To Christ and centurion
(Fig.1) is possible attribute it to same painter of Two Blind(Fig.2), in same
gallery, who now he seems keeps some consideration to style, hair of centurion
follows that of figure on left in episode with Preach on lake of Genezareth,
but he sees very well also the chromatic made of pupil of Lombardelli to
Vocation of Apostle(Fig.3), but he strengthen iridescent light and plastic
form; mantle of Christ take again that of episode of two blind, extended made
of cloth and finger of Christ follow same in episode mentioned; more over
brushstroke which makes face follows that of two figure on right side;
therefore a pupils of Sabatini who take all but after he personalizes. To
Multiplication of bred(Fig.4) is same collaborator who has worked to Enter in
Jerusalem(Fig.5), beard very compact follows that of Christ in that episode;
brushstroke very summary on the faces, on right side, remind figures on left
side, back Christ, in Enter; cloth of figure on back in centre in second plane,
in same episode, it feels influence by figure mentioned above all for folds and
light. To Christ in home of Marta works same master of Enter, board and hair of
same Christ are mirror to episode with Enter; cloth of girl, on left side,
translated that of same side of Multiplication, and profile of same figure
considered follows that of girl; more over posture of hand, on bottom of our
episode, follows both hand of figure in first plane and that of woman in second
plane, on left side, in episode of Multiplication, which is same Master of
Enter. To an collaborator of Sabatini is attributable brushstroke of drawing
with Mother of sons of Zebedeo(Fig.7); fluent hair and fingers are similar to
an angel(Fig.8) whom I have given back to collaborator of Sabatini, lips of
figure follow that of other angel(Fig.9), and to cloth emerges a conjunction
almost organic with two Angels(Fig.10-11); cloth plastic flouncing of first angel
and light to second, fingers are took by Christ in episode of Christ and
centurion; but the cloth remind also other author, who is collaborator of Sabatini
who has worked to Flight to Egypt(Fig.12), but now he works with less
precision. To this collaborator whom we call Master of Zebedee’s sons, is
author also of episode with Peter find money in mouth of fish(Fig.13); hair is
same take again that of Christ and child, in centre, in precedent episode, cloth
of Christ takes that of same child, but now with strong folds; sharp fingers of
girl, on right side in precedent episode, take for typology both of Christ and
saint Peter in our episode, and fluent hair and board are mirror to same in
precedent episode. To Lazaro’s resurrection(Fig.14) author is Giorgio Picchi,
anatomy of restored to life reminds figure on cross in Miracle of true cross in
Mercatello sul Metauro(Fig.15) episode, very tiny leg of restored to life
remind those of figure on the cross, already mentioned, arms equal tiny, the
neck of Christ in our painting remind that of figure considered, cloth of Lazaro’s,
with folds scanned translates of figure, on left side, in same altarpiece. To
Tribute to Caesar(Fig.16) works a collaborator of Sabatini, and in fact we
understand precise work to cloth, although here took by a collaborator, who sees
to colleague of Vocation of Apostle(Fig.17), fluent worked laps up that of
Sabatini; brushstroke on the face
follows that of Christ and apostles in mentioned episode; therefore principal
moment of this painting is cloth, directly assumed and without second thought.
The last painting, Oration in garden(Fig.18) is worked by a modest collaborator
of Sabatini, who seems assimilates some word of language of master; in fact eyes
and some suggest cloth, all with usual borders of collaborator, who now last
occasion very important for learned something to stylistical culture.
Alessandro Lusana
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