Laus cantoris

This praise for singer of Middle Age is for intuition about source that is present in 
Breton romances; in fact during read of Round table, with Tristan and Isoct and other 
knights and ladies, one characteristic is evident, this is repetition of determinated adventures, this is rides, duels and love in fall; it is very repetitive and also boring, buti t is possible that singer doesn’t other motiveand other adventures? Certainly yes, but why change something very cospicuous? It isn’t very stupid, today is change one stage when it is very well; then singer of Middle Age repeated always same stage and same song because it is likes to pubblic, and trascription of this songs has left trascriètion of same adventures, because these singers in every place and village they sang same history, same loves and same duells, then trascription is always same. Certainly for these singers one respected spectator they have had, this is Bernard of Chiaravalle, that has heard and took these histories and has thought thse models for his Laus de nova militae, this is praise of Templar knights, in fact imaginary knight of this Laus are specular to Round table. Then Middle Age singers had been models for every knight and today we Bring in mind and in habit these customs, we are usually kindle to women and ready for defense of these, same habit that knights of Middle Age have had for women and feeble. Then repeat same stage is motive to strong a model and to traslate to literature.

Alessandro Lusana   


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