Satanic epicurism

 Reading of satanic bible, we can know the Epicurism think, this is a very assumption of dictates that we can find in Epicure Letter around felicity or letter to Meneceus that Epicure started with these words: “Never we are too young or old to know felicity, during all ages is very well that we work for our soul”. Furthermore, he has said: “The goods are, it’s evident, but they aren’t in opinion of common people that wrong always around them”. These steps of Epicure’s letter are very resembling with dictates of satanic bible that says, except existence of God, that felicity for man is to get pleasure and he says: “The wise as he dislike to live he doesn’t fear death…as foods he gets alone better, and he doesn’t choses quantity but alone quality”. Furthermore, he says: “We must remember that all future isn’t our, but it isn’t all not ours. So we can think that it doesn’t happens and we disliked for contrary”. So far, we have considered Epicure, and I am going not to mention satanic bible, but some step is very interesting for some concept that this book expresses; in fact satanical bible says that man is natural creature, then he must follows alone his natural needs, and he must live with satisfaction of these needs, but he is independent from all religion, in fact satanic religion is, if we want consider it with religious meaning, as an atheist bible, because all text is around freedom of man and around satisfaction of his natural habit, food, sex and other; we can notice, during reading, that in satanical creed neither God neither Satan are present as deities, in fact author, this is Anton La Vey, says that man must live alone for independent life, and if he want can makes something otherwise not; he denies common opinions around satanical creed, and other. It’s seems common opinion of Epicure around divinities, that we have seen before, and felicity and future depend by our directly, as La Vey says around satisfaction and our future that we can get now with our work, but without think to future punishment or other that can distract ous to our life that must be like and independent. Epicure says: “The strong knowledge of our desire let that we can chose for our body and our soul, because it’s duty of happy life, and we address every work to it”, same concept that we read in the satanical bible. Feurbach (1804-1072) a German philosopher is present in this book because satanical bible denies every deities, and in fact Feuerbach is mentioned on the step: “God didn’t man but man didn’t God”. 

Alessandro Lusana 




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