Didactic Hesiod
I won’t certainly to enter in question around 7th century before Christ, but his Τέόγενή, Born of gods, in fact shows a spirit which is again included in religious motive; all is borne for gods and for their will; with Homer this think there isn’t, because man kinder works for something, if it is war for Troy, with intervention also of gods but, above all, men kinder works, so in Odysseus will be very protagonist of his life, he in fronted of every danger and he tried, during all his travel, new experiences, therefore it is human spirit of acknowledge emerges, but now is man and not certainly a god who tries; in this poetical work Hesiod alone gods are present, and he writes without men, evidently Hesiod has a public again ignorant around this legend, which before of philosophy was rational think fit to justify word and life of men kinder; therefore he should satisfied a public may doesn’t know nothing around gods, Greek gods, because we usually think that ancient people in Greece has alone some gods, most famous is Jupiter, but truly gods in Greece were very much, a poet written: “We don’t know where hide wheat, everywhere is occupied by a god”, therefore is possible that Boeotian people has other gods but not certainly these were recognized to much town of Greece; Hesiod has given this possibility to know gods less or not known by Boeotian; this book seems more a handbook than a poem; it is true that from 7th to today he has underwent much changes, original write of Hesiod we haven’t but I think that spirit is same, an original spirit both didactic and religious, which can justify origin of word and learn to people of low level, in fact adjective Boeotian is citizen of Boeotia, but is also synonymous of idiot, because in Attika citizens of this region were considered idiot for their roughness, therefore it is possible that Hesiod has explained origin of word with this book, it is a sign of poetical philosophy before that philosophy was present in Greek, therefore is also a didactic poem because explain gods and their human gender, because tell around gods is merely human, as ancient religion.
Alessandro Lusana


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