Walking for art
An examination very difficult, Modern Art history, and above all Italian
art, from centuries 15th to 18th, and that year program
was around Baroque art in Italy; Ludovica was a girl of Italian origin and she
would always went in Italy, because she studied Art history, and Italy was a mandatory
stopping place for art like for archeologist is also Greek, and Egyptologist is
Egypt; but Ludy, this was name that she
loved, was very busy for studies and those imagines of baroque architecture and
other painting she has alone seen for photos; but for this examination was
necessary direct experience, professor would that students has looked this art,
and directly, because he would red also notes of students, because he advised to
everybody that was necessary to look art work directly; he was lasted in Italy 12
years and he has looked much works. When Ludy set in front of professor for
examination, he asked soon: “What do you have seen? Borromini, Bernini, Peter
form Cortona, Luca Giordano? Or nothing? I advise you not try to lie me because
I have seen much your colleagues and I have experience, therefore if you have seen
it very well otherwise you will go back for next examination”, Ludy was very astonish
for this frankness, and in fact she didn’t open mouth, she stood up and went
out, she open door of classroom and while she walking for a street she entered
in an room that she known as a bar, but she kept his head lowered, and in front
of bench she ordered a coffee, and she thought again around she could make but
it is was a think very transient, because she raised her hand and looked a man
with a shirt very large and white and black trousers, she looked around very
astonish and she seen that much men were in that room that not was a usually
bar but a room dark with table of wood in bad state, and men looked hers with
suspect, and somebody has extracted a knife. All looked Ludy and she tried took
out, but a man cried to hers: “Where do you go?”, and raised approached to
hers, he was a elegant man, with a hat and a black dress and a mantle, boots
and gloves that he kept on hands, embrace Ludy and he said: “If you have
studied before art and my architecture you don’t would be here, now, but since
you are here is better for you get out otherwise somebody could ask how much
for a passional night”, Ludy more astonish than worried gone out with this man,
and somebody cried: “Compliment Francis”, they gone out from inn, and they were
in street with slush and horses and merchants and guards, therefore Ludy asked:
“Where do we are?”, and man that was ahead to Ludy answered: “In Rome at years
1667 and I am Francesco Borromini, architect, and you a student who hasn’t
study my architecture, therefore you must go with me, and you will must listen
that will I say”, in fact they entered into church of San Charles to Four Fountains,
and Francis indicated some particular and with much explications, therefore: “Look
very well form of this space, it is a simple process of Renaissance; geometry
of Renaissance that I have used but with other order, Renaissance used geometry
so that all architecture was rational, but geometry can be also irrational”,
and Ludy then commented: “Not absolutely, geometry is rational and stop!”, and
Francis: “Geometry is rational certainly but the use can be irrational, look
plane of this church”, and Francis opened a paper with a drawing and he indicated
this drawing, and : “Look here much triangles that are united among them, it is
very rational but this is irrational because are present curves and
abs that make a strange form, cupola are two circles united, therefore rational,
but if you look it you will don’t consider that this cupola are two circles and
triangle, all is rational but all is irrational, so is for Sant’ Ivo other church”,
and Francis was in Pia street, got out from church of Saint Charles and knocked
to other door, and bother he and Ludy were in Sant’ Ivo, where Ludy looked all
structure, and Francis explained same concept, and explained also that Sant’ Ivo
was attorney for poor, and Francis has took the rationality of law and
irrationality of mankind; therefore he has used two triangle, that are rational
and diagonals, he has represented rationality and irrationality, all is
possible and for move hesitate of mankind that is represented here by walls,
that will find in rationality of law, therefore in geometry the rational but space is irrational.
Ludy listened all with life interest and kept in hand all information,
and she looked all structure and continued to ask. The church of Sant’ Ivo
therefore closed and they were in for their visit, Ludy was worried but Francis
open with a keys the door, and made gone out Ludy, and she was in room of University
where professor, invited hers to set and she explained all architecture of Borromini
for a hour and half; finally the proof very astonish stood up and shakes hands
with hers and he given maximum of vote. When Ludy looked her university student’s
record-book she smiled because sign was: Franciscus Borrominis
dixit , this is Francis
Borromini has talked it.
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