To write a book
was at chair and in front table, he has a paper and he has took a pen; he was
costumed so; this is on contrary write trough computer soon he preferred to
write, rough draft on paper and after copy it on computer; Benedict was a writer,
and his editor would a book, but a book that was very odd, something very
charming, never read and therefore never wrote; his task was: “You must be odd,
and I want sale something that is very odd! Not lose time”, order certainly
much clear. He, when was in his apartment, tried something that was odd; but
very strange, when Benedict was pressed with these orders he successful soon to
his task, a time, like Dostoevskij, he wrote a book among 31 days; his editor
was very happy, he was a creative man and had read very much, varies matter,
except science, that he bragged that around Math and other scientific argument
he was perfectly ignorant, he was a pure litter man, and major problem was that
now he must write a book and he is searching an idea or argument, his editor
would alone a book, odd book, and argument not was important, but the book yes,
and much important. Benedict therefore searched in his culture some argument, a
book around philosophy, not certainly too demanding, a romance, neither, it was
very tiring and boring, libraries were full romance and love history very expired,
usual and by now very terminated. He considered other possibilities, though and
though again, until he has an idea; how is possible to write a book; what a
writer must makes, and what he must consider, but after, remembering taht he
has read, and very often angry which he had for authors very poor, he though:
“I not must write a book around way to write a book, but around not must be
wrote a book”, a handbook for perfect writer, because he has seen that much
writers made same mistakes, long histories often with conclusion very trivial,
or better pathetic, usually and ordinaries; unreadable but some copies the sale.
Benedict then started his draft with an advice: “For writers, hear the words of
your colleague; you must ovoid lovers and passion, histories with common homicides
or political argument, and if you must use this argument take that is
historical, because a romance must be interesting but also explains what is
argument that it is philosophical, historical, literature or other gender, your
protagonist must explains argument, therefore a philosopher must explains a
theory and he must make so that all readers can understand it, otherwise it will
be alone a together of very well words, but useless for readers, because they
must know philosophy and other; the writer must read very much because with his
culture he can explains all with easiness; therefore before that write one must
read. Descriptions, very long, alone for to filled pages are very bore, and reader
will be tired and bored after second pages, you must be concise, and above all
you not must think that reader is idiot, therefore if you give a concise description
reader understand what you are describing, a book must teach and not alone
break the balls, dialogues must be concise and very pregnant for mean, keep some
surprise, for this are necessary study of some movies thriller, you can see how
history become during the narration, for movies scenes are very short, you must
take this shortness and translate it in your tale, little images, but that were
necessary to tale or book, it is better a book of 99 pages but very involving
rather one of 500 pages and it is very bore; you must think that reader hasn’t
time for to read and some concept in a history is very charming, but a long
history filled with particulars is boring and reader loses the mean of history,
because he will be involving among a thousand images that haven’t connection with
history and among them, therefore will be useless”. Benedict took his draft and
lighted his computer wrote that he has though and he has written, and when he got
up and turned, he realized that much persons were back, he asked who were, and he
recognized soon much European writers as American, who looked him and opened a door,
and a writer invited him to entry; Benedict with his papers between hands asked:
“Why do I must entry here?”, and writer: “Because we are entry in history for this
door, and we are also dead”, and Benedict answered: “But I aren’t dead”, and writer
indicated to Benedict to see, and he made it, therefore he saw that his corps was
on the table and he doesn’t breathes, therefore he turned toward door and gone in.
Alessandro Lusana
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