Confutation of nihilism

The nihilism is a philosophical address that thinks that everything is end to end, all is nothing, this think is become from Nietzsche that has told about values, involved religion, and man can raises very much than he can overcome everything and he can become God, this is every important reference that human has had and now has he can overcome. But Nietzsche didn’t said that is the moral and conformism typical of his time has radically influenced his opinion about superman, then he has been victim of this morality. Nietzsche says about man that he can become superman, this is move away false myths as science, religion and other. But he not given a solution or other, he is a Zaratustra of at his time, but as Zaratustra he didn’t give other. We can refute this consideration because we know very well the value of history, and history is human build and at this we can find all is human build, as morality, costume, conformism, opinion that after we and new generations leave, because other morality and values become very basic. But humankind have to substituted other imagines and concepts because it is necessary, and it is poor parent of law, everyone follows it until other opinion is raised; then morality, and other are necessary to man to run his path, during every time, then these superstructures, in conformity of name Marx has given, are necessary to humankind, then everything is necessary so that humankind continues to build that is history, this is time, science, values, religion, discoveries and other, then everything is necessary, and false is everything is nothing or become nothing, because also after centuries the history is repeated herself, in conformity of opinion of Hegel: “The present is past improved”, and we can understand the present with past, nobody, I think, does it, but we can do it, then history and superstructures are necessary also now, then nihilism is nothing, and it is going to become nothing to everytime.

Alessandro Lusana     




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