Nationalist without nation

Johann Gottlieb Fichte(1762-1814) was a Dutch philosopher that during Napoleon wars pronounced some discourses about qualities of German people and he with aim to incite this people to defend his lands; this is right if we consider that after fight of Austerlitz Napoleon conquered all Europe, or at last major nations. Fichte in these conferences spoken about qualities and spirit of German, he is very nationalist, and we must connect this right spirit to historical context; danger was very next, Napoleon was to doors of Germany, all was serious and condition of Germany was very precarious. Therefore this spirit is certainly opportune and right, but we must also consider that when Fichte spoken a German nation not was; Germany was divided among very much states, and it was unified alone between 1867 and 1871; therefore Fichte, with very much idealism, spoken to a nation and lands that not were; and nationalist spirit is present, with very much sharing, when Fichte spoken about religion, because Protestantism is very good on contrary of Roman Church, and when he spoken qualities that to other German peoples of north Europe are alone copy and not original spirit also to languages. These thesis are very laughable today, because we know perfectly that every people has his history and costume and character, therefore we must read these conferences and considering that nationalist feel begin alone when historical moment demands that a people is ready for to defend his nation; politically every moment is opportune for to uphold a nation above all when it is in danger, therefore this historical moment can justify also the very much exaggerated considerations about to Germany.

Alessandro Lusana  




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