
A man in center of room looked one woman and he said to hers: “Well, we are here for a simple motive, I want know what is philosophy and because it is important for mankind, and I want know because we would must study this discipline, if it is a discipline, because I don’t know, and therefore I have called you, both because you are philosophy and because I want that you explain me what you serve. Woman, who while man specked saw around, answered: “Compliment, this room is very beautiful, I see friezes and painting and other, furniture and much other, yes my love you have very good taste, I confess that I don’t never saw a disgust so; you will can call me when you will have learned taste for furniture, thank you.”, and she stood up and wanted go out, but man stopped with cry hers: “I have called you because you explain, if you can well otherwise fuck off”, philosophy, stood and looked man: “I can explain what I want because I am philosophy and I can decide what is right and not, I can value what is right for mankind and what is wrong, therefore if I say that your furniture is disgusting I can say it because is so, it is disgusting! Stop!”, man looked with surprise the woman and his astonish was for resoluteness of her, and in fact: “Compliment for your sincerity and for your frankness, but you have truly leave grace of female sex for to take male strong, or not?”, and woman: “Can you explain because this is happened?”, and man: “Not certainly”, and woman: “Because you haven’t studied the philosophy”, and man with distressed expression: “In fact if I have study the philosophy, certainly, I know because you are shit so”, woman smiled and answered: “Certainly”, and man: “Therefore explain it”. Philosophy: “I not, you must explain it me, because you want know what use is for the philosophy, and then you must explain it me, so that you can become philosopher”, and man: “With this explication do I will be philosopher?”, and woman: “Not! But you can know what is exercise for become it, the thought, deduction, and theories that you must apply reality; one example: in conformity with opinion of Plato the philosophy is use of acknowledge for use of mankind, it is the philosophy, is useless to know how transformer stone to gold if after mankind doesn’t knows what must make with gold, and Descartes thinks that the philosophy is together of acknowledge necessaries for man, but necessary for his life, health and gain, it is a concept very large for the philosophy, but it is very important because lets an extension of concept of the philosophy, that now isn’t alone an exercise for little men but a practical concept for mankind; but attention, because for the philosophy isn’t sufficient this exercise, who loves the philosophy must read and to know very much, and can’t be alone practical, because from pragmatism you learn method, but is from other thought that you learn what is to think in conformity with the philosophy”, and man: “What does it means”, and woman: “You must read and know thought, and when you will have a disagree with a philosopher alone then you will start your thought, but alone after that you will know other thought; you will can have your philosophical idea when you will have read all; because your concept and your idea will raise with thought other, that will influence you and you will can have your thought, otherwise you could tell thing that are present ready, but the philosophy helps everybody to search owner thought; the philosophy is an exercise for to think and not certainly to learn on memory theories and opinion; now I have tell two opinion around the philosophy, but these opinions are alone motives for your valuation”. Therefore man: “My valuation is that I around the philosophy haven’t understood nothing, everybody says what he want and…”, and woman: “Not absolutely! Everybody says that is his thought, not that wants tells; this is difference between who tells and who thinks; true philosopher expresses that he thinks with rational concept and that he considers how real and effective how he tells, because this concept is very next to rational reality, and therefore lets a read of reality very persuasive, for whom explains this concept”, and man: “But does this concept explains because reality is so?”, woman: “Yes, but with thought, the philosophy explains because reality is universal, because is so, but with abstract concepts, because the science studies what is particular, what is in this moment and with material entity, tactile while the philosophy justify all with concept that is abstract but real, although not material, real because is rational, philosophical concept is real because is rational, but rational thought, therefore is credible, because rational, universally rational.”, and man: “Finally I have understood; I aren’t never philosopher”, and in fact he got up and gone off. 

         Alessandro Lusana                                                              


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