Donato de’ Bardi new painting
Around Donato de’ Bardi very little we have but is very pleasure give back to Donato this painting that certainly is his; it is sufficient a confront with certes painting of Donato, confront between a Madonna with child(Fig.1) and two Saints(Fig.2); clothFigg.3-4) with field are very similar; face is very similar above all between face of Saint Stephan and Virgin, same nose, same long fingers, same eyebrow, lips very similar, and brushstroke very ebony and delicate, this cloth shows clear influence from Flemish style, perhaps from German engraving, that I think also in Italy were present, but the painting of Van der Goes, in Portinari chapel, was a motive for influence; therefore this painting isn’t of Maestro of Madonna Cagnola, but certainly of Donato de’ Bardi.  
Alessandro Lusana

Fig.1 Donato de' Bardi 

Fig.2. Donato de'Bardi 
Fig.3. Donato de'Bardi
Fig. 4.Donato de' bardi


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