Good cousins
Peter was teacher who
loved history, but hide history, and he would that also his students love
history, but every his lesson was a martyrdom for these boys, they were passive
students who tried to be interested, but with much tire; therefore he thought
that they must become protagonist and not alone spectators, then he, while
starting a lesson: “Today you take this script and you must read and give
questions”, students were astonished, and in fact one asked: “What? We must
take and read it?”, Peter while he was reading some papers: “Yes, you must read
it”, and student rightly asked: “Why?”, and Peter: “Well, you will be master,
on contrary, Great Master”, and student: “I am George, may you don’t remember”,
and Peter looked him and: “Do you know what is a Great Master of Carbonarist?”,
and George: “I don’t know what is carbonar”, and Peter: “Write this name,
Carbonarist”, and George written on blackboard carbonar, and Peter: “This is
mistake”, and George: “Why?”, and Peter: “Because Carbonar you must write with
great letter” and George: “Why?”, and Peter, explicated: “Because Carbonarist
are secret association that would equality, freedom and brotherhood among men”,
and George: “Were is their seat?”, and Peter: “Very clever! You ask therefore
you want know!”, and George: “Certainly, I want know who are these persons and
what they believe”, and Peter: “Believed”, and George sharpened look: “Why
believed?”, and Peter: “You and all other try because it is “believed”, and
George and other students talked among them and Glory, and beautiful girl student
answered: “Because they are in prison or dead”, Peter smiled and: “May they
have ended their association”, and Glory: “My neighbor is Carbonar because he
has a charcoal kiln”, and Peter laughed and he corrected: “Carbonar isn’t
worker of charcoal kiln”, and Glory: “No! Then who is?”, and Peter: “He is a
member of Carbonarist, and you are all Carbonar, therefore you must listen your
Great Master”, and Peter given a script to George, he took it and he red: “You
must know that aim of Respectable Carbonarist is that give to citizen freedom
and right which nature has given to us, and that tyranny has took off. For this
aim we must refine virtue and create union of courage and exemplar citizen,
since the fine policy tyranny has interposed among men and truth a dense veil;
human study these false thesis, that involve around prejudice, on superstition
and among dark they live a life slave and they don’t know origin of their wrong.
Do you don’t listen clang of your chain? These are given by tyranny, and for
natural right you must destroy whom wants eat other. May the king who has
forgotten his human nature he want take blood other, and consider everybody as
slave and patron of wife and sons an goods? Although these hellish monster
again we give honour and respect. Since the orders of Carbonars have grounded
on simple principles and rationality especially on orders of Jesus Christ,
therefore they must upset this throne raised on fanaticism. The blood of much
innocent took off by their families and leaded to dead for wars, this blood
cries avenge. The Carbonars, who know truth and justice, who have a sensible
heart and human, they will be avenger of right of men”, students were much
astonish because to them it seems a satanic rite, and Peter understood their
worries, he explicated: “Great Good is almost Great Architect of Freemasonry,
carbonarist is divided on small centres called Sales, which depended by high
Sale, that has responsibility of supreme order, laymen, or pagan, were apprentice,
who after some time become masters, and after they can long high position,
among regent, and first and second assistant, and other rule as secretary,
orator, treasurer, archivist, therefore expert masters or terrible and they try
courage of neophyte, and discovers, custodians of secret meets. The neophyte
talked an oath, and members recognized one other with code sign, and code
words, as Faith and Charity, and others fern and nettle, and other changed on
sex months by High Sale, they must give a tax on months and correspondence and
postmen with passport, called small stove, and black ribbons, red or other
colour. One Great President kept internal surveillance, and Great Orator and
Secretary, two Great Expert and two Great Masters. The Good Cousins is grounded
on religion and virtue, the town of meet is called Hut, and intern is called
Sale, the members are called Good Cousins and they are subdivided between
Apprentice and Masters. A break of sex months is necessary so that an
Apprentice becomes Master, and he must do good actions, to help unhappy,
refrain action against Carbonarist, and rich heart with virtues; it isn’t
possible talk against the religion, is forbidden every discourse against moral,
every Good Cousins must keep secrets around Order, nobody Cousins can talks
around that is talked in Sale; and this role above all for persons who aren’t
known and especially for their families”, and a student asked to Peter: “When
and who has grounded this Carbonarist?”, and Peter: “May king of France Francis
First and one has duty, this is to help walker; today Carbonarist is much
different but has kept some sign of ancient, today has an policy aim that is
freedom of man kinder and brotherhood, and it orders sever duties and slain
treacherous; some body thinks that this society is birth at 1812 when emissary
of Queen of Austria grounded a society with name of Carbonarist”, and Andrew,
other student asked: “What was decoration of room or Sales of Carbonarist?”, Peter
didn’t understood sense of question, and in fact he asked: “Why?”, and Andrew: “Because
I think that is were present much signs were present also much decorations,
everyone family has signs of his past and present, souvenirs and other signs of
remind that are in past of family, and which are the past of family; therefore
for to understand what owner of a room I think was necessary identity of this
room”, Peter was very astonish by this think; Andrew was a student very
brilliant and much acute, silent always but with acute spirit for observation,
above all for historical matters, therefore Peter answered: “The Sale will be
covered with wood and floor brick, and with chair without back, toward below
wall will be a log, and to angles other two logs with same dimensions for Assistants.
On log of Great master will be these symbols: a white cloth, water, salt, a
cross, leafs, wood, fire, word, a crow of white thorn, a hank and three
ribbons, a bleu, a red and a black; on left a triangle with painting arms of
Sale”, improvise light put out, and Peter searched switch and when he light he
looked much men in front of him, Andrew on centre and all on sides looked him, they
have cloth very strange, and they seem men of 19th century, Peter
called: “Andrew, what happened?”, a member approached to him and specified: “You
are a neophyte and therefore you must call him Great Master”, Peter though that
it was a jokey, but a member took out a knife and asked that Peter set his hand
on table and enlarge fingers, he took knife and stuck it every fingers among;
and after he ordered: “take this knife and you must slain a man”, Peter looked
every members and: “What? No absolutely, I haven’t slain nobody”, and member
Andrew: “Now you must start”, and Peter, with terror with consequence, took
knife and approached to man who he must slay, he give back, Peter called and he
turned, Peter was astonish because he was same Peter but with modern cloth, and
he asked: “But you are…”, and man: “You, and now I must die”, and Peter: “If I slay
you I will die now”, and man: “No, absolutely!”, and Peter: “Why?”, therefore
man indicated a epigraph and indicated above all a name and a date, then Peter
red: “Good cousin Peter dead at 1821”, Peter looked around and called: “Andrew,
but if I am dead at 1821, to whom I have taught?”, and Andrew: “To student of
this Sale, but we are grown now, and I have become Great Master, therefore you,
in next room, have other classroom, and I advise you to be punctual, because
they are very precise”, therefore Peter opened door and entered in classroom
with students and he started his lesson around Carbonarist and Sale.
Alessandro Lusana
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