Human behavior and human religion

Who as me has humanistic culture and mythological attend is normal that histories and episodes of gods and goddesses is normal that we must consider that they are human gender and they have all human behavior, then we see these divinities as human that have had gift of immortality, but they are always human nature. One consideration about this condition is evident regard to Olympus, this is mountain where every gods dwelt. I think that we must consider that it is first sign and very evident of human nature of these divinities. They residence on mountain, that is natural formation, then first reality is natural and human, because they don’t live and dwelt on sky, as Egyptian divinities. Greek people has given human nature to divinities; Olympus is human and natural mountain then has humanized god and all, and religion is first condition to survive and bear everything. These thesis is normal, but I want focus about mountain, nothing geographical interest, but alone human interest to this dwell that is evident for his human nature, that is evident and other mythological tells are alone directly consequence of this spirit and think. I want insist about this concept because, first document of human gender of gods is human and natural mountain; we consider God on superhuman nature, then to us he is mysterious, but to Greek people all was perfectly human and Olympus was residence of gods; then they pull away from Egyptian think, they have took divinities and have humanized.

Alessandro Lusana



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