Do you want change?
Robert was a student very of philosophy, much appreciated by his colleagues and professors, he was always attentive to rationality of discourse of his student, and also during examination he was always inclined to explication of a philosophical concept rather correction of a word of explication; he loved ancient philosophy and he dreamed always attended place of Athens; during a night, after read of book around life of Socrates, he slept, and he dreamed an ancient place with much persons, much philosophers, and he identified Socrates, he approached to him and asked: “Are you Socrates? Master of philosophy”, he looked Robert and answered: “It is all right, except master, who are you?”, and Robert: “I am Robert Nicholson and I came by future”, Socrates looked him and other, and: “By future, what future?”, and Robert: “By a time that now isn’t but will be”, Socrates looked around and: “This future to me is past, just now”, and Robert: “No possible, because it isn’t will be no past”, Socrates meet the fingers and: “When do I have snap fingers?”, and Robert: “Never, or no now”, and Socrates soon snapped fingers, and: “No now, but now is past, because while I tell it time is past, and I have snapped fingers some second past, therefore it is past, and no now, but anon, therefore past, is I snap…”, and Robert: “You haven’t snapped now, therefore it is future”, and Socrates: “Dare you sure?”, and Robert: “Certainly?”, and Socrates, while Robert ended his think snapped fingers, therefore: “Contrary, is past, because I have snapped…”, and Robert: “Now you have snapped”, and Socrates: “No, I have snapped anon, therefore it is past”, and Robert: “And future?”, Socrates then: “When I will snap fingers”, and Robert waited that he make it, and Socrates: “You wait future snap of fingers, therefore it is will be”, and Robert: Certainly, it will be”, and Socrates, snapped soon fingers: “No it is past”, Robert very pensive asked: “Do you want go to future, without fingers? My future, therefore do you want change?”, and Socrates: “Yes, but without fingers?”, and Robert: “Yes, do you want it?” and Socrates thought a moment and: “Yes”, Robert took a chalk and on a wall he drawn a door, he knocked tree time and opened the door, and Socrates very astonish entered and gone in. Robert since Socrates was gone away, continued heard all persons and philosopher in place of Athens, therefore he met Platoon, Aristoteles Epicures and Heraclites and other; he heard thesis of all, he meet also historical Herodotus and Thucydides and he heard his history of war in ancient Greek, he heard Egypt of Herodotus and Babylon, and fight with Persians to Salamis, and other episode very important; he heard speculative philosophy of Aristoteles and the word of ideas of Platoon, conception of Heraclitus and his “panta rei”, and the atomism of Democritus, Euclid and his math, Pythagoras and his theorem and much other; he often participated to discussion and with much emphasis he argued, is till he heard knock to door and somebody, Aristoteles ordered to a pupil open the door, he opened and Socrates entered with expression very angry, he looked Robert and: “Do you want live still?”, and Robert: “Yes, why?”, and Socrates: “Because I will bring you court with thirty judge, they will condemn before you and after me, because you merit it!”, and Robert: “What is wrong to future?”, and Socrates: “I prefer die here for too words than die in your future without word; in your future isn’t word, I have tried to talk somebody but they were dead just, silent and always angry, everybody busy for hate next and all attentive for a set on chair, everything is mine, and who touch I cut hand, everybody lives with oneself, they don’t talk and think; therefore I have very pleasure that you are here but now you can, or better, you must go back to your future; I want stand on my past, and now I asked to you: do you want change?”, and Robert: I not would, but it is your past, and that is my future. Without fingers”, but Socrates snapped fingers and opened the door, therefore Robert looked last time place and he entered and snapped fingers, and door was closed.
Alessandro Lusana                                     


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