Verba volant sed scripta manent
Andrew was Medievalist and he every summer he gone in Italy for to take books and archives, he loved his job and loved his search, to him acknowledge of past was possible alone for search, and he was convinced that alone so he could discover truth, therefore in archives he was very attentive and passionate for every document, everything was interesting, therefore he opened a manuscript which he not known, and he searched author but nothing, anonymous but he seen two letters on a page AA, he didn’t understood what it was, but he recognized that handwriting was of 16th century, in fact this manuscript begun with these words: “Anthony Gallo around navigation of Columbus and not enter for ocean: Christopher and Bartholomew Columbus brothers from Liguria born and in Genoa native of people and they from wool mil and sons of a word carding and good he sold at this time and every town in Europe very audacious and among human question and for his very importance he emerged”; a man with a cloth of other century approached to Andrew and looked what he was writing, Andrew raised eyes and seen him who is writing, therefore he asked: “Good morning, what do you want?”, and man answered: “Nothing! By you nothing, plebeian!”, Andrew though that it is a jokey and he smiled, but man looked him and: “It is very strange that a plebeian knows read”, Andrew looked man and asked: “What’s your name”, and man, without see Andrew: “ I am an historical and a librarian”, Andrew therefore was silent and man said: “By first words author of this manuscript joins two brothers Christopher and Bartholomew for glory new discover and discover of new word, and he in fact says that was Bartholomew given idea for navigation toward occident for search new words, therefore in conformity with opinion of author Christopher was alone practical worker of idea of his brother, but it is false. It means that Gallo has foreseen this question around origin of Columbus ; however grandfather of Christopher was born in Fontananova next Chiavari, and after he lived in Quinto next Genoa, and there perhaps born Dominique, father of Christopher; Dominique was confided to a master of cloth in Genoa for learned this work, which Dominique learned very soon and he became master. He transferred in Genoa and at 1451 is born Christopher, who has had three brothers: Bartholomew, John Pilgrim and Jacobus and Bianchinetta. Christopher and Bartholomew learned write and geometry in public school and they learned also geography for navigation, and he started his work in navy around 25 years. However Christopher has very press solicitation by a map which Paul Toscanelli, Florentine physical sent to Christopher with a map, that Christopher carried in New Word, It seems that Christopher come in Portugal at 1476, and he gone in Spain for search financing for his travel but he was very discouraged and he would gone in France, but in Palos he met a monk, Juan Perez, who convinced the queen for financing this travel; in fact three navies were prepared the Saint Mary, with captain Colombo, the Pinta and the Nina with captains two brothers Pinzon; crew was composed by 120 persons, but alone two gone back, because the Santa Maria sank, and they decided that a colony was perfect because marines all in two navies was impossible. At month August, 3th at 1492, every navies started, but the rudder of Pinta broken, therefore fleet gone to the Canaries next Gemerà island until 6th September, in log Christopher has written that that some member of crew was very bother and worry, and he encouraged them with promises around future gain, and he said that he is searching West Indies. At 11th October was some indication of word, at 10:00 pm in the dark a weak light move herself, and after two hours the word was seen, and first who indicated it was Rodrigo from Triana, marine of Pinta. Columbus taught that he was arrived to Japan, country of spices; but it was a people called Azzorre, and he called Espanola the island which has name Alla and he entered at April…”, Andrew broken read and seen man who was busy to listen, and: “What do you think?”, and man: “Nothing, we must read history and consider what is true and what is false, it is difference between history and historiography”, Andrew has an expression very concentred and: “What is difference?”, and man: “History is that we read with document, while historiography is alone interpretation of history, therefore everybody tells it how wants”, and Andrew: “What does means how wants?”, and man: “Everybody tells what is necessary and what is important for his ideology, somebody has written that an impartial history not will be write never, everybody has motive and interest for tells it and not it, above all if question is money”, Andrew smiled and asked: “Money? Why money?”, and man: “If an historical has interest and he writes for somebody who has a public which is left or right, the book must be favourable to one of these party”, and Andrew: “Why?”, and man: “Because book is sold and editor and author gain”, and Andrew: “It is disgusting”, and man: “No absolutely; you can call it historiography”, and Andrew: “But hide truth isn’t for historical”, and man: “No, is for criminal, but money uses every way for gain, rightly, because it is profession; an editor is first entrepreneur, and he must gains, therefore history can be false if it leaves gain, it is disgusting, yes, certainly, but it isn’t to gain”. Andrew taught this opinion and he started considered that much pages red perhaps were false, he raised eyes and: “What’s your name?”, and man: “Ludovico Antonio Muratori, historian and library”, Andrew therefore said: “But you are dead at 1750 to Modena”, and Ludwig: “You are reading my gather of historical from 500 to 1500, and therefore I am life, I, for you, will be dead when you will close that book; until a reader will read an author he will be life”, and in fact Andrew closed book and image of Ludwig disappeared immediately, but Andrew: "Tomorrow dear Ludovico, tomorrow, also because I want understand because you haven’t made so, this is tell false history”, and Andrew while he gather his thing found a note which says: “Because I am historical, and not a historiographer, tomorrow dear Andrew. Ludovicus Antonius Muratores”
Alessandro Lusana  


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