Semiotic is manifestation, solicitation and result of logic
What is semiotic? This is the question, in conformity with opinion of a prince of Denmark; semiotic is study of sign, all is signs, for exemple: indication on road, numbers of home, word and tone of it, gesture, expressions; we can consider the silent movie, alone for subtitles and gesture who looked these movies could understood what was think of scene; therefore all is sign and semiotic, but sign has his logic, and all is logic because exists; every sign has a logic because exists, this sign is present now because has motive for to exists now, because now is necessary, while in the past it was different or inexistent, today we can identify a home for number but in ancient Rome and Greek and in ancient word number of home not there aren’t; because the logic of ancient word hasn’t necessity of this numbers, because cities were very small, therefore home were achievable; a temple was distinguishable for a cult, for external sign, and for this every faithful could recognizes his cult, and he could, in conformity with logic, made sacrifice or not; we can ovoid a fine if we respect all indication, which are sign, on the road, but if we ovoid the fine we follow a logic, logic of our interest: not to spend money for the fine, therefore we are following the logic, but this logic is given by a sign, and sign is semiotic. In front of a painting a professor or teacher askes who is author of this painting but not certainly if this painting has made by a human be, why? The answer is logic: because is logic that a man has made this painting; but painting, figures of this painting, colours and materials of this painting are made by human be; it is logic, but logic is also that painting and other above mentioned are materials of semiotic because are sign, and every material has his logic; frame of painting is wood, and wood is by tree, and this has his logic, natural logic, frame has his form, and it is distinguishable now because is around painting, but we might recognize it as frame although painting isn’t; the logic of semiotic would press us to think that once there  are a painting, because alone a frame is illogic; in fact if we ask if once was a painting, much persons would think that we are crazy or alone idiots, because the silent answer is: “Certainly! usually frames have a painting”, but if we think very well; a frame without painting is sign that once was a painting, therefore frame alone is logic sign, therefore logic semiotic of something which isn’t present, but in conformity with logic semiotic, a painting was present, but it is problem, it WAS present, but now no, and although it isn’t present now we, in conformity with logic semiotic, understand that once painting was present; but alone material signs which we look press us to this think; if we look a painting without frame we, in second time, consider what is frame, and where is now frame, because a painting without frame is very illogic, therefore long by that logic semiotic that we consider for costume; therefore semiotic is manifestation of logic. Logic is underground but signs are motive for manifestation of this logic, and press other logic, human logic, therefore sign is manifestation of first logic, semiotic logic, and a second logic, that is pressed logic that human logic. All this by alone a sign, that is present because logic has would his presence, therefore the logic makes his manifestation trough signs and makes these same signs. Therefore semiotic is sign of logic.
 Alessandro Lusana        


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