I hope that French
revolutionaries forgive me for this resumption of a saying, that here is very
partial, because it should be Libertè Egalitè Fraternitè, principal saying of
French revolution at 1789, but I take these words for other motive, this is
that equality of title is to political men and their strategy; read of Plutarch
this is Advises to political men, is
a book at 1th century after Christ, and are very much descriptions of strategy to policy, first is oratory and
Plutarch gives advises about human gender and his reaction about some character
of people, one exemple, Plutarch when he says about to people and reaction when
somebody wants leads it: the people not
wants certainly to lead by somebody, and is very much if this people undergoes
voice and figure of leader… and: policy
man must ovoid reproaches and scandals because the people is very curious about
his private life besides public life , how he eats, and what he eats, how is
his marry and his loves…; this seems read a new papers today, and for this
question an episode is very remarkable, a Roman political man, Livy Druso that
answered to an artisan that has had proposed to open doors to a late of home so
that nobody sees his live, and this work would be costed five sesterces, and
Livy said: I will give to you then
sesterces if you make my home transparent so that everybody cans look my life;
and Plutarch adds that: “The people looks
also and above all character, thinks, actions and life of men, and their
private life is motive to agree and hate and contempt…I don’t think that
somebody not hated a policy man alone for this character or defect, therefore
political man must be as centuries ago; this is possible because people leaded
by a political man is same to every time and century.
Alessandro Lusana
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