Felix entered in a library in town centre, and he must buy a gift for his daughter, Michelle, very brilliant student of philosophy and much lovers of think and solution of philosophical problems. Felix, was widow, his wife was dead when Michelle was born, and only woman whom Felix loved very was alone hers; although much love he has for his daughter he has very little time, but for birthday of Michelle he was always available; in the library he searched an employee and told around preference of Michelle, the woman accompanied Felix in division of philosophy and Felix, who was very ignorant for humanities studies feigned to search something, but among Aristoteles, Platoon Hegel, Cartesian and others he has very difficult, but a voice behind said: “What do you are searching”, Felix turned soon and looked a woman with long white tunic, and when he raised eyes he seen Victoria his ex-wife, who was graduate in philosophy, and Felix cried: “Victoria, but you are dead?”, and Vicky answered: “Perhaps, but now I am here, and you need of guide”, and Felix, rational person cans hardly believe it, but Vicky with her beauty and polite persuaded him; and: “I ask it and you answer”, Felix nodded: “Why do you are searching a gift?”, and Felix: “Because today is birthday of Michelle”, and Vicky: “Therefore it is right that when is birthday we must gift something?” and Felix: “Yes, this is tradition”, and Vicky: “What tradition? Rather it is the moral”, and Felix: “Yes, moral or tradition but it is costume and habitude”, and Vichy: “Your society has corrupted business men for get favours and authorizations for to exploit words that were protected, or no?”, Felix, very astonish that Vicky has these information answered: “Yes, but how do you…”, and Vicky: “Don’t worry”, and others societies has built skyscrapers with poor materials, some bridge is failed and others damns there are present; it is moral or no?”, and Felix: “Not certainly but it is business word, and please don’t start now with your polemical spirit of philosopher, because.,..”, and Vicky: “Not! I want alone that you think that the morality is performance, and useless”, Felix was very astonished: “What is this concept?” and Vicky: “We need always of order; you now searching something for Micky, because it is tradition or costume; but do you have never asked yourself what is costume or morality?”, and Felix: “Not I confess that I don’t what is, or how you think it, but I know you perfectly and I know that you now explicate all”, and Vicky: “The morality, the costume and the politeness are order; these are alone motive for to give us an order; before that law is present the morality; a necessity that we consider for take order, because we need of this concept, law is from morality; but the morality is very good in external contest, for human report, for your profession, for mine not certainly, among philosophers without quarrels isn’t morality, but your profession all is made with politeness, but with possibility of corruption and cheat; therefore with the kindness you search order”, and Felix: “It is very interesting but, dear Vicky, I must go out, then bay”, and he opened a door but he was again in same room with Vicky in front, and she: “You not would never to hair my thinks, the morality is false and alone a search of order, that we use also in domestic contest”, and Felix: “Certain!”, and Vicky: “But it is false, and we search a motive for to compensate, because our order is ready compromised before, because we live between constant contradiction, we want order but after we violet it, when is our necessities this order is secondary”, and Felix who has listened all this discourse, finally: “Yes, but I am a honest person!”, and Vicky: “The honesty is false motive for mediocre persons, it is Balzac”, and other female voice: “I don’t think that he has understood it”, Felix recognized soon the voice of Michelle, and: “Micky, why do you are here?”, and Micky with white tunic: “I am here from very much time”, and turned to her mother “I don’t think that he has understood, anyway you must consider what mom has said”, Felix looked Micky and: “Michelle but you have white tunic, why?”, and Micky: “Do you see it? You are establishing that mom was right; you have worry because I am dead but it is alone morality or order”, and Felix: “When do you are dead?”, and Micky: “From years but your morality and your order has excluded that I can in bad state, because it is your order, your morality, and you have kept it always, everybody has his order and we have our”, and Vicky: “Well dear Felix, goodbye”. And they opened other door and gone out.
Alessandro Lusana


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