Cassius tells

Cassius was in forum and he turned with lantern when was day and with sun very present, as Diogenes who was searching man, Cassius was searching the truth, and people looked Cassius and laughed, and somebody asked to Cassius: “Cassius where are you going, attentive because in the night you risk to trip and to fall, keep high that lantern”, a man that was very cultured, approached to Cassius and he called: “Diogenes! Are you Diogenes, his friends or his pupil?” Cassius turned toward voice and said: “I am Cassius and I am searching the truth”, man then asked: “What truth?” and Cassius: “Around Caesar and his death, I want know what is happened in that episode”, and man asked: “Who are you?” and Cassius: “I am Cassius Diones Cocceianus from Nicaea, son of Cassio Aproniano, governor of Cilicia and Dalmatia, and I want write around Rome and her history, and now I want know around death of Caesar”, man saw Cassius and said: “Rightly, and I can tell this history, and you must heard what I will tell, because I haven’t red it but I have saw it, this homicide” Cassius then commented: “Are you present when Caesar was killed by Brutus and Cassius?”, and man who while looked toward other place of forum: “Yes I was present, and I have saw all”, Cassius very excited asked soon: “Therefore you can tell me every particular of this homicide, and I will hear you”, man then invited Cassius to a tavern and ordered vine, he looked Cassius and began his history: “Caesar tripped always without bodyguard, alone, and plotters decided that this homicide will happen in curia of Senate” and Cassius: “Why in the curia?”, and man: “Because Brutus and Cassius know that Caesar there nothing can fear, and then there he was lacking of defense, and they hoped that there they can have some knifes for this homicide, and they hope also that others without armies don’t help Caesar” and Cassius: “If somebody has help Caesar?”, and man: “I somebody has helped Caesar we have gladiator that we have trained in Pompeo’s theater; and the day of homicide came, and when they entered in curia, they called Caesar, and foreseeing advised Caesar of these dangers, and his wife before day f homicide had dreamed that their home was fell, and Caesar same dreamed that he was raised to sky, and was very next Jupiter, and other prodigies happened, as armies of Mars, that Caesar keeps because Pontificem Maximus, made very big sound to doors of room where he slept, and so was opened, and these prodigies forbitten to Caesar go out from home; and in fact after much person remembered of these prodigies as sign of misfortune, and then plotters though that Caesar doesn’t come in curia, and they will be discovered, and then they sent Decimo Brutus, very friend of Caesar, at last he come in curia with Caesar, and Brutus belittled every prodigies, and he was saying that Senate want saw him, persuaded Caesar for gone out form home, and while he was going out a sculpture with face of Caesar fell and was broke, and Caesar don’t heard word of a foreseen, and he gave to Caesar a small book that tells everything which his homicide were prepared, but Caesar hasn’t read this book because he had considered very little important, and he answered to a foreseen and he said: “Do you not see that in this day I am life”, and foreseen answered: “This day isn’t passed”, Caesar gone in curia, and Trebonius kept away Anthony, and plotters had decided that also Anthony and Lepidus were killed, and while Trebonius was talking with Anthony, others assemble around Caesar, and others began talked whit him, and when was moment for homicide somebody approached to Caesar and undressed toga, and so he given sign to others plotters, and in fact others plotters approached to Caesar knifed him”. Cassius heard with much attention and he saw that man got up, and asked: “Where do you go?” and man answered: “To Philippi next Pangeus month”, and Cassius then asked also: “What is your name?”, man looked other place of tavern and: “Brutus”, and he gone out.

Alessandro Lusana      




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