Many truth
(In dubio pro reo)
Voice of accusatories against
Bonifacius 8th pope
Theatrical drama
Dramatis personae
Boniface 8th pope
Celestine 5th pope
Philip 4th king of France
Jacopone from Todi
Dante Alighieri
First act
History and Boniface 8th
Two seats and a table
and an third seat in front of table
History: Boniface you called here to justify your life of pope, about your
gestures, and your behavior as pope, then father of Christianity; you are going
to accuse from severe enemies, and I am going to hear the motives of everybody.
You know perfectly that History is always rational, impartial and never
partial; alone men think now and though always that History is partial to some
thesis, but I am hearing and never I have judged, I seek from centuries. I have
heard motives very absurd and you, men, great and little used to justify; then
you now must justify your life, in front of tribunal of History.
Boniface: Why I should say to whom has accused me, has offended and denigrated on
your altar: my enemies have very much to lie; then why you are searching guilty
to sacrifice?
History: Because I want that men know your voice and judge as of accusers.
Boniface: Somebody are going to say “arduous sentence for posterity”, but I don’t
think that for posterities can interest that I am guilty or no.
History: You are wronging, if you defend your policy, certainly somebody hear
your judgment, and a humble voice can become exorbitant
Boniface: Who
are my accusers
History: Calm, they are going to be here, everybody and you are going to have you attorney
Boniface: I am very sorry you think that I need of attorney, I am very astonished
because you are History and you know perfectly the truth.
History: (smiling)I know perfectly but I know truth of History, and you that of
Boniface, and no other; then we must search and know also others truths, as
your truth may valid, rational, and human, too human. Do
you know Socrates from Athens?
Boniface: I don’t know him, who is?
History: A philosopher and he died after personal defense for a unjust
accusation, in fact he was accused to corrupt young and Athens. He was accused
form court to atheism, disobedience to goods, and then condemned capital
sentence, he drunk the hemlock, and he didn’t betrayed his think, then gnosi
seauton, this is know yourself, and your truth
Boniface: In am sorry but I am not philosopher, I am jurist, and
I don’t understand because you are saying that words
History: You have your truth and the accusers have their, then each one has
Boniface: And you have your truth
History: Certain but it is the truth of History, that happened, that says your
guilt and other; and innocence of everybody and guilt of nobody, and guilt of
everybody and innocence of nobody; dear Boniface I know perfectly everybody, I
have seen you born and die, then I know your motives, your souls, your thinks,
suspects, lies, but I don’t judge you, because I have past very much time, and
I have understood that everybody lies and says truth, everybody hides and
nobody says that he is hiding, everybody accuse, but nobody truly condemn,
because you are accomplices, then who is among you without sin throw the
Boniface: Why you are mentioning Johannes? Do you think that I can be our Lord,
or Johannes?
History: Why you can’t be adulteress?
Boniface: I not guilty of adultery
History: May just you have made it
Boniface: I am not never married and I haven’t sons, then I can’t cheating on a
History: Do you have married the Church?
Boniface: certain I am moral and spiritual husband, and I must defend hers, save
and love and work to hers, move away enemies and hypocrites, and I have worked
to faith.
History: Secundum Bonifacii judicium. In conformity with your opinion,
but others don’t think it
Boniface: Others? Who are? Some heretic? Enemies of God?
History: Pietro Morrone, a guys Celestino V. Do you remember him?
Boniface: Yes! I remember him.
Second act
Celestine V, Boniface 8th
and History
Celestine V come in on scene and he sits on right of
Celestine:(looks Boniface) Do you remember also Fumone?
Boniface:(get up) You don’t know the truth form lie, you, and alone you and me,
know very well that you had asked your residence to Fumone; to Napoli, in Real
Castle of Roberto d’Angiò, do you remember? During your stay, on 1295, you have
asked that you want sleep in the cellars, and the king has had offered to you
the better rooms, you alone has choice the poverty. Castle Fumone? I didn’t
known neither that it is exist, you has indicated that cave, and you have made
it to attract to me offences
Celestine: No, your holiness
Boniface: You are my equal, you must call me to name, according to the protocol.
Celestine: Yes! I choose Fumone; I wanted come back to my
Church, on contrary you wanted a Church that to and God very foreign, very
longe, immoral, demonic; and I didn’t become pope you have choose me.
Boniface: I no certainly, but alone who has considered you very weak, and very
alone momentary pope, a guy that they must call when is opportune.
Celestine: A servant is called by patron when they need
Boniface: A pope isn’t a servant.
Celestine: A servant of God
Boniface: No certainly of Philip 4th the Beautiful,
and you was going meet it, give to him the Church, I have voted against to you
during conclave.
Celestine: I am alone a servant of God, no…
Boniface:(interrupting him abruptly) Stop it this litany to humble servant, you
are very boring.
Celestine: A servant, I am not a political man
Boniface: We must be political man, we must take the whip and Gospel, and you it
didn’ have understood, the policy allows that Church exist, and survive; we
hasn’t armies and soldiers, the excommunications can damage, and how much? The
Vandals, Theodoric, Longboard, how we can contrast menaces so great? Remember
Apocalypse of John, that step he speaks about the woman dressed of sun that
gives birth: she gave birth a male son that must hold the nations with an iron
rod. I am not that son but who must held the word with iron rog, because it is
by Christ son of God
Celestine: And with faith
Boniface: I have often asked to me if you are very idiot,
pathetic ignorant, or ingenuous, and you think that with sword of Gospel you can
stop evil.
Celestine: Leon Magnus has stopped Attila
Boniface: The miracles of seminarian; dear Celestine, if you was an heretical,
atheist I could object: “Why God hasn’t stopped to Anagni Sciarra Colonna? It
is may that the vicar of Peter was offended? Then God self we can offense,
because if it is then he is servant, and this servant we must no respect, and
why we must worship a servant; God isn’t so, otherwise the Gospel that speaks
about omnipotence is lying, and Christ would lie, because he has said about
superiority of an Eternal Father and he isn’t so; and you are condemning the
Church and Christianity with capital sentence; you certainly these
philosophical arguments you don’t know, and it aren’t never interested you,
because God save? God guarantees, this is pure cowardice.
Celestine: No
Boniface:(doen’t specks and look intensely him)
Celestine: Boniface, I love alone God
Boniface: No certainly the Church
Celestine: No I don’t love it I would stay in my cave, and thank
God to everything that he has made
Boniface: God has created the Church, and
you has called to ride it
Celestine: Marc. John, Luke, Matthew were choose by God to write the Gospel; Paul was choose to
worship God among people, and peter to ride the Church, everybody makes his
duty given by God, I am a servant and I am very happy when I serve God as every
Boniface: Then I should come in cave and prayer and condemn Christianity to
persecution and sure death, meanwhile I should hope that God save us?
Celestine: No, Boniface, everymen has his duty, and you must
ride the Church.
Bonifacio: You are spiritual guide
Celestine: I can serve and be well Christian, but you must be a
very good political man always, the Holy Spirit in Conclave has choose you then
Deus vult.
Boniface: If the Holy Spirit has entered to Conclave he has come out very soon.
Celestine: Do you don’t believe to conclavist dogma
Boniface: Certainly, I am a god Christian, but I believe more to
personal interest of Orsini, Frangipane e Conti e Colonna, they have elected
you, because you were secureness to their lands and richness
Celestine: (meanwhile intensely looking Boniface) Why do you are
sayng it? I has never refused something for somebody:
Boniface: Certainly, above all to Roberto d’Angiò, and other French interest, he
wanted also extend on pontifical ports, and you dear Celestine was fit tool,
ingenuous and weak
Celestine: The Holy Spirit has choose…
Boniface: Stop this homily, pecunia non olet, and when is money nothing Gospel
corrects cupidity, Saint Peter’s ports, Tiberina Island, Terracina, Gaeta, were
certain docking to Philip 4th
and Renato d’Angio, great trade and little tax, and to this was
necessary your consent. This is your Holy Spirit, and thieves of Church, Philip
4th needs of these to make ways in Franche, and to armies and
soldiers against Edward 1th.
Celestine: I haven’t gave it.
Boniface: Certainly because behind the chapel, during prayers, there were somebody
that has protected you, I have ordered that nobody come in during the prayers,
I have distributed in the Holy Basilica of informers, during your court hearing
you were very much to hear, among my followers, I have to protect you by your
idiocy, you were a sparrow among ferocious eagles, I have to save you and the
Celestine: I have said that everybody has his rule, I servant,
and you lead to political strategy; then I see to sky and you to heart, I to
God and you to his sons, and I see these very immoral, but God to his infinity
goodness everything forgives
Bonifacie: I have though more to earthly Church than heavenly
Jerusalem, you must wait very much. You self, Celestine, of this earthly Church
has been son, alos when you has not been pope; you never has contradicted then
you were faithful son
Celestine: I could not contrast the Church, I haven’t never hate
it neither betrayed; I have made very wrong action, I have ignored it. You and
other were nothing, you never have been present on my mind, then how I can hate
somebody and it isn’t
Boniface: it is seems that when you have called to become pope you have accepted
it, and very soon
Celestine: Now you are sinning for your ignorance, do you don’t
know that I escaped in front of cardinals when they said me that I was become
pope, and when they knelt I was fear, and I prayed God that was alone a
temptation of devil; two days they took to persuade me that I was pope, and I
come out from my cave with bare feet and with my poor cloth, and I hold my
poverty until God has wanted, I refused horse and triumphal chariots, a servant
can’t be treated as a pope, I have believed that the Holy Spirit has called me
and I have obeyed.
Boniface: What do you say History? I look and you don’t said nothing, you are
hearing and don’t comment.
History: I don’t give to you my judgement but other accuser
(Celestine et up
and get out)
Third act
History, Philip 4th, Boniface
History: Other your enemy dear Boniface
Boniface: Who is it, whom do I should contrast?
History: One who was very enemy of Church of Boniface, who wanted enlarge honor
of French Church and who wanted a pope French; remember Anagni, and impetuous
secretary, remember how Sciarra has made to you, he is going to accuse you to
be false pope, because you drive away Celestine, and he going to accuse
you pursued your Christian brothers,
Colonna, you have destroyed Palestrina, and you have worship evil, you have
enriched your family, the Bulls the Unam Sanctam you have reaffirmed the
indissoluble power of Church on every secular power, and other Bull Clericos
laicos with you have ordered that they no pay tax to France.
Boniface: I undestand that is this guy, but you have descripted more than name;
when he will arrived that French heretical and without God, defamatory, and…
without money
Philip:(getting in from right sits on cheir of Celestine) When I must treat to
somebody that steal it is very difficult that something remains; a robber of
this race is very rare.
Boniface: Who
are you?
Philip: Who has condamned you when you are life and also after your death; the
French landa gain dispeises your name, Maleface, it is very good sound, do you
think? Son of evil.
Boniface:(smiling)Philip, Philip you are more ridicolous than your process
witchcraft; you are always a little king, with many problems and very little
head; you could ask alone help, I would meet you, and I would accepted your
questions, you on contrary have wonted everything and soon, you have called
Colonna and you have promised them gains and lands
Philip: Gains? Which?
Boniface: The rich gain that you have had from robbery on 3 may 1297, when
Colonna family has robbed me of money necessary to pay feuds of Sermoneta,
Ninfa, and it is alone to fear of my extenction on Saint Peter Reign, to
robbery you added also the fire of my Bull.
Philip: What Bull? I have never read your Bull then you haven’t write it.
Boniface: Certainly I have written it, Clericis laicos 25th Febrary at 1296, do
you remember? I have written that priests didn’t give to you tax
Philip: No of Church, cursed Maleface, but alone your.
Boniface: I am the Church and the college of cardinals was favorable that
you have made a robbery
Philip: Do you are speaking of robbery? You? Raider! You have stealed to Colonna
the feud of Palestrina and other land, and you are speaking of thefts
Boniface: When you haven’t aid of your secretary, Nogaret, you
are more stupid; feuds that the Church has took to Colonna has been returned to
same family, but I have returned these to members of same family that were
faithful to Church, then Ottone, Matthew and Landolfo; furthermore you don’t
know that Peter Colonna was rector of land of Ninfa, land that he wanted hold
to his family and I have bought at 1297.
Philip: To take a land, I don’t think that it is very great heresy
Boniface: No certainly it is heresy but one must pay it, and Colonna didn’t made
it, then I pay and bought and it compromised very much strategies
Philip: Your nephews were beneficiaries of lands of Colonna family, you have
stealed it and no certainly bought
Boniface: You are lying; you know that neither I and my family have had took to
Colonna family, I have returned to Colonna were faithful
Philip: In conformity of confession of process, you have destroied assets and
destroyed the city of Palestrina
Boniface: What have I answered to these accuses?
Philip: Nothing
Boniface: Why?
Philip: You aren’t in Avignon
Boniface: It is very easy condamn someboby that isn’t
Philip: You have hasd your defemders, then if they has made wrong their job you
must accuse them
Boniface: My defenders kown how you, this is nothing, and they have tried
adefense that was impossible, because my defenders; you have made corruption,
with promises, you have took false witnesses, and you have had alone personal
Philip: How do judge the Bull Unam Sanctam?
Boniface: The defense of Church, through that Bull I have prohibited to all that
ordine to Church a power that hasn’t
Philip: Do you demanded that I was submissive to you in my reign
Boniface: This think is your, or Nogaret? I must consider that to secretary makes
false documents very well; you are always ingenuous, because your Nogaret has
given to you wrong interpretations; the Bull Unam Sanctam stated the only
spiritual predominance of pope up every
king; spiritual only, do you understand Philip? Read the Bull and don’t hear
the voices that have interests of family
Philip: What?
Boniface: Very many omages that you have made to his family, because Nogaret was
necessary to you, you needed his advisements and what you have to said.
Philip: You have needed of Guide da Montefeltro to take Palestrina, and how
destroy others Christian, and you would defend you again?
Boniface: I accept it and I say that the was a clear and evident motive to defend
the Church; Palestrina was a fortress very important to attack to Church, and
to Christian killed, I know somebody that has condemned knights to money,
remember our sons Templar.
Philip: Your follower Clements 5th has condemned
Boniface: You lie, Clements acquitted them, but you has never know it, because
Nogaret has hide the Bull; excommunication was false of a dominical monk.
Philip: I confess that I never known it, or I known it but other political
needs ordered that I follow this way; I lack certain gain, count of feuds were
very poor, I have to pay mercenaries, the people has hungry, just I have
escaped one revolt at 1302; then dear Boniface I have had my motives; I am a
political man, and the Gospel absolves me and you. You
aren’t good shepherd.
Boniface: to you I can’t be a good shepherd, you have accused me of heresy,
worship of evil, witchcraft and other
Philip: Policy, dear Boniface, policy, after damnatio vitae also that memoriae
Boniface: French cardinals and Colonna have voted to me in
Conclave, and you consider me illegitimate? Very strange.
Philip: I have hoped that you was as other.
Boniface: Who? Celestine?
Philip: I wanted accords to you more peaceful, if you was more prudent, if you
have placate your spirit of omnipotence, if you have heard on contrary of make,
if you have considered that you have gained more to the Church, if you have
Boniface: What I have gained?
Philip: Rich trades and very good soldiers, but you have been led alone your
presumption, you have condemned Colonna, and you have begun a fight against
cardinals James and Peter Colonna
Boniface: It isn’t possible offend pope without took responsibility, the offense
give me through scroll that fixed to Saint Mary Rotonda and on altar Saint Peter
said that I was illegitimate pope
Philip: Affirmation certainly true.
Boniface: They have voted me, and then if I am illegitimate also
they are so, because the Conclave was illegitimate, and they there were;
Celestine give his resignation, as Ponziano at 235 after Ch.; then also these
dismission was illegitimate, but he was saint, then would accuse a saint of
Philip: If it is necessary certainly
Boniface: Same cynismof Nogaret, cold and without faith
Philip: if I must teated about France I don’tm know alternatives, neither pity;
if I must accuse a wron political man, that believe hiself as pope, I am going
to accuse also that, and I make all…
Boniface: You haven’t deposed me but they have kidnapped to Anagni
Philip: Yes if you want it, but I have humiliated your pride, it I wanted,
Boniface: I am pope of Universal Church
Philip: So omnipotence and have been enough thirty soldiers to stopped your
power, where was your God. You are alone a pathetic priest that tried take a
role that hasn’t.
Bonifacio: Priest among so much offenses this was missing, you
can add it to process of Avignon.
Philip: Other has emerged.
Boniface: Why a process after my death? You has had which do you want, thieves
you have had guaranties from Clements 5th ; why a process?
Philip: The jubilee has guaranteed great people and great thrust to Church of
pope, or who has believed so, then I have to make defamation to you.
Boniface: Policy Philip, alone policy, as accuse about your witchcraft and
worship of evil, blasfemy, sodomy, but you wanted a pope that was favorable to
you, and that guranteed richness to Franch
Philip: Who has said it?
Boniface: An anonymous cardinal that has said that: God alone knows among dangers
and so much worry we have to work. I have lost my brothers with aim of to have a
pope favorable to French, and I considered that he have managed very well if he
have obeyed to king. We voted Bertrando and we have believed that we have saved
the French and Church. Then Clemens 5th have guaranteed to French
what and how much you wanted, on contrary Boniface was contrary
Philip: Precisely, your reluctance is always hard.
Boniface: The my reluctance has determined from other reluctant, avid and venal,
it is true Philip? Do you know very well them? The little king that have in
home the war, that fight to dukes that betrayed
Philip: Who do you considering now?
Boniface: Other Philip the bold, duke of Borgogna, ready to betray to richness,
and tried alleance to Edward 1th from Bristish.
Philip: Now you know my needs of money
Bonifacio: How do you avoid it?
Philip: To pay through thieves that Clemens 5th has give to me, I have paid
soldiers of Philipp the bold, and his mercenaries and I have took them
Boniface: Policy, it is true Philip? Whose way also more cynical are valid alone
to you, to your survive and of the French; on contrary to others defend their
motives it isn’t valid, then if pope must use same way he is demonic, because
you can’t robber him.
Philip: Certainly Malefacius, we are two political men we know where strike and
whatch tools use.
Boniface: certain you must accuse other of your responsibilities, if necessary
you must lie, and hide the inopportune truth, and you don’t hold a thesis if it
isn’t necessary your needs, and avoid the sinful realities
Philip: Some your compatriot has set you in hell, among policiy men you would
be a god of hell, but a divinity. Good bye Boniface, and I hope that somebody
remember us to future.
Boniface: Good by to you Philip
Fourth act
History, Dante Alighieri, Bonifacio 8th
History: Dear Boniface everybody has very good motives to attack, and somebody
that isn’t pope or king, but poet alone don’t want accuse you; hell has took
you among simoniacs, and immoral behavior has just took hierarchy of Church
that should be with empire the lead to men, on contrary you and Philip have
made with greed, you because have preferred to good of men alone your family,
on contrary Philip has hade alone interest to his king role; the white Guelfi
were deceived, the Church has left them, and you didn’t make to them, too
involve among your personal affairs; now he accused you…
Boniface: Who?
Dante: I, Dante delli Allighieri, son of Alighiero delli Alighieri, and I am
not even to you to dignity, then I speck to you in conformity honor and
Boniface: (he get up) merit to you supreme poet, really I am
very sorry because I can’t asked to you about your universal book but,
unfortunately, I have had time read this book; think that some my descendent,
centuries ago, has praised you an your book, without wrong intention, and
neither I am here to curse you; but you have certainly has much to say.
Dante: I want ask to you why you have made as a demon rather than as a
Boniface: Because I am a shepherd and often I must use the rod, as you Dante use
the pen; you have condemned my name to infamy, you have said that I was a serve
to demon, you have accused me to steal and sacrilege; but may you have
forgotten that I have bear steal, you have considered worth trust, every accuses of Avignon process, although
you didn’t mention about these in your poet; as diplomatic you have made with
very dignify, the white guelfi were more uncertain than black, discouraged,
little and divided, and you belonged to them you know very well it.
Dante: I don’t condemnation you because you haven’t helped to white guelfi,
but to your behavior that isn’t worthy to Shepherd of Church, and you know that
I don’t condemnation you alone but also your predecessor, that has refused
papal throne to cowardice, and your enemy Philip French king, that has stolen
treasure of Templar
Boniface: You are sublime poet, loved Dante, and I understand your condemnation,
you have great soul, great honesty, and upright to your ideas, but also mystic,
you make same mistake that has made who you condemn to cowardice, Celestine,
you don’t consider how much prudence and strength.
Dante: Your Guido do you remember?
Boniface: You used this adjective to Cavalcanti.
Dante: I mean to Guido da Montefeltro, you have damned his soul to your
interest, on contrary you have to save it.
Boniface: You have damned non certainly God; through your poetical books you have
damned and saved in conformity your like, and you haven’t though that who you
have set in hell may God don’t set where you have described.
Dante: I have decided condemnations and salvation on ground I have known.
Boniface: Precisely, dear Dante, you condemn somebody on ground your ideas, you
condemn the prophet of Islamic Muhammad, because you have though that is was a
cardinal and he have made the scission in Christianity because he didn’t become
Dante: So information
Boniface: Then same process against me it could be alone chronicles; you lack of
Vatican chronicle, this is information necessary to give a judgement, but you
say without knowledge certain nothing.
Dante: I jugde on ground my knowledge and I can consider that what you have
made isn’t worth of pope
Boniface: Where is policy every valor and ideal get out; I give to you a question,
if I have allowed request of Philip to thieves, if I have made as weak
Celestine, how you have judge me?
Dante: May
Boniface: And coward, certainly, and you have given very good judge, I would be a
weak, although spiritually more better; then loved Dante, you must consider you
want a weak and spiritual pope or determined and political man
Dante: I am going to think it more
History: Now dear Boniface other poet, certainly less famous and sublime than
Dante, but more eloquent and quarrelsome, almost other your enemies, one who
you have gone to Saint Fortunato to meditation. Then you must contrast other
accuses as avidity, debauchery, impiety, pride, nepotism, simony, and
witchcraft; I think that you have more to answer; Jacopone from Todi accuses you
so much and much more. Gon in Jacopone, come here and bring your sincere soul,
and say as you want pope
Jacopone: How I want it everybody can read on Laus that nobody and less than
other Boniface has read
Boniface: (Tace, tace homo paulo, minuo, et pauco; tuo orare quam canis) Shut up,
shut up, little man, very little you say as than dog.
Jacopone: I have understood you, Holyness, you don’t worry taht I don’ know latin
Boniface: What I have said?
Jacopone: You have said that I speck as a dog and more I am a little man; may
unique compliment that I accept; but I am not little man, I am nothing man, on
contrary nothing simply.
Bonifacio: Very good man but you are servant of James and peter
Jacopone: I asm servant of Francesco from Assisi, true follower of Christ, and I
am servant Our Lord Celestine 5th pope, whose you have took throne.
Boniface: Dear Jacopone, I am pope and I haven’t subtracted money or papal
throne, you poor Celestine has refused it I not am in fear accuses, and no
certainly from you, misted poor, you don’t know the word, you contempt it.
Jacopone: Certainly the word is refuge of evil, and you are the king then you are
servant of evil
Boniface: On the word live also Colonna and you have been servant
Jacopone: I am
servant of God.
Boniface: Parchment of Lunghezza, against me, you have signed, yespushed for hate
against Gaetani
Jacopone: You have stolen spirit of word, and you have made every gender of evil.
You have imprisoned pope Celestine, unique pope and chosen from Holy Spirit,
poor, humble and saint, and after you have imprisoned me in San Fortunato; how
much do you have imprison? How much have to die to your avidity?
Boniface: Tu don’t certain die to imprisonment, and Celestine has died after
Fumone, and you have died at 1306, three years after me, and after you have
come out free from Saint Fortunato, you gone to Colonna to Palestrina, I have excommunicated
you because you were servant of excommunicated, and you demand that I absolve
you after your offenses; you have offense whole Christianity, and no Benedetto Gaetani,
but the whole Church, whom I represented and you and your masters have damaged.
I could kill you in San Fortunato, as Celestine in Fumone, I could have made it,
and I didn’t it; you not were a danger but an tool of Colonna; they have deceived
you, they have said that I have killed Celestine, I wanted enriched my family,
I have made witchcraft, on contrary they were alone envious for power of Gaetani,
that extended on contrary they were restricted to Palestrina; papal power was
become very important to aide French interest, that has pursued Colonna about
great land to gain, then your soul dear Jacopone is weak, son of other weak as
Celestino, who has escaped responsibility but accepted papacy, which he should
refused immediately, you accept mysticism and interest earth of Colonna; my
soldiers captured them in Palestrina and you there were hidden, every lies they
have said you believed it.
Jacopone: Should we thank you to so harm?
Boniface: Very less I could
Jacopone: What? You have exterminated us, you have killed spirit of Christianity
Boniface: I could began a crusade, a persecution and kill you, remember Cathars
and Innocenzo 3th; do you know it? I could exterminated your will, and I haven’t
made it, you were a weak voice, and you have searched my enemies to make internal
fight in the Church, make a state in state, a Church in the Church, to
guarantee to Colonna their interest, to motive it for spirituality that is characteristic
of your brothers, poor of Celestine, that are useless when somebody attacks
Jacopone: Give other cheek some has said
Boniface: The cheek no the neck to decapitation, I could no certainly that head
of Church fail to spiritual will, we live on earth and the Church must fight if
it is necessary, it must fight internal and external enemies, we can’t and no
must fail
Jacopone: Should we kill innocent?
Boniface: Enemies of God aren’t innocent, who hold heretical is very far from
Church, then he must ask pardon, if you was my enemy I would kill you and
Celestine, I will not make it because I am not a coward
Jacopone: Why don’t you have made it?
Boniface: because I don’t believe solution homicide, neither persecution, but if
it is necessary I move soldiers and other. Jacopone I wanted not die because I
admire you, your spirituality; but the policy is merciless and cruel, and God
has wanted that I must fight to this slime, differently to your Celestine I
have accepted to fight
Jacopone: God may forgive, to me I am going to have difficult
History: Boniface both accused and accusers are right, every good and faithful,
but treacherous, then truth are much, material, moral and personal always,
personal interest is always more interest than other. Then an impartial history
nobody is going to write, but everybody to write that is necessary at moment;
everybody has his truth, it is from personal opinion and after of the word.
I greet you and
you are read history with same intention of those who different accusers and
Alessandro Lusana
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