Marcus Aurelius the power of philosophical think

Marcus Aurelius imperator of 2th century after Christ was an example of importance to policy, policy both during Roman Empire and after also; because he adopted his philosophical think and he mentions in his principal book, Memories, all his experience about philosophical think and what he has learned; in fact he employed much philosopher at his time and he written about his culture, but moral culture, and we must consider that word moral, is from Latin mores, this is behaviour and costume, therefore he writes about Rusticus(100-170 a.Ch.) stoic philosopher and master of Marcus Aurelius, Apollonius of Tiana and other. He mentioned them and he remembers that from Rusticus: “Make to me concept that my morals need of correction  and culture, and I no must amuse to imitate Sophist philosophers and don’t write exhortative orations, so that I can excite stupor and success”, and after: “To leave rhetoric, poesy and elegant words as elegant cloth”, and: “During read don’t be satisfied with superficial read but consider with attention all matter”, and by Apollonius to go on with frankness and resolute constancy and don’t vacillate”; during his emperor role Marcus Aurelius worked to modify some moral conception, by now become normal; he thought that slavery was execrable and he given right to slaves and poor, he was a perfect policy man and he was very several to himself but very good with other, and his memories are testify of this think, that he thought and above all he applied to Roman Empire; therefore Marcus Aurelius was perfect coherent to his think, therefore he was almost Socratic, he applied his think to his life.

Alessandro Lusana              



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