Berkeley: I confine ray thoughts to my own ideas

During the read of Of human knwoledge of Berkeley(1685-1753), it is a trait about speculative philosophy, and words on title of this trait are significant of this suggest, Berkeley describes phenomenal of knoweldge, and he said that every figure or object are a first presented in mind and after it is knwoledge, but it isn’t idealism or directly ispiration from God, but alone speculative philosophy, because experience is necessary to knoweledge, and threfore every figure or imaginary object is directly from experience; moreover same concept that he tells, this is about idea and knwoledge, is directly speculative, because he has seen first himself and his works on knwoledge and after he has described it, but after a speculative examination on himself, differently from Aristoteles he has, now at least, himself rather other.  Moreover proof of this consideration is a step, he said: “From what has been said, it follows, there is not any other substance than spirit, or that which perceives. But for the fuller proof of this point, let it be considered, the sensible qualities are colour, figure, motion, smell, taste, and such like, that is, the ideas perceived by sense.Therefore every things is perceived by sense, and I repeat this is speculative philosophy, and:Now for an idea to exist in an unperceiving thing, is a manifest contradiction: for to have an idea is all one as to perceive; that therefore wherein colour, figure, and the like qualities exist, must perceive them”, therefore we must see something and after we can knowledge, this is pure reality and no certainly divine will, but, according to a title of Nietzsche Human much human, knowledge. Moreover we can see also a directly influence of Plato:“ …hence it is clear there can be no unthinking substance or substratum of those ideas”, but it is very minority compared to speculative philosophy.

Alessandro Lusana  


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