An exhibition
Robert was an inspector of police with a specialization, this is expert of theft of art, he has solved very much legal cases for theft, and he was very passionate to his job, and he was also a fair expert about art, in fact he visited much exhibition and red very much book about painters and painting but also sculpture and handcraft and architecture, his was more a passion to art rather that a job. A call, during night, awaked Robert that, in conformity his habit, he answered and his colleague informed him that a thief has stolen some painting with Saint Cecile and an angel, painting that Robert has seen to an exhibition to Rome, in Barberini Palace, and he begun think around this painting, during these moments emerged more soul and brain of art historical than police man; therefore he come to museum and he red a feet sheet , which sais: this painting is datable around 1610, not all critics agree around author, somebody thinks that author is Guy Francois, but of this painter there isn’t a painting in Rome, this painting tells around virgin Cecily that was protected by an angel and she was virgin always, author, may Carlo Saraceni, took by Rubens for colour very brilliant of cloth, whereas the light is by Caravaggio as contrast shadow and light on face of Cecily, and musical instruments mean that Cecily is patron of music. Robert asked around second painting stolen, a painting of Anteveduto della Gramatica, a player, and he remembered very well this painting because Anteveduto was his preferred painter; therefore he reminded a comment that he red in an exhibition; this painting was very next to Caravaggio and his musical themes, in fact first attribution was to Caravaggio, but he reminded also that this painting is a partial painting; by a copy of this painting was possible to see other part of this painting, that after was curtailed, this is motive for direction of look of player, and this painting may is from cardinal Francesco Maria del Monte collection with name of Anteveduto, and dimension of this painting agree with those of inventory. Robert red all these essays and he begun search in conformity with his habit, he contacted museums and art galleries, other collectors but nothing, pressure of superiors was very oppressive and he was discouraged; when an invite from an exhibition with much artist come to Robert; he was undecided if he could go or no, because this moment was very serious; this invite was very strange because was written in Latin language, and it begun with these words: In Nomine Dei amen, annus milessimus secentesimus octavus eius nativitate…; Robert didn’t knows Latin and in fact he translated this invite with program of computer, and text was: In name of God amen, in this year 2018 by his birth…, Robert taught that it was a jokey, but he seen something very interesting, miniature with a painting that has been stolen; he stood up fast and he red address of this exhibition was, he come immediately and this address was an art gallery that he knows very well, nobody was present and in gallery he called but nobody answered, until a man with beard and a black mantle pleased Robert to entry In Nomine Dei amen, annus milessimus secentesimus octavus eius nativitate…in a room, Robert made it, and he seen much painting set on wall and much persons were talking, and he with much discretion approached to a painting, and a man indicated to him who was author, and Robert confess that he known author, therefore man asked: “How do you know this painting?”, and Robert: “Because I have red essay around this painting”, and man: “well, who is author?”, and Robert: “Carlo Saraceni”, and Robert talked around other painting and, finally, the man accompanied him in other room, where Robert seen much persons set around a table with form semicircle, and a chair was in centre, they invited Robert to set, and one begun asked around art and history art; Robert answered and after two hours one man stood up and red: “We have decided that you can be our critic and our representative”, Robert didn’t understood and asked: “What is it, a jokey?”, and man: “No absolutely, you are member our Academy” and he red a paper: “In Nomine Dei amen, annus milessimus secentesimus octavus eius nativitate…”, Robert stood up and listened the red text; he continued to think that it was a jokey; terminated ceremony Robert approached to door he opened it and he red a shop with words: “Bone venutum…”, translated was Welcome to”, he opened other door and out he seen charge wagons and horse and merchants, all was in 17th century, a man of commission that has interviewed Robert approached to him and: “Your century is past, now we are in 1618, therefore you can see much artists that you have loved”, he get up on horse and invited Robert to get up, Robert made it and together they ride among streets where Robert seen much painting and other. In later hour somebody approached to Robert and awaked him, he got up immediately and with goggle eyes seen around, a his colleague asked what happened because his expression was very strange, Robert answered that he has dreamed a thing very strange, and his colleagues given a letter to Robert, he opened and alone in his office he red: “Sapio quod amis artem et ego fideo quod tu piacerem captavit in nostra salutationis”, and Robert now understood what text said: “I know that you love art and I hope that you have amused during our visit”, and sign was Carlo Saraceni 1618. Robert closed letter and smiled.
Alessandro Lusana                                


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