A costumer
Bernard and his pool come in town where was the costumer, Alexander Americi, who would paintings in a chorus of Cathedral with painting around life of Virgin; out of palace of Alexander Bernard was stood and there waited that all pool was arrived, at last 13 persons; first contact with costumer, in conformity with use was in bedroom, and Bernard got up to bed room of Alexander with his collaborator, Martian, and he in fact got up and  out of door he was announced by a waitress, who entered in room and announced Bernard, after she took out and to Bernard: “Mister Bernard, mister Alexander waits you and your collaborator”, and Bernard entered in room and bowed, he looked intern of room and he noted the tester and other, this is richness of room, and after he looked Alexander on the bed, and : “Good morning mister Alexander”, and he: “Good morning to you mister Bernard; I have known around your brother and you for this painting by Peter Americi, my uncle, who is Roman Senator and your brother Joseph was painting Senator’s Palace in Rome, and my uncle has asked if he can painted chorus of this Cathedral, and your brother has indicated you, but I want see drawings and colours that you want use for this painting, because I want know how much is cost, and I know that cost is determined also by colours and figure, or no?”, and Bernard: “Yes mister”, and Alexander: “Well, have you some drawings, because if you have ready we can save for drawings”, and Bernard took out some drawing and opened soon and he started explication: “This is Saint Mary born, and other figure Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, these other figures are other wet nurse, and others”, and Bernard explicated all drawings with all histories around Death of Virgin and Assumption; Alexander made some correction for number of figures and other, but very small correction, and for sun set he ordered that dining room was ready, and he invited alone Bernard and Martian because in conformity with costume alone lead and some collaborator but other out, in other room; hierarchy was very important during 17th century, and precisely during 1602, next Rome. Day after Bernard started scaffold and early morning they started painting, first scratch walls and with lime, they worked and after  prepared drawings and fixed it on the walls, and collaborators prepared colours and other necessary for this painting; every collaborator has his task, and when a figure or dayworker has ended they must waited that lime was dry; and after started again with other figure, the day after; some time also Alexander came and he looked worked and he showed astonish and his compliment, he was very satisfy, and he asked that for this painting, together Apostles were also he and his father, and in fact Bernard took a paper and he was looking Alexander he drew face of Alexander and given a description very summary around face of his father; Bernard therefore followed all work, and he remembered, for Assumption, of vault of a chapel painted by his brother Joseph in Rome, in Saint Prassede church; he presented this idea to Alexander that accepted all and ordered that these painting continue. At years 1603, at a day, much persons were around chorus of Cathedral and they looked with much interest paintings, and Bernard was back, in conformity with his costumer; and he was turning tool to lectors of this tale: “We painters must painting and costumers take merit for this painting, but I think that you perhaps will be certainly more generous with painters and will tell that I and my collaborators have made it, and I would know also your opinions, therefore you can write it to address…, but at 1603 email isn’t; it isn’t problem if to next tale I will come to your century I will can use email, however now good bay”, and he continued hair Alexander who tool.
Alessandro Lusana 


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