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People were in library and red book which has took, who said with other reader, who red newspaper, who sought for an employee or a book, Ludovick was in the central room and he looked around somebody who he knew, he was a young 23 years old, without beard and shortest hair, he not bear beard his friend girl has said that there meet; Ludovick waited until night but Catherine, his friend not came. The library was deserted, and he was alone with other employees, Ludovick rested there until 10:00 PM, and he waited his friend girl, he won’t read because Ludovick not had red from years, was an exercise that he hated, he not spend a minute for read, books and newspaper, he not red and he thought that to read was alone useless; in fact he red as a baby primary school, and at library he went alone for some appointment but not certainly for to read; some girl who he knew noticed that he was very ignorant and his meet were very noise, in fact he haven’t much friends, his job, as porter an hotel, not requires that he was wise. Library is closing and Ludovick was there for hours, and he was very patient, his job required this quality and he is very patient, although somebody was impolite, as Catherine. He went out and looked around for sought his friend girl, but she isn’t; therefore he went to home, and instead to see television slept, and he had a dream; so he went in a huge room where was much persons who there said between them, and nobody looks him and somebody who looked him has made with conceit. Ludovick was dressed with a tunic and a rope around waist, with thig beard and moustache, and he asked to somebody where he was; and a man with beard and without sandal answered that he was in Athens and in Athens’s school, and he will be his guide, and he will know everybody in that school; therefore this man whose name was Socrates, asked his  name, and he answered that was Ludovick; name which Socrates doesn’t understood, but however he named Ludovick as Xenos, stranger, in conformity with ancient Greek. Xenos, as we will call him, began therefore knew Aristoteles, Epicurus, Democritus, Seneca, Protagoras, Leucippus and other; therefore he began to say with them and Socrates was with him always, because made question around his life and who was: “Are you from Xenos?”; asked Socrates: “because you speak strange language, and I not understand always”; Xenos therefore said: “I from country longest, and I speak English”; Socrates then: “What demos is English?”; Xenos doesn’t understood what was “demos” and he asked it; Socrates answered that demos in Attika was tribal which people this region and everyone has a representative who went to Areopagos, Parliament, which was in Athens, and was created by Clistenes, Athenian leader, that around V century b. C. given possibility to Athenians express their opinion around much facts, Xenos was fascinated by Socrates and he would know all Socrates knew, but when Xenos asked this , Socrates answered: “I can’t teacher you something, because I know that I not to know”; Xenos was much astonish, and he asked: “What do you mean?”; Socrates then was very surprise and asked: “Do you have attend Athens and hers place?”; Xenos more astonish than before answered: “I can’t attend place of Athens because I aren’t from Athens, and I am from other country, and I aren’t Greek”; Socrates was looked Xenos suspiciously  and he said: “Do you are Spartan or Thebaine or Persian? You are barbarian for this very strange language, you are…”; Xenos understood that he can’t explain his origin because New York isn’t present, and a man that was there approached to Xenos and asked: “Do you are from? I ask because you seem new here”; and Xenos asked then who was and man answered: “Giovanni da Verrazano, I have find island where is now Manhattan and where is now New York, then you can say with me”; Xenos was very astonish and he asked: “But when you have found island for New York and Manhattan, these aren’t, how do you to know it?”; Giovanni then answered: “I know it because I have found region and therefore I can see future, when somebody has made something then he can see future from that event, and I know that you are saying, but Socrates he haven’t found that I have found and he can’t see, but so that you will be very wise you must hair Socrates and not me”. Xenos continued his conversation with Socrates and asked: “What is I know that I don’t to knowledge, I haven’t understood”; Socrates then explained so: “Do you know how you know? This is what is limit for your knowledge?”; Xenos then said: “I know limit of my knowledge, because is very small, I am very ignorant, much ignorant and in fact I haven’t friends and I had a girlfriend but I haven’t seen”; Socrates answered: “Think, you something know, you know your ignorance therefore you something know, but now you must exceed your ignorance, I know that I don’t to know, but you are very lucky because you know your ignorance, now exceed it”; Xenos asked: “How?”; Socrates answered: “You must read and you must follow persons who have much knowledge, and who know and who have much teach, I can teach find your truth, but I can’t teach nothing, you must seek your truth, and Socrates indicated Aristoteles who was at center of a group and there said and explained his theories and his think, questions were very challenging but Aristoteles was colloquial and he answered all questions, till he seen Xenos and asked: “Who you are? I not remember that I have seen you”; Xenos answered: “I am Xenos and would hair you, it is possible?”; Aristoteles nodded and continued his discourses, and he said around his concept of man and his spirit, and he mentioned often his Ethic Nicomachean, where he had gather his impression around man; after Xenos seen Seneca and he listened also him, and he seen Epicurus and Democritus and Leucippus, and more other. When Ludovick awaked was Sunday, but at that day library was open for a big cultural event; he raise bed and took coffee, washed at bathroom look himself and get out; he went to library and more persons seen him with astonish, but he why not understood. Arrived to library he went in, and a policeman approach him and asked who was, and what he makes there. Ludovick, seen policeman and answered: “I am here for read, why this question?”; policeman indicated his cloth and noted that was very past for this century, he seems an ancient philosopher; therefore Ludovick seen himself and after Catherine intervened and she said to policeman that she knew who was, therefore it all well. Policeman went away, and Catherine said to Ludovick: “Ludovick, how do you are dressed and this long beard and your shoe, where are? I know that you are disappointed for yesterday but I wouldn’t came, therefore ask that you excuse me”; Ludovick seen Catherine and answered: “I have meet much persons who has said me around truth, my truth and my knowledge, and I am here for exceed my limits, and I now know what is value of knowledge I must read and I want know, because I want know myself, an ancient historical said “Dialogue of historical is with dead” Xenophon.”; Catherine was very astonish and seen Ludovick with a goggle-eyed, and she called him: “Ludovick”; he turn toward Catherine and answered: “I am Xenos”.

Alessandro Lusana

I lettori erano nella biblioteca e leggevano, chi parlava con altri, chi leggeva un giornale, chi cercava un impiegato ovvero un libro, Ludovico era nel centro della grande stanza di lettura, e guardava intorno per cercare qualcuno che conoscesse, la sua fidanzata; Ludovico attese Caterina sino a sera inoltrata, ma non venne. La biblioteca era deserta e lui era restato solo con qualche impiegato, resto lì sino alle 10:00 PM; Ludovico non aveva alcun piacere per la lettura, anzi non leggeva da anni, per lui era un esercizio inutile, odiava leggere, e non spendeva un minuto per tale impegno; infatti leggeva come un bambino della scuola elementare, e in biblioteca lui andava soltanto per qualche appuntamento e non certamente per leggere, qualche ragazza che conosceva aveva notato che lui era veramente ignorante, e i suoi incontri erano davvero noiosi, infatti non aveva molti amici, il suo lavoro, facchino in un albergo, non richiedeva una particolare sapienza. La biblioteca stava chiudendo, era restato lì in attesa per ore, ma lui era particolarmente paziente, il suo lavoro lo richiedeva, sebbene qualcuno fosse scortese come Caterina. Lui quindi uscì dalla biblioteca e guardò ancora intorno con la speranza che Caterina fosse arrivata, giunto a casa invece di guardare la televisione si addormentò, ed ebbe un sogno, si trovò in una grande stanza dove erano molte persone che parlavano fra loro e nessuno guardava Ludovico e quando lo facevano mostravano sufficienza. Ludovico era vestito con una tunica ed una corda intorno alla vita, una folta barba e baffi, chiese a qualcuno dove fosse; un uomo con la barba e senza sandali rispose che si trovava nella in Atene e nella Scuola di Atene e che lui sarà la sua guida, e che lui conoscerà ognuno in quella scuola; quindi costui, il cui nome era Socrate, chiese il nome di Ludovick, e lui rispose dicendo il suo nome; nome che Socrate non capì, e quindi lui denominò Ludovico come Xenos, straniero, quindi cominciò conoscendo Aristotele, Epicuro, Democrito, Seneca, Protagora, Leucippo e altri; cominciò a parlare con costoro e con Socrate che era sempre con lui, perché faceva domande e chi fosse: “Da dove vieni, Xenos,? Tu parli una lingua straniera e io non capisco sempre”; quindi Xenos: “vengo da un paese moto lontano e parlo inglese”; Socrate allora: “Quale demos è inglese?”; Xenos non capiva cosa fosse un demos e lo chiese a Socrate; lui rispose che il demos in Attica era un villaggio che risiedeva in quella regione e ognuno aveva un rappresentante che andava all’Areopago, in Atene ed era stato creato da Clistene, tiranno atenese che intorno al V secolo a.C. diede la possibilità agli atenesi di esprimere la loro opinione con il voto; Xenos era affascinato da Socrate e avrebbe voluto conoscere tutto quello che Socrate sapeva, ma quando lo chiese lui rispose: “Io non posso insegnare perché I so di non sapere”; Xenos era ancora stupito a infatti chiese: “Cosa vuoi dire?”; Socrate allora davvero sorpreso chiese: “Frequenti tu Atene e la sua piazza?”; Xenos ancora stupito rispose: “ Io non posso frequentare Atene  perché io vengo da un paese lontano, e non sono greco”; Socrate guardò Xenos con sospetto e lui disse: “Sei spartano o tebano o Persiano?. Tu sei barbaro per questo questa strana lingua, tu sei…”; Xenos allora capì che non poteva spiegare la sua origine poiché New York non era ancora nata ai tempi di Socrate, ma un uomo che era lì si avvicinò a Xenos e chiese: “Da dove vieni? Lo chiedo perché tu sembri nuovo qui”; Xenos allora chiese chi fosse e l’uomo rispose: “Giovanni da Verrazano, io scoprì l’isola sulla quale fu eretto Manhattan e dove è ora New York, quindi tu puoi parlare con me”; Xenos era davvero stupito e chiese: “ Ma quando tu scopristi l’isola per New York e Manhattan, lì non erano ancora presenti, come fai tu a conoscerle; Giovanni rispose: “Io le conosco perché io ho  scoperto la regione e quindi io posso vedere il futuro, quando qualcuno fece qualcosa di importante può vedere da quel momento in poi il futuro, so cosa stai per chiedere, ma Socrate non ha compiuto grandi scoperte, ma affinché tu sia veramente sapiente devi continuare a parlare con Socrate”: Xenos allora continuò la sua conversazione con Socrate e chiese: “Cosa vuol dire so di non sapere, non lo capisco”; Socrate allora rispose: “Sai tu quanto tu conosci? Quale sia il limite delle tue conoscenze?”; Xenos allora disse: “Io conosco il limite delle mie conoscenze perché le mie conoscenze sono davvero modeste, sono molto ignorante infatti io non ho amicizie e ho una ragazza ma che non ho visto”; Socrate rispose: “Pensa, tu qualcosa conosci, la tua ignoranza quindi tu qualcosa sai, ma ora tu devi superare la tua ignoranza, io sono di non sapere ma tu sei davvero fortunato perché tu puoi superare la tua ignoranza; Xenos chiese: “Come?”; Socrate rispose: “ Tu devi leggere e devi seguire le persone che hanno molte conoscenze, chi ha molto da insegnare, io posso insegnarti a trovare la tua verità, ma non posso insegnarti nulla, tu devi cercare la tua verità; quindi Socrate indicò Aristotele che era in un gruppo ed esponeva le sue teorie, le domande erano davvero impegnative ma Aristotele era colloquiale e rispondeva a tutte le domande fin quando vide Xenos e chiese: “Chi sei tu? Non ricordo di averti visto prima”; Xenos rispose: “I sono Xenos e vorrei ascoltarti, se possibile”; Aristotele annuì, e continuò il suo discorso e disse intorno a questo concetto dell’uomo e del suo spirito, e menzionò spesso la sua Etica Nicomachea, dove lui raccolse le sue impressioni e teorie sull’uomo; dopo Xenos vide Seneca e lo ascoltò, vide Epicuro, Democrito, Leucippo e altri. Quando Ludovico si svegliò era domenica, in quel giorno la biblioteca era aperta per un evento culturale, lui si alzò dal letto e bevve un caffè, si sciacquò in bagno si specchiò, e uscì senza vedere con cosa fosse vestito, mentre andava in libreria molte persone lo guardavano e lui non capiva perché. Arrivò in biblioteca, e un poliziotto si avvicinò a lui  e chiese chi fosse e cosa facesse lì. Ludovico, vide il poliziotto e rispose: “I sono qui per leggere, perché questa domanda?”, il poliziotto indicò il suo vestito e notò che era davvero passato per il nostro secolo, sembrava un filosofo antico; quindi Ludovico si scorse e dopo vide Caterina che intervenne e disse che lei lo conosceva. Il poliziotto si allontanò, e Caterina chiese a Ludovico: “Ludovico, ma come sei vestito, con la barba lunga e le tue scarpe, dove sono? I capisco che tu sia deluso per ieri , sarei voluta venire, quindi scusami”; Ludovico guardò Caterina e rispose: “Io ho incontrato molte persone che mi hanno parlato della verità, della mia verità e della mia conoscenza, e io sono qui per superare i miei limiti, ora conosco il valore della conoscenza, io devo leggere e voglio sapere, perché voglio conoscere me stesso, uno antico storico greco diceva: “Il dialogo degli storici è con i morti” Senofonte”; Caterina era davvero stupita e guardò Ludovico con gli occhi sgranati, e chiamò lui: “Ludovick”; lui si girò  e rispose: “Io sono Xenos”.  

Alessandro Lusana  



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