Ancient origin of fableuax
In the medieval
literature, we can find much reference to Latin literature because study of
Latin language and Catholic schools very attentive to study of ancient
literature, it is evident because in schools of convents was studied also Aesop
(6th century b.Ch.) and Phaedrus (15/20 b.Ch.-51 after Ch.); about
first Aesop certainly some his tale was present, although he written with Greek
language, but some translated collection was present although author isn’t
Aesop. These tales have a motive moral merely; in fact in these tales with
animals twice authors tell episodes very strange but with moral teaching, and
sentences that are necessary for to understand what is teaching of history. The
fabliaux written between 1159 and 1170 and 1340, and we know at last two
authors this is Jean de Condé and Jean Bodel, but other are anonymous; on the
contrary of mentioned authors now episodes are merely human, and sentences are
similarities, and teachings are very meaningful; but now adventures of lovers
and punishment to wrong behaviour are present for every men; therefore husbands
betrayed by their wives, lustful priest and lovers that have their perfect love
dream. I think also Plautus is present for write of these tales, because some
mistake is original from Plautus, at least suggested by Plautus. Some tale has
a spirit very laic, some priest that feigns posture of cross fixed, and some
husband that wants revenge oneself with castration because Christ not was naked on cross; it happens because a
husband known that his wife made love with priest. Therefore we can consider
that in Middle age laic spirit was very present and these tales are written by
priest and monks that, evidently, were informed about costumes of convents;
then these tales are social documents, very important for to understand that
sexuality in Middle age was more free than in Renaissance, and costume were
very much free. This document shows that conception about life was, during
Middle age, very free also for religious women and men; in fact sexual meet are
told with very natural behaviour, therefore then it were very natural, as about
other writers of Middle age. The courtly life and elegance costume that we now
consider about Middle age and with formal protocol then was present but alone
in precise contest, this protocol employed, during 16th century, by
middle class that tried of delete his popular origin and took alone formal
behaviour. From 16th century to now this protocol grown about all
social class, today every class wants be elegant and polite, and this behaviour
keeps every spontaneous behaviour; but during Middle age this formal posture
not was, because spontaneous life was natural; the evolution of moral costume
has limited very much behaviour, but we are habited to think that Middle age
was a time very chaste and demure, but truly is contrary this is, about sexual
freedom we today live in Middle age, on contrary the Middle age was very free.
Alessandro Lusana
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