'seek', brengan 'bring', bycgan 'buy' ,therefore influence of more tongues has made English tongue, and Latin is principal because Catholic culture has very deeply influenced both during Roman empire and Catholic monasteries, and examples continue for evidenciam, this is evidentiam, today English evidence, and tercio this Latin tertio, and English third, and preservacio this is Latin preservatio and English preservation, it is seems  that present day English has restored old Latin because –tio is in English tion; of course English tongue has had present but I wanted evident that in some writer we can find some standard error that then was normal.

Alessandro Lusana



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