What is art
A judge entered in court and he set on bench and he red some pages, after he seen some town of court and he seen in front, and he seen much persons that were set and he asked: “Who are one part and second part?”, therefore one man with white shirt and long sleeve answered so: “I am one part asserts that art is borne for an economical question, and therefore is also an economical matter, because…”and other person by back: “You are lying, art is alone motive of spirit, and economical question is alone marginal”, and first person commented: “You are right, in fact artist lived alone for air, and somebody abused it and died!”, and other person: “Do you have ended shit?”, therefore other person looked intensely and with goggle eyed answered: “I will take off my knife and I will make dissection”, and first person: “You don’t would manage to cut a tomato, also because you are a smear cloth”, therefore the second person took off a knife and he advanced to first person and he knifed first person that rested on feet and looked his hurt and after looked second person, and: “Do you need of red colour?”, and first person: “Do you have it?”, and other: “Yes you can imitate very intense red of Caravaggio, but you must take this blood otherwise it will finish”.  And other painter: “Yes but Caravaggio eaten sometime?”, and first: “It is possible, because usually who doesn’t eats dies, therefore I think that he has eaten during his life”, and second painter: “Therefore he has bought bread and other, or not?”, and first: “Yes”, and other: “Therefore he has gained with his job and his painting, or not?”, and first: “Certainly! But his job was determined also by his spirit, this is his love to painting; question now if painting is alone job or will and ideal; to your think is present gain alone, but art is other also, and you don’t considering it; painting is certainly a job, but first it is translation of human gender and human idea”, and second: “Yes as literature, poetry and music that in fact are arts”, and first: “Yes, in fact arts are alone translation of human spirit, because all is determined by human spirit”, and first: “What do you mean to spirit?”, and first: “It is conception and think of human gender, that is took alone by society, and by human life, by habit that is determined by spirit; every painter has seen around the society, and has took that was necessary , therefore panting is representation of human habit, human gender with his behaviours and expression, that every artist showed in conformity to his conception and think, therefore arts are social document of century also”, and second: “Why?”, and first: “Because a moment has his think, habit and behaviour, and all is representable, but artist takes alone the necessities for a translation of human gender, but it is also a social document that we can hair, for music, see for painter, and tell for literature and poetry”, and second: “It is very philosophical think, but what do we can eat?”, and first: “Art is passion, spirit and all is intended for gain, but it is second motive, because art is alone translation of human spirit; therefore isn’t alone for money, because other jobs are certainly much profitable but men make also other, and our life is also other”, and second: “Other job?”, and first: “You continue don’t understand, not other job, but alone other spirit, that makes arts and sciences, that much towns in the word is very developed but other not absolutely, because is other towns it isn’t necessary, here is necessary painting, music and poetry also sciences but other towns spirit doesn’t thinks necessary it, therefore arts and science are determined by spirit”. Judge closed discussion and also court.
Alessandro Lusana                           


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