Semiotic suggestions

Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) has been a German philosopher that at 1794 written a pamphlet with title Doctrine of science, and he explained some concept very important for a discipline that, after, is officially is named as semiotics, this is study about sign and mean of sign, sign that we, her, must consider with all means, this is it isn’t alone means of language but all signs; this is about a written romance, this is style, style of painting and then his author, that in art critical is attribution, style of architectural building to search name of architect, or about medicine all sign of symptoms, daily weather we can preview a thunderstorm or muggy. This concept we can find, but alone for language in book of Fernand de Saussure (1853-1913), that adopted this concept for language, but he remarked also mean of language and signifying, this is what is mean about a text; an expression that can assumes some mean or other mean in determined contest, then to change all mean of a discourse if we rapport this word to a context. Importance of word and his mean is suggested also by Fichte; a step of Doctrine of science he says: “Nothing proposition is possible without content or without form…it must be certain immediately and for itself; and this means that, except that the content determines his form and reciprocally his content; this form agrees to content and this content agrees to content”, and other step says: “In the proposition The gold is a matter, that we know something is gold and matter…This is an affirmative proposition and this relation is his form…this first principle of Doctrine of science must have form and contest…this must be certain immediately and to itself, and this must means that the his context determines his form, and form the context…This form agrees alone to this context”; these words seem absolutely obvious, but these are ground of semiotic think, because a context is rationally reportable to a form alone; then a word in a text is reportable to a context alone, but if we change context same word is different, then his semiotic valour is changed, then the form and context change every content, but this is semiotic.

Alessandro Lusana



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