Public direction
rehearsals and much cues repeated and kept on memory, and therefore by now the
script was part of life of actors, very tire they want alone that first night
happen so they would have finally performance that they know on memory. The
first night happen and actors were excited for this shows, it was Julius Caesar
of Shakespeare, and much persons and critics were gone for comments and
criticize this performance; therefore, actors were very nervous and everyone
repeated on memory his cues, and curtain reised and everyone was in pose for
start, in a street of ancient Rome, Flavian: “Go away! To home idler, it is
holiday today? Do you not know that artisan you must go around with sign of
your work? What is your job? Speak.” And common: “Joiner”, and Flavian: “Where
id your apron and ruler? What do you make with this address for holiday?” and
while the second common start to answer to cue, a person of public reised and:
“Flavian is very much hungry, or better too, for Shakespeare must be hungry but
not so”, other person reised and: “I think that the first common is very coward
and…”, other: “So must be in conformity with tell of Shakespeare, and therefore
we can’t change it” and spectator: “Not certainly, but you can better it and
much you can better”, and actor who performance Flavian: “How do we can
better?”, and other spectator: “The scene with Caesar and Calpurnia, his wife”
and actor that is Casca: “Do you suggest that I can speak with strong?”, and
spectator: “Yes, clever! With much strong”, and Casca: “Silence, Caesar speaks!
Do you think?” and other spectator: “Yes, but raise arm and look with strong
cortege”, and actor made it and: “It is right, or not”, and other spectator:
“In my opinion you are too emphatic” and other spectator: “Please continue so
because it is perfect”, and same first spectator: “Not absolutely, he is too emphatic”,
and other spectator: “Casca is a plotter against Caesar, and with his brother
they slain Caesar, therefore is impossible that a plotter is so emphatic for to
order silence, when Caesar spoken; I think that Casca was less emotive for
Caesar and he has more hade for Caesar; therefore he ordered silence but with contempt
toward Caesar”, and first spectator: “Contempt toward a leader as Caesar? Are
you crazy? Do you know who was Caesar, who conquered actual France and British,
and together Roman social class as aristocratic and common, after civil war…”,
and an other spectator: “During civil war Caesar was dead, and moreover Caesar not
was American”, and cry one listened on the room, was first spectator, professor
of ancient history, who commented this affirmation, and: “You must die now, you
and all ignorant and illiterate like you, Caesar died during 64 before Christ,
our continent, enclosed USA, is discovered at 1492, from a Italian and we have
name of Italian, Americans is from Amerigo Vespucci, do you have a further idea
around I tell now? Not absolutely! Because history you haven’t studied; anyway
it isn’t important, because contempt with Caesar is impossible, and stop”, and director:
“Magnum judicium emanamus”, and professor: “Omnes audemus tuum ratium, dic
nobis”, and other spectator: “Stop it soon, because I am broken balls for your
Latin, what do you have say?”, and director: “We give this sentence, and
professor has answered that you listen me”, and spectator: “Yes but I will
listen you after that I will have knew where a bathroom, therefore you now
stand silence because I won’t lose nothing, you must wait I will go back”, and
public waited, and same professor: “Brutus how is? Figure of Brutus, killer of
Caesar with other”, director: “Listen this step”, and he calls Brutus who
performances: “He must be dead, for me I haven’t motive against him, but is
necessary for republic, he would be crowned as king…”, and director: What do
you think professor?”, and professor: “More worry, Brutus killed his father,
but expression must be deeply worry but must emerge also conflict between son
of Caesar and republican, therefore political ideal and family report, you
Brutus must remember that you are son and enemy to Caesar”, director: “Very
well, very good suggest, you are Brutus…”, and actor: “I want know who is director,
you or they?”, and director: “I and they, because I before to be director I have
been spectator, therefore we are direction, and you are actor, but if you want
change something say it to me and them”, and actor: “I think that it is cook up
or it is comedy, but not certainly a tragedy”, and a spectator: “Do you have
think never that performance is it? The live is all theatre, and we are alone
actors or extras”, curtain below on scene and all ended.
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