Law to everybody is same[1]
The versatile human activity and particular of artisan translated for much technical work, so painter and other, press almost to mythicize authors and artisans, but we must consider that artisans beyond practical work, they were men and always easy took by mutation of absolute Spirit, and therefore always subject to consider their motive always right, therefore also failed or crime was right, the crime judged by law is present in this study. These document both unpublished and not attest nature of human artisan both in job and during common life. An armourer is called by a bishop for an appraisal for a gun, this document without date says: “Monday of current month Monsignor Bishop of Brescia sent with secret a his man for call master Baptistino, now master of arm and wheel of arquebus. Master Baptistino gone here Mons Bishop with polite said that he needs some wheel for guns and that he has had four, and since he not has acknowledge he has called this master, and so that he see if these wheels were good or not, and how much spending. Master Baptistino above all took these wheels, and he seen everything and he said that were common and new these value five scudos for one, and he recognized that one of these wheels wheel was made by master Pietro Moneda. Soon after that Baptistino has gone away, bishop called also Pietro Moneda, who has recognized his wheel and other three, and he said that one of these wheels was made by master Belardin Perotti, and other by master Lorenzo hastario, and other by Angel Fiamengo dead by an year. Bishop called also other masters, this is Belardino, and they recognized soon their wheels, and that of Angelo Fiamengo, and everybody said the price, but not time because they sale at last two hundred on year to much persons, and nothing they know around present. Dismissed everybody masters and stood alone Pietro Moneda, trust person for Bishop, he showed case of gun and he asked that he insert wheel without hammer, and he must find master of case. Master Moneda took this case and wheel and he searched and he found that these were made of master Eugenio Leale, and he asked that this master goes to bishop, and he said that case of this gun to be his work, and that he seen ended he could remind also when, but since he seen so he not could remind well…”. An appraisal certainly not modify history of craftmade and therefore this document has relative valour, above all if we consider it for his historical context, but some name of armourers and above all appraisal made by masters Baptistino and Pietro Moneda confirms thesis that also a tool to daily use, at last for that time, which we can think around 16th century, at last for language, confirms that also the stylistical nature of an artisan, and now armourer; in fact it is sufficient consider that master Baptistino has recognized a wheel as worked by Pietro Moneda, and only for style of wheel of gun; therefore master Pietro Moneda is a master with his peculiar style. Armourers the series continues with a sword maker, document says: “Most Illustres Lord Tommaso Ghislini most humble servant of Your Lordship most Illustres, he explains because he is charged in tribunal of Your Lordship most Illustres by Girolamo Grippa sword maker, who said that he has stroke with punches or slaps and strong offenses, and with blood, but between twice is followed peace and with agree of tribunal for this charge. Therefore I beg Your Lordship most Illustres give mercy and free soon at last he not will be wanted…”. A second sword maker emerges by ancient papers, an apprentice, who testify an offense very serious: “Most Illustres and most Reverend Lord Governor of Rome in Congregation. Antonio di Leonardo sword maker has had words with lord ambassador of French and he has a slap and wrong word: Now lord Argentiero is agree and he has given his agree so that this charge is deleted and this apprentice will has it for charity by Holy Congregation. Antonio of Lionardo apprentice of sword.” Among makers of stringed instruments doesn’t songs the music, a document at 1608 says: I Andrea Alberti attest that master Girolamo of Gionardi makers of stringed instruments work in store of my brother, and now he has worked in my store but since I not has seen him tonight to my home I have thought that he was in jail, I attest because I am his patron in store of makers of stringed instruments that he is honoured person.” A second makers of stringed instruments quarrels lack sentence for a condemned: “Most blissful President. Lionardo Tucci makers of stringed instruments, explains with all humble to Your Sanctity so a Costanzo Sornano Neofito made examined some witnesses during a cause, and above mentioned Neofito has had exile by this city, and again stand in Rome Neofilo for other cause examined for will of Vicario eight witnesses and other time five for will of same Neofiti, and being these everything false, was condemned Costanzo to jail for Auditore of cardinal of Saint Severina, in conformity with sentence. And very much are favours that he has because Neofito, since he is  continuing with these excesses. But he has doubt for usually impunity he goes to Your Sanctity and he supply that you want say to Governor of Rome this fourth insubordination against him made by this Neofito, and punish him in conformity with these excesses”. Among lutes an organ not disturbs, at last the ears, a supply says: “Most Illustres and Reverend Monsignor. Marcantonio Santi Romano poor prisoner he standing in a home of Stefano Biagi for learn make organ, and in above mentioned home is also a guy, Flaminio Barbiere, who has thrown for window water because isn’t other place where throw it, and he neither thrown it next door of this Barbiere, but this Barbiere started cry and he has said much wrong words, and when he got out and he passed in front of door of Barbieri, and he escaped by his store, and turned and he given a shove and he has fallen and he wounded…”. Joiners and their activities show a little, for quantity, survey, a cabinet-maker: “Most Illustres and most Reverend Lord Giovanni Celio cabinet-maker for exile alone for a presumed for panderism, and he was attending for much months this activity he supply Your Lordship most Illustres for give a grace , so that he can follow way much honest and he can works, and gain for his work; and he will get this grace by hands of Your Lordship most Illustres. A count of joiner is a reference for know who is a joiner: “Count of chair maker. Most Illustres and most Reverend Cardinal Este must give for two chair and his white chest of drawers three monies that he has used during Conclave. And he has made new gum for a chair monies 40-3:30.” A particular category of artisans is jewellers, they has also an University, Saint Eligio of Jewellers in Rome, that can for occasion of holiday of their patron, Saint Eligio, give grace to a prisoner, true gold heart: “Most Blissful President. University of jewellers of Rome most humble servant of Your Lordship shows with most humble in conformity for holyday of Saint Eligio, attorney of this University, celebrate oration of 40 hours, marry a unmarried and free a prisoner, but for past holyday, 1609, we haven’t free a prisoner because there aren’t. Now there is occasion for a guy Pietro Spinola son of jeweller banished from 4 years and with capital punishment by Tribunal of Monsignor Governor of Rome for a homicide to person of Berto Claustra by Rome, who armed and with wrong word provoked this Pietro Spinola, who need make so against mentioned Berto, and he was hurt, and by parents of dead he has peace. Therefore we run to feet of Your Lordship form Consoles of this University, and we supply that you want let mentioned Spinola on contrary of prisoner whom you must free for past holyday. All you will get for grace of Your Lordship”. Again same University: “Most Blissful President, the University of jewellers of Rome  two years ago has for grace a prisoner free in conformity with holyday Saint Eligio’s, when are set 40 hours in conformity with will of Your Blissful and so in person of Niccolò di Prospero from Quadrelli dioceses of Todi, exiled for a homicide made for honour, whose is informed the Lord Fiscal. Again this University run for ask total grace, because he has been most obedient for keep this exile for hold his father by now 80 years old age and his mother and his family, and everything you will receive for grace of Your Blissful”. Other condemn are present in this archive, I would alone show that artisan are humankind and also they are subject to law and difficult of life, therefore I would alone present that every artisan is artist and human be as painter, sculptor and architect, that were subject to law as official artist.
Alessandro Lusana    

[1]A.S.R., Tribunale del Governatore, Miscellanea artisti, Busta 4, fascicoli 301-340.                             


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