De Tocqueville: a traveller
Alexis de Tocqueville(1805-1859),
France writer and judge in France during 19th century come in USA between 1831
and 1832, and he kept rapports with much members of society and politics,
members of congress and judge and attorney and very intellectual men; he
written these images of America, red USA, in a diary or log, and he describes
very punctually, the states that then were USA, we must consider that much
states are absent among description because not were present. Anyway Tocqueville describes system and he writes dialogues and
episodes about some state with characteristics and he defined with his
description democracy in states: therefore social class, schools, slavery and
other, with distinctions and very examples of democracy, that in Europe were
unknown, this is not were thought as dynamic spirit of States, that in Europe
was very ignored, one example is meaningful, at 25th November 1831, Tocqueville tells that: “ I met a rich
property of Illinois and I asked if any European were present as immigrants and
he answered “ No much are from Ohio”, and Tocqueville continues: “40 years ago
Ohio was desert and now his capital town has 30 years life and new generation
not finds possibility to be rich, therefore it goes to new towns”, this words
are very important because it is American spirit, that I repeat, was unknown to
Europe; but we must consider that some European costume was present, because
European immigrant brought also their spirit and costumes therefore, if one
member of high social class compromises a girl of same class because he is received to family he loses his
honour and reputation; in Europe for this behaviour was established duel but
honour was lost; some dialogue was a France lord that seems preferred monarchy
to democracy because he says that: “A govern monarchic is preferable to a
democracy govern, because govern of one alone has strong and coherence; but we
must consider that this lord evidently not has been in Europe during 19th
century, and he continued: “A republic is managed very less good than a
monarchy, typical opinion of a man that hasn’t looked monarchy or a govern
different by democracy. To political model de Tocqueville says that American
people is developer than other European people; to vote to black he tells that
in Philadelphia it was possible and legal, as he tells, at 22th October 1831,
in Philadelphia: “Much persons in American spoken that black are inferior. Much
other spoken contrary, and they proof this thesis for cleverness of black young
at school and other black that become rich after got over much difficult, and
one black that is become very rich with a property very great with much ship
and black captain, and de Tocqueville speaks around America and his first citizen, European citizen, therefore he says:
“American have brought in this country from European that was more democrat.
They have arrived and they have left prejudices to nationalism. They have
become a new nation, they have took new costumes; therefore de Tocqueville
describes that he seen with much appreciations about American society, and he
takes these information directly from American or European that live in
America, that could make a confront between realities much different, therefore
for de Tocqueville we have a portrait of America and a portrait of evolution
political European in America, with characters very different, but similar to
some behaviour; therefore today the Europe would be as the America if it isn’t
Alessandro Lusana
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