May because exasperated to
narrative context but we must think certainly inherent to competitive reality
is this document which attests fierce rivalry: “Most Blissful President.
Stefano Avete of Napoli city silver maker old 65 years and Nicola from Rome old
24 shows to Your Lordship that he is form one year exiled by Rome for Tribunal
of Monsignor Governor and so that is persecution of his concurrent who has
fright that he could take gain, and he doesn’t know that he has mistaken
nothing. Therefore he implores Your Lordship that you can delete this punish of
exile, and that you can let that he has for prison Rome, for reproof his
innocence or receive punish when he will be guilty, so that he can help his
wife and his sons by now with extreme necessity for this persecution, and if
Your Lordship won’t give pardon for he implores, and order for charity to
Monsignor Governor is let not charge
again for two month so he can goes back in Rome for take his wife and family,
and take money for debt count, and after go away and obey always orders of Your
Lordship.” Also minor centres are enclosed among dynamic matter of law,
therefore Priverno, a small town on Monti Lepini has one his representative
among Roman tribunal, a document says: “Most Illustres and most Reverend
President. Antonio Dionitio jeweller form Piperno most Devote servant of Your
Lordship most Illustres shows that in cause around hurt that has given Silvestro
Bolli and Basilio his brothers and other under Peace arch, one must examine
other indications given by document of notary this cause, and prisoner above
mentioned Basilio he implores Your Lordship most Illustres so that the truth
remains nobody gives acts of process to Basilio, until witnesses don’t are in
this process, and for this motive send commissary to Priverno, because the
adversaries are rich persons and that before are condemned guilty.” Artisan
version of justice rests balance and takes needle and thread; at a very
consumed document an embroider maker presents a charge: “Most Illustres and most
Reverend Monsignor. Giovanni Brandi embroider maker devout servant of Your
Lordship most Illustres with humble shows that two years he made some work to
Girolamo and Marco Tullio brothers form
Narni embroider makers, that were som of scudoes then and more although he has
made question for have his monies it not was possible, and he has necessity he
asked around these embroider, and they tool that they haven’t, and that they
must pawn a jacket satin because he has need money and he pawn it; Now these
documents are very convincing in Tribunal of Your Lordship most Illustres the
mentioned adversaries who don’t satisfy have deleted charge with excuse that he
has pawn this jacket. For most Illustres Monsignor this isn’t criminal cause,
but alone civil…”. A second embroider entered to Roman justice: “Most Illustres
and most Reverend Lord. Roman Vittorio Albertini, embroider maker was charged
by Camillo master cap maker some months are that he has hurt during fight for a
woman. They were rival because everybody want marry hers and she was married by
this charged. After this hurt they have made peace as charger says in this
charge. Vittorio has married this woman, and implores humbly Your Lordship most
Illustres want deleted this charge and he will receive for Your Lordship most Illustres”.
Also embroider sometime have some problem with most Illustres Lordship, in fact
this happened with an Ottavio. Most Blissful President. Ottavio embroider shows
to Lordship most Illustres that he have made every job for a bride of son of
most Illustres Lord Marzio Colonna, and never he has been satisfied and to
servant are remain alone debt, for artisans for matter which has took for
embroider, and also helpers, and for doesn’t satisfy this Lord, he can’t
satisfy neither other. He implores Your Sanctity that wants order Monsignor
Governor that is made not charge again”. For tailoring not must lack a tailor,
who makes an anomalous request: “Most Illustres and most Reverend Lord Marco Radagi
tailor resident in Sola place most humble servant of Your Lordship most
Illustres shows that he has a son with name Gaspare, who without agree he has gone away by his father and even disobedient,
and therefore I want that he is shut up in prison of Saint Francis to Ripa for
supply Your Lordship most Illustres that you order prison and correction…”.
Also kitchen, beyond pots, also a voice and we close this chapter with a cook.
A request at 1449 at 5th march a request given to pope Niccolò 5th
for pardon to cook of Prospero Colonna: “John Dwaes priest of Osnaburg dioceses
familiar with Prospero Colonna, deacon and cardinal of church Saint George to
Velabro shows that while he writing and he set in some set of home of mentioned
cardinal, a guy Conrad Swab priest of Mainz dioceses, and cook of this
cardinal, he with violence and with impetus took him and he has thrown to down
and he was knifed to back, therefore he shown major for pain this place and same Conrad he took with violence and he
beat same Conrad and he beat skin of head until blood for hurt, and Conrad
confirms it and peace twice have agree. Rome 5th march 1449.
Alessandro Lusana
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