revolution: an Italian chronicle
Certainly very little
persons have acknowledge about Carlo Botta, an Italian doctor with some
expiration to freedom of Italy and therefore revolutionary, in fact he was
arrested because revolutionary and after an years in prison he gone in France,
at 1795, where certainly he has a climate major fit to his think for revolution
of 1789; he gone back in Italy as doctor of France army and he was also active
in policy for independence of Italy, but he died in France because in Italy
every collaborator of France and Napoleon were persecuted persons. But here I
want alone describe he History of war of independence of United States of
America, a book written at 1809, true chronicle narration of every moment and
event; true long and particular narration, but I think that Botta is a exemple
for his aseptic narration, he was certainly a revolutionary, his political
choose shows it, but he tells every moment of this revolution with an aseptic
participation, he takes every moment by much sources, and he described also
names, therefore: Journals of the house
of Lords; Journals of the house of Commons; Authentic accounts of the
proceedings of Congress held at New York, in 1765; Journals of the proceedings of the Congress, 8°. Dilly, 1775; Journals of Congress held at Philadelphia,
8”. The Parliamentary Register, etc. Tutti i volumi dal 1766 sino al
1785; The Annual Register, etc. Tutti i volumi dal 1764 sino al 1785, lIistorical
anecdotes relative to the american rebellion, un vol. in 8” 1779. The Remembrancer, or impartial
repository of public events. The second edition. London, for J. Almon, 17 vol.
in- 8°, Prior documents. Letters on the american troubles, translated from
french of M. Pinto. 1776. An impartial history of the war in America between
Great Britain, and her colonies from its commencement to the end of the year
1779, 8". For Fauldess, 1780. The history of the civil war in America,
comprehending the campaigns of 1775. 1776, and 1777; by an officer of the army.
8", for Sewel, 1781. A genuine detail of the several engagements, positions,
and movements of the royal, and american armies during the years 1775, and 1776
with an accurate account of the blockade of Boston, etc. by William Carter,
etc. 4°. For Kearlsley. 1785. An impartial, and authentic narrative of the battle
fought on the 17 june, etc. on Bunker's-bill; by John Clarke, 1775. A history
of the campaigns of 1780, and 1781 in the southern provinces of North America;
by Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton, etc. Dublin, 1 vol. in-8°, 1787. Strictures on Lieutenant
colonel Tarleton-s history of the campaigns of 1780. and 1781, etc.; by Roderick
Mackenzie. in 8°, 1787.The history of the american revolution; by David Ramsay,
M. D. 2 volumi in 8, Philadelphia, 1789. History of the war with America,
France, Spain, and IIolland commencing in 1775, and ending in 1785; by John
Andrews, 4 vol, in-8°, London, for J. Fielding, 1785. The history of rise,
progress, and establishement of the independance of the united States of
America, etc. By William Gordon, D. D. London, printed for the author, and sold
by Charles Dilly, 1788, 4 vol. in-S". An historical, geographical,
commercial, and philosophical view of the American united States, and of the
European settlements in America, and the West-Indies, by W. Winterbotham, 4
vol. in-8°. London, 1795.The life of George Washington, etc.; by John Marshall,
Chief justice of the united States, etc. 5 vol. in-88. London, for Richard
Philips, 1804, 1805. 1807 The life of Washington; by David Ramsay, 1 vol.
in-8°, New-York, 1807, Printed by Ilopkin, and Seymour. Letters addressed to
the army of the united States in the year 1785 with a brief exposition etc.; by
Buel. Kingston, state of New-York, 1805. -Revolution d'Amérique; par M. l'abbé
Raynal, Londres, 1781 Lettre adressée à l'abbé Raynal, sur les affaires de
l'Amérique septentrionale. traduite de l'anglais de M. Thomas Payne, 1785. Essais
historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Américains; par M. Ilillard d'Anber teuil,
4 vol. in-8”. Bruxelles, 1781. IIistoire de l'Administration de lord
North, et de la guerre de l'Amérique septentrionale jusqu'à la paix en 1785; 2
vol. in 8”. Londres
et Paris, 1784.Histoire impartiale des événemens militaires et politiques de la
derniére guerre dans les quatre parties du monde. 5 vol. Amsterdam et Paris,
chez la veuve Duchesne, 1785.Constitutions destreize Etats-Unis d'Amérique, 1
vol, in 8'. Philadelphie et Paris, 1785. Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Amérique,
17 vol. in-8. Anvers.Voyages de M. le marquis de Chastelux dans l'Amérique,
septentrional, pendantles anges 1780, 1781 et 1782, 2 vol. in.8°. Paris, chez
Prault 1786. -Histoire des troubles de l'Amérique anglaise,etc.; Historie de la
derniére guerre entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, la
France, l'Espagne et la Hollande, depuis son commencement en 1775jusqu'à sa ſin
en 1785, 1 vol., in 4. Paris, chez Brocas, 1787.Histoire de la révolution
d'Amérique par rapport à la Caroline méridionale; par David Ramsay, membre du
Congrès américan; traduit de l'anglais. 2
vol. in-8. Londres et Paris, chez Froullé, 1787.Recherches historiques et
politiques sur les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale, etc.; par un
citoyen de Virginie, 4 vol. in 8. Colle et Paris, chez Frullé, 1788.Discussions
importantes débattues au Parlement britannique, etc. 4 vol. in 8. Paris, chez
Maradan et Perlet, 1790. Mémoires historiques et pièces authentiques sur M. de
La Fayette, etc.; un vol.n-8. Paris, l' an second de la liberté francaise.He
takes all these source and he reported; but I want consider that Botta could
tell every moments with his think, on contrary he reports with objectivity, and
this is specific representation of this moment certainly very care to Americans
and very less care to English, but it is history of revolution of a nation,
therefore we must consider these moments alone historical moments.
Alessandro Lusana
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