“The masters of histories…

The masters of histories…, these words are from a manuscript on the 15th century that has history of Trista and Isoct, traslated in Italian language around 80s of 15th century, but this is a evident proof of origin of tells of round table, because this words are very im portant to know thisd originbecause in history of Tristan and Isolt this words may for three time are present, and these Masters are minstrels, this is storytellers that round among cities and villages they sung daring enterprises of knights and gained salary. I think that these masters had also some information about classical literaure, I don’ think that they read it but they had heard some master that sung Aeneid, because written traslation of these histories, is very longe from classical literature but it are next to adventures of Odysseus and Aeneas, we don’t find never same episodes but same spirit and same protagonism of a hero, that has medieval habit, then a behaviour code very different from classical adventures, because these classical adventure are above all on the sea, on contrary knights are on the word, but this changement of landascape is secondary if we consider that origin is same, because also in ancient greek storytellers are present and Homer these have took for his Troy war, then the literary genre of knights is from The Masters of histories. 

Alessandro Lusana 





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