In theatre comedy was
ended and public rested in room and waited director, who usually shows himself
to end of performance, and was habit of public asked about comedy and his
meaning, for Hildebrand, this was name of director, it was a second examination
after the first, this is of public, he was very disinterested to critics and
comment, in fact every critic has renounced to wrong critics, he makes theatre
because he loved theatre, and above all he makes always new thing, which nobody
understand but everybody see, because nobody understanding all hope that second
comedy would be clear, contrary was as the first, difficult and
incomprehensible; now theatre was full because while was spread voice that this
director was very strange, and price of ticket was very low, and Hildebrand
chosen always unknow actors, because enthusiasm in these actor was always life;
that night, he has directed a comedy with protagonist was a cuckolded husband
who told it to his servant, and he has answered that he was very lucky,
therefore Robert, this was name of husband, was very astonish, and asked: “Am I
lucky because my wife is unfaithful?”, and Gerard, this is name of servant,
answered: “Certainly, mister, and not half I was cuckolded, I tell it to
everybody, I cry it everywhere and for every way”, and Robert asked: “Are you
crazy?”, and Gerard: “No absolutely! I speak alone that you are lucky because
you now can truth to word, do you understand? To tell truth! It is very
exceptional, and therefore you are lucky, much lucky”. These words to public
seemed very strange, and in fact a spectator asked to Hildebrand: “What is
meaning? Because I think that this comedy has a meaning, I hope”, and
Hildebrand: “Are you cuckolded?”, and spectator: “No certainly!”, and
Hildebrand: “If you was you would tell it?”, and spectator: “No!” and
Hildebrand indicated a woman set next: “Your wife?”, and spectator: “Your name
lady?” and woman: “Angelica”, and Hildebrand: “Well a name very obscene”,
Angelica goggle eyes and she was raising but Hildebrand: “Yes, make it and you
can go away, but you would tell me and other present that I am right”, and
husband asked: “Your name do you have never considered?”, and Hildebrand: “Yes,
my name is terrible, but I don’t go away, I consider that my name is terrible and
stop; I aren’t angry, because it is useless, if I comment your name, lady, and
you will be angry this means that your name dislike you, and you manifest it
because you are angry”, and after Hildebrand turned other spectator: “Are you
cuckolded?” and spectator: “No!”, and Hildebrand: “If you was if…”, spectator
has listened same question made before, and in fact he answered: “No, would I
don’t tell it nobody”, and Hildebrand: “Why?”, and spectator: “Because it isn’t
opportune”, and Hildebrand: “But is could be true, and you could tell truth,
but you prefer to lie, tell that all is right, that you stand very well, and
other lies”, and spectator: “Yes, but now I have a question you”, and
Hildebrand: “yes, ask without pity”, and
spectator: “Why servant has a cap with bells? It is very strange”, and
Hildebrand: “Who does wear this cap with bells in Middle Age?”, and spectator:
“I don’t know”, and Hildebrand: “The jester”, and spectator: “Therefore?”, and
Hildebrand: “Jester in court of Middle Age was considered always a crazy, but
he often told truth and hosting of lord laughed, because he was a crazy, but he
told truth, also wrong matter and dirty matter, but in common opinion he was
crazy, therefore everybody laughed, because he was crazy; therefore mean is
that some time is opportune to be crazy because you can tell truth, while who
is very healthy doesn’t tell it”, and spectator: “What does means it?”, and
Hildebrand: “Crazies tell truth while healthy don’t make it, and servant
consider his employer lucky because he can tell truth this is to tell that he
is cuckolded, because nobody will believe him, but he tell truth, therefore we
believe to lies contrary that truth, because we are healthy, therefore we
believe and tell lies while crazies tell truth, because servant spoken, 'you
are lucky because you can tell truth', while very much healthy tell alone lies,
therefore may is opportune to be crazy and tell truth”, and spectator: “Who
does believe you?”, and Hildebrand: “Nobody! But you tell truth, you must think
if is better to be crazy and tell truth or to be healthy and tell lies, and
with this question I leave you because I have answer, you now must find it, and
he gone away and failed the curtain.
Alessandro Lusana
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