Intellectual letters
I don’t think that report between Abelard and Héloïse is very famous for actual readers but if somebody must read these letters between these two religious will notes that it is a true report both passionate and intellectual; Héloïse written hers letters with female soul and very in love with Abelard, the second letter is very moving for love that she shows, a very passionate for hers man, and we can think that she was deeply hurt for condition that Abelard undergone, because Abelard has born castration by uncle of Héloïse, because he taught that Abelard has left hers, therefore he corrupted a servant and a night he has castrated him; in fact Abelard reminds often this episode; but I want consider also the report that involves both soul and brain; in sixth letter Héloïse asked a rule for her nuns, because she was abbes and this female religious order hasn’t a rule, therefore she asked it; but to this ask she involve other author, above all Saint Benedict, and she full of mentions her request, because she consider that live of monks is very different by live of nuns, above all to work, this is ora et labora, this is pray and work of Saint Benedict isn’t very unfit for women, and in fact she considers much sides of monastic life, and she justifies this request with argument certainly valid. But among letters of Héloïse is evident also worries to past episodes and she confesses: “To me, I confess that I have worry very much for episodes very cruel and precise with much particular, but I have more worry because I know that you have now danger…”, these words aren’t alone empty words to circumstance but it is true fell, that Héloïse confesses with emotive participation and true love; these are letters of a woman in love, very strange for Middle Age, when love was a particular very irrelevant, because marries were taught for honour and richness of family, and not certainly for love; today is same but it is less evident. Therefore without to generalize we can think that Héloïse was a woman very love in with Abelard, and that she was very worry for her man, also after that she has a son and after she lived in convent and he was long by hers; but these letters are very important for to think, and to consider, that cultural report enclosed also that emotive, not certainly frequent between men and women of 11th century, therefore these letters are also a social document but we not must generalize, but we can consider this single case as a important exception in morality, second Latin exception, this is costume, of reports between men and women.
Alessandro Lusana 


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