After close

Custodian by now turned for rooms of museum and he pressed some lovers of painting to close his visit because time was terminated, and the museum must be  closed. Therefore guardian looked latecomer, who again talk around a painting, and they talk with emphasis and sometime quarrel, somebody hold a position and a thesis other contradict this opinion with other opinions, and finally custodian life voice and imposed calm, and: “Be silent, please, only valid opinion is mine, now is time of close, and you go out now, stop!”, visitors very astonished walked toward door. Custodian made last turn and went out. Off line lights a voice, in the dark said: “It’s time for talk something author of this Fight, Giovan Francesco Rustici”, talked one of figure of a group of earthenware, I am a soldier and I am from centuries below this horse, I am very fed up”, and a man little distant approached to this soldier and: “I am Giovan Francesco Rustici, and I am author of this group, if you have something that you don’t love you can talk with me”, and soldier: “I cry from centuries, why do you have made me so?”, and Giovanni: “Because I love Leonard from Vinci and he in his Treatise says: “You will make some horse drag his dead horseman, and lip will be curved and visible tooth and they cry with compelling…”, do you have understand?” and figure: “Yes, but because Leonard? Do you could take other”, and Giovanni: “Because Leonard is very important and perhaps only for this expression of man, his studies around face of men is very master, and because I have knew very well Leonard, and I have attended him for much time, he is genial, look his drawing of horse and horseman these are very impressive and I love them” therefore other figure went out from painting, and: “I am a woman and not certainly a horseman, I would know because I must kiss mouth of a woman for Visitation”, and a man who while was out from dark of next room: “Because it was order of my costumer Congregation of priest they have decided that this painting was so, also because…”, and woman: “Who are you?”, and man: “Mariotto Albertinelli, painter of this painting, and I have painted this painting at 1503, and I am very proud for this painting, because I have studied Andrea del Sarto and I have took his color very well for this Visitation” and other man form dark, but who was present listened alone voice, and after face: “With regard to Visitation I have painted this subject too”, and a figure of a painting; “Much pleasure, and I would like know who you are”, Giovanni Antonio Sogliani, and I have painted this visitation at 1521 for a religious company in Florence, and I have took light and shade by Fra Bartolomeo, whom I have venerated as his painting”, but other voice said: “I am setting form centuries and now I take advantage for to walk little”, this figure of pope was Leone 10th pope of Raphael, and he has magnifying lens, and he tool history of his papacy, and Reform of Luther and his indifference for letter that Luther has sent to Rome, but when somebody talked he saw with his magnifying lens to face and asked: “Who are you?”, and figure answered. But among discourses and very much words, daybreak come and other voice said: “Came, go your painting, daybreak is raised and you this night have ended your discussions”, in fact all figure gone in painting. And custodian who has open museum watched around if some figure was present, and when door of museum was opened he approached to a painting and he gone in.

Alessandro Lusana   


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