The realism of Poe
We are costumed think to Edgar Allan Poe like a writer of mystery, of anomalous phenomenal, terrible event; but it is alone a critical legend, because if we read all book Poe’s we note that he is very next to reality, The slope on Maelström is description also bother of nature, Premature funeral rites is other motive for consideration of a reality, The sphinx is other tale that describes perfectly impression which we can take by an insect and after we become big for his proportions, as other tales which don’t talk nothing, moment and feel of protagonist with images , The man of crow  is catalogue of men and human typology that certainly Edgar has seen during his job for journalism, therefore the impressions which he talks are personal episodes which he has kept in his memory and after he has translated on paper; but it is alone real no certainly imaginary or fantastic, other exemple the tale Appointment Edgar describes Venice, or at last some particular with much precision: “There was to Venice…A dark night. Big clock of Place was ring fifth Italian hour, Around bell tower was silence, and light of ancient Ducal Palace die soon.”, and he continues with this punctual description and with episodes which haven’t connection with tale but are necessary for to describe characters and impression of figures, he describes also gestures and expressions, but everything is took from reality, from real life and episodes which Edgar has seen; therefore he describes the real movements and  real life, may mystery here is very small.
Alessandro Lusana                


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